1.1 关于限制性定语:当被修饰的名词是一个专有名词时,比如the Garamantes,指代一个特定的群体,所以它就不能再被限制性定语细分了吗?
1.2 是除了伴随状语以外,所有的定语或者状语都是就近修饰吗?包括···, as a writer,···这种
2. 关于代词:在语法题中出现的they之类的代词是不是一定是就近指代?如果指代的词不是离他最近的是不是就算指代不清?大家一般遇到代词的问题怎么考虑?
3. 关于比较:在毕出老师的书里看到,这样一组句子:
1)Gas prices were higher in 2002 than those in 1992.
2)Gas prices were higher in 2002 than in 1992.
3)Gas prices in 2002 were higher than those in 1992.
P.S. (与前面的无关)什么时候than I was这种结构中的be动词可以省略什么时候不能省略?
4. 关于平行,只要是同一个主语所引导的句子就都要结构平行吗?什么样算平行?一个是普通动词一般现在时和另一个be动词一般现在时算平行吗?
5. A recent poll suggests that candidates often make statements about an opponent that they may not think are true.
这里为什么 are不能是to be?
6. 关于动词的名词化:
1) That the remains of an old structure were discovered at the historical site helps to redefine.......
2) The discovery of the remains of an old structure at the historical site helps to redefine.......