综合写作 1,字数:200+但是要少于280 语法不要错
结构: 1. 开头段(R主观点+L主观点) 2. 主体段1(R分论点1+L分论点1+L细节1) 3. 主体段2(R分论点2+L分论点2+L细节2)
4. 主体段3(R分论点3+L分论点3+L细节3) R么有细节 听力才是关键 把稿纸折成丰字~节时 简单模板: The author in the reading holds that..., while the lecturer in thelecture expresses an opposite opinion. To begin with, the author claimsthat ... However, the lecturer refutes that... Moreover, the author believesthat ... On the contrary, the lecturer rebuts that... Finally, the author puts forwardthat... Instead, the lecturer retorts that... 阅读部分Tips:文章全看且写4句话就搞定 1. 找主观点1(开头段最后一句)注意最后一句话(However)然后从前往后看了:留意和主观点相关的词。 2. 找主题句3(主体段80%)注意第一句话(其次最后一句话) 3. 要改写(N改V,主被动)
听力部分Tips:先理解再去记(脑记+笔记)反驳R的主题句or细节! 1.注意态度(开头段:反驳)注意后面有没有细节(*:开头写出时间和解决方法) 2.记关键词(主体段)注意记第一句话后面的细节(脑记+笔记不要听写) 3.听完注意花15s顺一遍大意再打文章(从下往上写) 4.不用改写
1.注意态度(开头段)注意后面有没有细节(出现时间和解决方法) 2. 记关键词(主体段)注意 第一句话 后面的细节 3. 听完注意花15s顺一遍大意再打文章(从下往上写) 4. 不用改写 Reading 知道重点~听力会有方向会轻松 280+--300---------------------TPO41Reading---对听力预测,知道重点~听力会有方向会轻松 R: 主观点+TS Burning coal in power plants produces a waste productcalled coal ash, Xmamaterial that contains small amounts of potentially harmful chemicalsX理解关键. Environmentalists in the United States are concerned about the damage such harmful chemicals may be doing to the environment and suggest that the United States government should create (因为不知regulation干嘛往前看到这句是储存煤灰的)new, much stricter regulations for handling and storing coal ash. However, representatives of power companies takethe opposite view: they argue that new regulations areXunnecessary(听力会说regulation是有必要的) and mightactually have negative consequences. X模板They use the following argumentsto support their position (倒着看快点:先找观点去找对应的关键词:regulation)笔记:regulation X 煤灰 剩下的理解就可以了不记 new regulationX --> coal ash
Regulations Exist !!!!细节反驳3情况 细节中出现 1 例子(such as like+专有名词) 2解释(破折号 定从 同位 括号 冒号)记被解释的词 3重复2+ 例子解释重复 要留意~~ 如果是一个例子写到笔记充2-3苹果香蕉梨3个例子在一句话中。看下会有进一步重复2+解释(破折号 定从 同位 括号 冒号)就记,记被解释的词 ex:liner;没有就记住发音go(因为听力如果针对细节来反驳一定会提到liner)听力预测 - 记被解释的词 ex:liner;因为听力针对细节来反驳一定会提到liner这个词
- 重复2+也是重点:有时针对主题句反驳,有时针对细节来反驳(例子解释重复)
First, power company representatives point out that 1st句 TS effective environmental regulations already exist(主题句出现后做听力预测TS主题句:存在/规则是不是有问题啊??规则不完善等).2rd看细节看重点(这种主题句特别概括它是一定有例子的帮助理解) For example(栗子:如果是一个例子必须写在笔记中,如果是2-3个例子看下后面有没有进一步的解释和重复), one very important regulationrequires companies to use liner— 专名即是例子又是被解释的(后面的解释没什么好说的不会去反驳的) specialmaterial that prevents coal ash components from leaking into the soil and contaminating the surrounding environment. Companies that dispose of coal ash in disposal ponds or landfills must use liner3 重复(会被反驳的!) in every new pond or landfill 重复(方向:听力可能会想旧的有问题)theybuild. (针对听力细节反驳预判想一下old没使用会不会又问题 *听第一句话就知道啦(到底是针对主题句反驳还是细节反驳)) - 主题句反驳:规则存在但是可能是不完善的
- 细节反驳:(第二句话的liner只是解释没啥好说的)针对最后一句话反驳:在新的landfill使用会不会旧的没有使用而这里有问题呢?
- *听第一句话就知道针对什么反驳的
Regu V eg. liner
--> new pond
Concerns About Recycling Coal Ash 危险 人X买 最后一句和第一句是TS Second, some analysts predict that creating very strict rules for storing and handling coal ashmight discourage 受阻 the recycling of coal ash into other products. (笼统了一点 看最后一句话都是TS,最后那句要更细一些)Currently,a large portion of coal ash generated by power plants isrecycled: it is used, for example(要留意,后面记一下专有词), inx building materialsx不是专有词 such as专有词 concrete and bricks一个例子. (没有重复和解释 没有细节可能会根据主题句来反驳的)Recyclingcoal ash reduces the need to dispose of it in other ways and presents no environmental danger.However, if new, stricter rules are adopted for handling coal ash, consumers may become concerned that recycled coal ash products are just too dangerous, and may stop buying the products. 太危险人们一定不会去买的 (预判听力TS1不危险,2危险也会买) 笔记:危险 人 X(不买last=受阻1st)
concern: recycle --> 人X buy
Increased Cost(看了标题去落实什么的费用?增加) 公司for the power companies Finally, strict new regulations would result in a significant increase in disposal and handling costs for the power companies—perhaps as much as xten timesx 阅读里面的数字不管the current costs. Power companies根据第一句话推的 是逻辑链和TS相关!would be forced to increase the price of electricity, (逻辑链 TS是1st,2rd是根据1st推的,因果关系 因为和TS关键词是相关的~)which would not be welcomed by the general public. 电力公司的成本增加所以导致人们电费增加 所以呢不开心 (反驳TS:电力公司成本不会增加 就没有后续问题 /细节:电力公司成本会增加但是电费不会增加诶所以不会不开心) 笔记:Increased Cost+--> 公司+-->人+ 对着阅读听听力 ,听完要整理啊! cost +-->公司 -->人 ---------------------TPO41Listening------ TS分论点(逻辑关系)+细节 12-19的数字 20-90 1880 1990 First, the regulations we have now, for example, those that require companies to use liner是细节里的so细节反驳:旧的有问题, are not really sufficient.不写(只是告诉你针对什么来反驳的哦 但第一段会提到关键词 你赶紧到TS或解释去)Under the current regulations, liner has to be used only when a companybuilds a new landfill or a new pond速度慢写LP心里过一遍知道怎么读 到时去R抄. But companies are not required to add liner to old ponds and landfills. Yet several of those older disposal sites have caused significant damage. For example, the harmful chemicals fromcoal ash leaked into groundwater and contaminated drinking water.We absolutely need stricter new regulations (可以不写按自己话写that will prevent environmental damage at all coal ashdisposal sites, the new sites as well as the old ones)写保证新旧都没问题。 但是前面要写清楚新的会使用liner,旧的不会的。 在新的LP会使用,但旧的LP不用。逻辑关系。/then 旧的有危害+ex细节:leaked into ground water and contaminateddrinking water1 所以要一个stricter new regulations2保证都OK。 逻辑关系+细节 --> liner R: liner-> new P&L // old X ->damage eg: -> ground water X drink w
Second, stricter rules for handling coal ash won't necessarily mean that consumers will stopusing recycled coal ash products(针对主题句来反驳的 和阅读没有用大的关系 只有自己听了). (类比)Let's look at how people responded to strict regulations for other dangerous materials. 1Take mercury for example. Mercury is a fairly hazardous material and it's been subject to2 very strict handling and storage rules for a long time. Yet despite those rules,it's been successfully and safely recycled for over 50 years3. And consumers have had very few 4 concerns about it. So 回到煤灰it's unlikely that consumers will become afraid to 人们依然买5buy recycled coal ash products if stricter regulations are adopted. 1 水银危险的物质 2 受制于严格的规则 3即使如此循环的50年以上 4不担心 5煤灰产品也会去买 才是满分哦类比 是听力经常会考的,先拿出新的东西论述一下它然后再推到我的产品上面去
Mercury--> danger ->rules //recycle > 50y 人 X concern ∴->buy coal ash
Third, it's true that the cost of coal ash storage and handling will increase, but in this case, the result is well worth the extra cost. According to analysts,the cost to the power companies of implementing these rules would be about 15 billion dollars. That sounds like a lot. But when you actually do themath, it would increase the average consumer's household electricity bill by only aboutone percent. That's not a big price to pay for having a cleaner environment. cost 公-> + 15b //average 人 +1% X & eco
听不懂就听2,3遍 然后自己说 听力文本,几分钟 10分钟搞定不用写 归纳信息能力,连词成句,四级单词能力。
(The regulation which is thought to be unnecessary for storing and handig )coal ash is the focus of both the writer and the professor. In the (writng)reading, three possible (theories)reasons against it, including (regulations having exist)the existence of current regulations , the concerns ()about) of recycling coal ash and the increased cost, have been elaborated. The professor, however, claims that all such assumptions are incorrect.
As opposed to the writer's idea/view that rules about handing coal ahs have already existed, (environmental regulations which are effective exist), the professor states that the regulations are not sufficient and new rules should be adopted for all coal ash disposal sites. (Citing the instance of liner), she advances the theory by saying that rules only require new landfills and ponds to use liner, but not the old ones, where( while old landfills and ponds which )chemicals of coal ash leaks in to(may cause damage, such as, leaking) ground water and (comtain)contaminates. drinking water,( don't use liner. So the regulations should exist both new and old landfills and ponds.)TS有了
Second, some analysts predict that creating very strict rules for storing and handling coal ashmight discourage 受阻 the recycling of coal ash into other products.TSR1 last.
it's been subject to2 very strict handling and storage rules for a long time 少了一个细节的我
The professor continues to discredit the writing 's assertion that( people may have concerns about recycling coal ash because of its dangerous property)/ new and strict rules of coal ash will lead to people’s concerns about recycled coal ash products, by examining the fact that consumers are positive towards other harmful materials under stricter regulations/ other material has been use successfully for a long time. In detail, she points that another harmful material named mercuryMercury is under strict regulations for 50 years but people have few concerns about buying its recycled products (, another dangerous materials, has been use for 50 years safely and succeesfully. So coal ash will not cause concerns in public~.)
It's the professor's third argument that it worth the extra cost,which contradicts the view of the writer that new rules of coal ash will increase the electricity cost. ( cost increased made people unhappy, which contradicts the view of the wirter that the cost is worthty and this no influnce on people). To explore deeper/further, the professor contends that even though power companies will pay 15 billion dollars, the average household electricity bill only increases by 1 percent , which is not much for having a cleaner environment(athought increase 50 billion dollars in total, the average price increase only 1% which is not a big price to pay for a cleaner enviroment.^)
An apparent divide exists between the writer and the professor on the necessity of new rules( regulation for coal ash.
1 逻辑~(结构;不断出现题目的key works(就不跑题); 内容相关(逻辑。句子内容/句子和句子相关段落和段落相关))
do you agree or disagree with the following statement? in order to succeed in doing a new job, the ability to adapt oneself to the new environment is more important than the excellent knowledge of this job.
结构:开头60 (3分钟搞定)
1 现象引入(ETS为啥出这个题,因为一些社会现象引发了它思考e: 为啥讨论在新工作中成功的问题呢?因为现在竞争压力特别大啊,如何在新工作中把自己显露出来,这就是现象)
under the fierce competition of jobs hunting, essential elements in achieving success in a new vocation are widely discussed.(现象引入)
2 对方观点
once a person is admitted into a company, competence in a certain field, in many people's opinions, makes one highly conspicuous.
3 自己观点 (最核心)
contrary to these people's opinions is my perspective that adaptability weighs more than proficient knowledge, due to(N) its contribution to 1enhanced efficiency and2 a better relationship.
TS: 因Adaptablilityà果 Efficiency
找分论点:方法1st去寻找Aà推B的两个原因 à怎么搭建的桥梁 =适应能力为什么效率高 Efficiency,去找2个原因。
适应的话 特别快能进入工作中,没必要浪费时间去慢慢熟悉感受,省下更多的时间能投入到工作中//还有什么原因?效率一般会涉及到犯错:如果很快熟悉工作,就不会范很多错误去弥补那样低效的。
*方法2rd 把Efficiency切成两个点说 适应能力保证效率提高是哪两个效率?teamwork 的效率更高//个人工作效率更高
*方法3 把A切成两个点说 哪两个方面的适应能力使得效率更高(一般不用):更能适应工作的环境//流程
分论点1 : Explanation1
分论点2 : Explanation2
例子引入:呼应TS 呼应分论点1 呼应分论点2
What must be prioritized is that productivity in work will be boosted and enhanced, as a result of well-equipped adaptability. TS 首先要注意的是:
分1:有了适应能力就不会花那么多时间浪费时间去适应因此能使得效率更高,t,e本来是用来让一个人适应全新的环境的,这样的te被省下来了,所以能被利用了,就能够更好地concentrate on work,cow就避免了很多的distraction, d是可能会降低效率的)
2initially分1, time and energy ,supposed to be utilized in engaging oneself into a brand new environment, is saved and thus captured to concentrate on work(为啥), (体现productivity:)excluding any distractions that may undermine efficiency分1 时间被省下来了所以就能够被用上来提高工作效率,就能更加关注工作本身,那专注的时候呢就排除了一切可能会使得你效率降低的干扰因素。内容相关:重复TS的词
(接下来解释为啥工作效率提高时间被省下来了好像没啥了。咋办??!JMagic of 3! ABCtime都被省下来!)3Specifically, getting familiar with the working enviroment, such as its location, equipment usage and office arrangement, can cost substantial time without enough adaptability(解释1)
分论点2 是不容易犯错误:4 Moreover, never should we ignore the fact that不能忽视的是 the risks of mistakes are reduced and decreased, improving efficiency in work field.(分2) 5When a person constantly amends mistakes derived from poor adaptability, hardly will he stick to his schedule.(解释)
例子引入:呼应前面的逻辑推理(吃蔬菜有利于健康。比如:蔬菜没有名词就举超市:家乐福超市中有健康食物有...有追求健康的人来买东西。) 3句话灵活安排!记名词
呼应TS 工作效率没有N,公司可以N~: google公司招聘人的重要能力就是适应能力,发现这个能达到要求的人在工作中效率都是很高的(TS),他们不太犯错(分2)且时间管理上(分1)做的很好。
For instance, one of the criteria for Google, a worldwide cooperation, recruitment is the capability and speed of immersing into its company culture呼应适应力具体化逻辑推理, which is an essential element in productivityTS of an employee. 分1For those who are qualified and admitted into Google under such a demand, they are more具体化节时 competent in following company's agenda in office(呼应分1时间被节约安排好具体:follow日程安排而不抓狂); faulty and inaccuracy(具体化分2) is less noticed and discovered as well among them. 把抽象的逻辑概念给具体化。呼应ts分1,2 不总结了
Adaptabilityà Harmonious relationship 为啥:方法2 切了 和老板关系好:表现好欣赏你//和同事关系好,成为朋友了。What is equally worthy is discussing is that a harmonious relationship at work can be earned through a superior adaptation.TS First, better relationship with bosses is established.分论点1为啥:若适应能力强 学的快提意见谨慎,欣赏。To be more specific, adaptive employees are inclined to submit proposal提意见 or discuss at the conference in more appropriate approach更好适当的方法, who tend to establish intense trust with和老板建立亲密的信任 their boss, which in turn guarantees their prospect of promotion反过来更可能晋升(解释1)
Additionally, it is the rapid involvement in the office迅速的融入圈子 that contributes to使得亲密关系 intimate and strong relationship with colleagues.(分论点2)为啥?:Being familiar with colleagues' personality and preference will immediately and instantly engage a new comer into team work and group project逻辑推理完毕(解释2)
例子具化推理 大写
Take an ordinary clerk at Bank of America, one of the most prestigious banks in the U.S., for example. The more rapidly he immerses himself in working environment, the more proficient and expert he will be in interacting with employers and his co-workers,具体 including reporting to executives 上级汇报and cooperating with other co-workers同事合作. Consequently, there is a better chance for him to be promoted.=success》
变形:实在不行的时候: 分1解释,例子。最好不要。
结尾 60(3句话模板: TS1 TS2 in conclusion,...)
improved efficicency in work field, the sole purpose for which new employees strive , will be fully achieved, as illustrated in he example of Google.TS1. Healthy relationship with employers and other colleagues, a vital indicator of success, will be adequately supported, as clarified in the instance of Bank of America.TS2. In conclusion, only with substantial adaptability can new employees stretch themselves in an unfamiliar occupation(=newjob总结)
1 行文结构
2 不断出现题目的keyword
3 内容相关(逻辑)后面具体化前面或者变换同义词or具体化,内容相关了(?:内容相关是最重要的,相关关键词要不断出现在行文逻辑里面)
N, 同位语/插入语/非谓语,has aroused discussions and even debates over 题目的上位概念(现象引入)
1 话题词汇(工作类:work;教育类:education)
2 从题目中选择的中性词汇 (选和AB无关的:大小城市选择:residents。适应效率:成功 激发了讨论。)
1 N为中性词, the foundation of a quality life(好生活的基础)
2 N为褒义词,比如成功,the objective everyone strives for (渴望的目标)
over+1 名词 2 whether引导名词性从句
professional success, especially at the initial stage of one's career development, has aroused discussions and even debates over the approaches of achieving it句子内部呼应. (现象引入)
Competence in a certain field, in many people's opinions, makes one conspicuous成功的相关词突出(对方观点)
- Contrary(adj倒装)to these people's views is my perspective that adaptability weighs more than proficient knowledge, due to its contribution to greater efficiency and a better relaitonship.(自己观点).
2 ..., in many people' s opinions,...
3 contrary to these people's opinions is my perspective that..., due to its contribution to...AT1andB
1 TS1what must be prioritized is that... / TS2 what is equally worthy discussing is that ..
2 分1initially,/ 分2first, never should we ignore the fact that
3 to be more specific,/ specifically,... 4个地方用两个就可以了
4 moreover, / additionally, it is ...that ...
5 for instance,.../ take A, 同位语, as example.
1 ..., 同位语, will be fully achieved, as illustrated in the example of ...
2..., 同位语,will be adequately supported, as clarified in the instance of
3. In conclusion, only+ 状语+半倒装