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发表于 2019-10-22 09:06:03
第49篇:一个Career Transition Essay修改的例子
在写Career Goal的时候,写到自己的Career Transition,估计是让所有人都困惑和头疼的事情。确实,尤其是对于CareerChange的比较频繁并且关联性不大的applicants,这个确实是个比较tricky的问题。
下面用一个例子来看看,如何自信的写出Career Transition!
Contemplating my GameSoftexperience, I realized that my role dealt principally with management. I wantedto shift towards the business side to work for a gaming company with more roomfor product development. As a result, I now work for General Electric’scorporate aid and strategy division, which acts as an in-house consulting andfinancial advisory for the company. Although it is not in the gaming industry,I am learning about the complex decisions that a Fortune 500 company has tomake, a crucial skill to possess when I formulate corporate strategies for thegaming company I work for in the future.
1. 这个Applicant的两个工作单位,Gamesoft和General Electric之间的链接非常地薄弱,我们不能很清楚地看到她的职业转换的原因。作者使用了太多的话语,从而稀释了她的决定,及这个决定背后的原因对整个essay的影响。
2. 这个Applicant在写的时候,选择了一个带有歉意的语气,从而让她看上去缺乏信心。
1. 清晰的表达出你做出这个决定的背后的思考;
2. 同时,不要提及不利的方面/负面的情绪(它不在gaming行业了);
3. 并且展示出applicant在之前的工作中学到的东西和她现在需要的技能的联系。
While I learned managementat Gamesoft, I wanted to focus on product development. Consideringstrategy-focused roles so I could get a taste for the complexity and intricacyof improving a company, I now work in General Electric’s corporate strategydivision, an in-house consulting and financial advisory team. I am learningabout capital allocation, operating expense reduction, and expansion strategies,all crucial decisions I’ll make when I lead the gaming company of the future.
1. 首先,Applicant写出了一个清晰且吸引人的职业转换的原因:她在第一个工作中学习到了管理,但是需要为了她的长期目标去学习新的技能。
2. 然后它在没有提及缺点(她离开gaming行业)的同时强调了这些技能。
3. 最后,它用了25%的很少的文字传达了充满信心并且有吸引力的简短描述和一个直接的信息。