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楼主: Evelyn_Wang1215
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[梦之队日记] 已删

 楼主| 发表于 2019-5-16 21:27:00 | 只看该作者
Evelyn_Wang1215 发表于 2019-5-16 21:25
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发表于 2019-5-16 21:43:41 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2019-5-17 12:53:07 | 只看该作者
Anniehhh 发表于 2019-5-16 21:43

 楼主| 发表于 2019-5-17 15:27:46 | 只看该作者
In terrestrialenvironments, gravity places special demands on the cardiovascular systems ofanimals. Gravitational pressure can cause blood to pool in the lower regions ofthe body, making it difficult to circulate blood to critical organs such as thebrain. Terrestrial snakesTS)(文章的object,in particular, exhibitadaptations that aid in circulating blood against the force of gravity. 第一段提出现象(结论)
Theproblem confronting terrestrial snakesTSisbest illustrated by(要通过SS来解释第一段TS的问题)whathappens to sea snakes(新事物SS when removedfrom their supportive medium. Because(开始解释原因) the verticalpressure gradients within the blood vessels are counteracted by similar pressuregradients in the surrounding water,the distribution of blood throughout the body of sea snakes remains about the same regardless of their orientationin space, provided they remain in the ocean.(描述SS在水中) When removed from the water and tilted atvarious angles with the head up,however,(强对比出现!将SSsurroundingwater中与被removedform the water对比,来引出TS blood pressureat their midpoint drops significantly, and at brain level falls to zero. That many terrestrial snakes in similarSS被抽出水中的表现和TS不同,尽管orientation相同,因此由这个现象推出结论:TSadaptionsspatial orientations do not experience thiskind of circulatory failuresuggestssuggest后为结论)that certain adaptationsenable them to regulate blood pressure moreeffectively注意比较级)in those orientations.
One such adaptation(进一步阐释这种adaption) is the closer proximity of the terrestrialsnake’s heart to its head, whichhelps to ensure circulation to the brain, regardless of the snake’s orientationin space. The heart of sea snakes can be located near the middle of the body, aposition that minimizes the work entailed in circulating blood to bothextremities. In arboreal snakes(新事物AS), however(强对比出现!将TSheart tohead 距离与AS的距离对比,引发anotheradaption,which dwell in trees and often assume a vertical posture, the average distance from the heart to the headcan be as little as 15 percent ofoverall body length. Such a location requires that blood circulated to the tailof the snake travel a greater(注意比较级)distanceback to the heart,a problem solved by another adaptation.When climbing, arboreal snakes often pause momentarily to wiggle theirbodies, causing waves of muscle contraction that advance from the lowertorso to the head. By compressing the veins and forcing blood forward, thesecontractions apparently improveproblem得以解决)theflow of venous blood returning to the heart.
SS对比bloodpressure,表明TS没有circulatory failure→表明TS是有adaptation进而阐释onesuch adaptation
AS对比distancefrom heart to head→说明AS是进行了another adaption
18. The passageprovides information in support of whichof the following assertions?
(A)      The disadvantages of an adaptation to a particular feature ofan environment often outweigh the advantages of such an adaptation. 没提adaptation的缺点
(B)       An organism’s reactionto being placed in an environment to which it is not well adapted can sometimes illustratethe problems that have been solved bythe adaptations of organisms indigenous to that environment. (SS的循环系统在陆地上表现出的问题,正是TS所发展的adaption克服了的问题,第二段)
(C)      The effectiveness of an organism’s adaptation to a particular feature ofits environment can only be evaluated by examining the effectiveness withwhich organisms of other species have adapted to a similar feature of adifferent environment.文章没有提到如何evaluate effectiveness
(D)      Organisms of the samespecies that inhabit strikingly different environments will often adapt in remarkably similar waysto the few features of those environmentsthat are common.面对相同的水生环境,TS和SS的adaptation不同
(E)      Different species of organisms living in the same environment will seldom adapt to featuresof that environment in the same way.文章讨论的不是同一environment中的不同物种(如湖里的鱼虾蟹…),讨论的是同一物种蛇在不同的environment中
19. According to the passage, one reason that the distribution of blood in the sea snake changes little while the creature remains in the ocean is that
(A)        the heart of the sea snake tends to belocated near the center of its body 题目中说的是SS,而heartto head是在后面AS中讲的
(B)         pressure gradients in the water surrounding the sea snakecounter the effects of vertical pressure gradients within its blood vessels
(C)         the sea snake assumesa vertical posture less frequently thando the terrestrial and the arboreal snake 这个概念是在AS段中提到的
(D)        the sea snake oftenrelies on waves of muscle contractionsto help move blood from the torso to the head 这个概念是在AS段提到的
(E)      the force of pressuregradients in the water surrounding the sea snake exceeds that of vertical pressure gradients within itscirculatory system
原文说的是“the verticalpressure gradients within the blood vessels are counteracted即两者相互抵消,而选项说的是一个超过了另一个
20. It can be inferred from the passage that which of thefollowing is true of species ofterrestrial snakes that often need to assume a vertical posture?
需要assume verticalposture的TS其实就是AS!即AS其实就是TS特殊的一种
(A)        They are more likelyto be susceptible to circulatory failurein vertical postures than are sea snakes. 这个说的是普通的TS,但此题问的是AS(特殊的TS)
(B)         Their hearts are less likely to be located at the midpointof their bodies than is the case with sea snakes.
(C)         They cannot counteract the pooling of blood inlower regions of their bodies as effectively as sea snakes can. 与AS无关
(D)        The blood pressure attheir midpoint decreases significantly when they are tilted with their headsup. 与AS无关
(E)         They are unable to rely on muscle contractionsto move venous blood from the lower torso to the head.与原文语意相反
21. The authordescribes the behavior of the circulatorysystem of sea snakes when they are removed from the ocean primarily in order to 讨论的是SSTS的差异(TS解决的problem
(A)      illustrate what would occur in the circulatory system ofterrestrial snakes without adaptations that enable them to regulatetheir blood pressure in vertical orientations
(B)      explain why arborealsnakes in vertical orientations must rely on muscle contractions to restore blood pressure to the brain 该选项讨论的是AS,与题目无关
(C)      illustrate the effects of circulatory failure on thebehavior of arboreal snakes
(D)      illustrate the superiority of the circulatory system ofthe terrestrial snake to that of the sea snake未提及
(E)      explain how changesin spatial orientation can adversely affect the circulatory system of snakeswith hearts located in relatively closeproximity to their heads这是AS那段提到的内容,与本题无关
22. It can be inferred from the passage that which of thefollowing is a true statement about seasnakes
(A)        They frequently relyon waves of muscle contractions fromthe lower torso to the head to supplement the work of the heart.这是AS的特点
(B)         They cannot effectively regulate their blood pressure when placed in seawater and tilted at an angle withthe head pointed downward.与原文意思相反,原文说在水中可以控制好血压,在陆地上不可以
(C)         They are more likelyto have a heart located in closeproximity to their heads than are arboreal snakes.这是TS的特点,与SS无关
(D)      They become acutely vulnerable to the effects ofgravitational pressure on their circulatory system when they are placed in aterrestrial environment.
(E)         Their cardiovascular system is not as complicated as that of arboreal snakes未提及

23. The author suggests that which of the following is a disadvantage that results from the location of a snake’s heart in closeproximity to its head?
(A)        A decrease in theefficiency with which the snake regulates the flow of blood to the brain 原文说的是flowof blood to heart而不是brain
(B)         A decrease in the number of orientations in space that asnake can assume without loss of blood flow to the brain 文章没有提过numberof orientations
(C)         A decrease in blood pressure at the snake’s midpoint whenit is tilted at various angles with its head up 这个说的是SS那段的内容,而题目问的是AS那段的内容
(D)        An increase in thetendency of blood to pool at the snake’s head when the snake is tilted at various angles with its head down这个说的是SS那段的内容,而题目问的是AS那段的内容
(E)         An increase in the amount of effort required to distributeblood to and from the snake’s tail
24. Theprimary purpose of the third paragraph is to
(A)        introduce a topicthat is not discussed earlier in the passage
(B)         describe a moreefficient method of achieving an effect discussed in the previous paragraph
(C)         draw a conclusion basedon information elaborated in the previous paragraph
(D)        discuss two specific examples of phenomena mentioned at theend of the previous paragraph introduce evidence that undermines a viewreported earlier in the passage 举两个adaption的例子来说明前文内容
(E)         Introduce evidencethat undermines a view reported earlier in the passage

25. In the passage, the author isprimarily concerned with doing whichof the following? assessing what the passage as a whole文章的objection是TS
(A)   Explaining adaptations that enable theterrestrial snake to cope with the effects of gravitational pressure on itscirculatory system
(B)   Comparing the circulatory system of the sea snake with that ofthe terrestrial snake
(C)   Explaining why the circulatory system of the terrestrial snake is different from that of the sea snake
(D)   Pointing out features of theterrestrial snake’s cardiovascularsystem that make it superior tothat of the sea snake未提及
(E)   Explaining how the sea snake is able to neutralize the effectsof gravitational pressure on its circulatory system文章的主角不是SS

发表于 2019-5-19 12:20:55 来自手机 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2019-5-20 17:39:18 | 只看该作者
E.g.There is no evidence of  my brother  stealing the candy.
因为变成了evidence ofmy brother,但很明显句子想表达的意思是evidence ofhis stealing.但若改成There is noevidence of my brother’s stealing of the candy.则很笨拙
E.g.I gave $5  to  the beggar  walking on the street.
此时walking on the street只是beggar的修饰语,所以to thebeggar此时没问题

Compare to的用法
关于compareto/compare with:这两者没有功能上的差别
如果要用这两个短语来present statistics,那么这个句子一定不能再用其他有比较意味的词/短语了
错误用法:twice as much… compared to” 以及 more/less…compared to
这两种结构都是冗余的,因为compared to本身已经包含了“比较“意味,不需要twice as much和more/less这两个短语继续表达比较的意思了
正确的用法:用了compare to后,只需要把比较双方的数据写出来,不要再加其他类似于more/lessthan、N times…之类的多余的包含比较意味的词了
E.g. 29% of American husbands were married to wives with more years ofschooling, compared to 6 percent in 1971.
Providing initial evidence that airports area larger source of pollution than they were once believed to be,environmentalists in Chicago report that the total amount of pollutant emittedannually by vehicles at O'hare International Airport is twice as that which is being emittedannually by all motor vehicles in the Chicago metropolitan area.
A.  as much as thatwhich is being emitted annually by all
B. as much annually as is emitted by the
C. as much compared to whatis annually emitted by all
D.that emitted annually by all
E. that emitted annually compared to the
不能同时用twiceas much as和comparedto,两者选其一用,因此C错了
In the United States, while the number of foreign-bornresidents and their children is higher than ever, the percentage of the populationthey represent is not, in 1910 thisgroup made up 35 percentof the population when compared to 20 percent in 2000.
A.   population when compared to不对 20 percent in 2000
B.   population as compared to不对 2000, when it was 20percent
C.   population,comparing it with 20 percent in 2000
D.   population, unlike 2000, with 20percent
E.  population, compared with 20 percentin 2000
在使用compared to/with时,一定要确保比较双方是应该被比较的quantities
且“as compared to”不对
When compared to”也不对,因为从字面意思讲,这个用法意味着前面这个数据只有被(与后面数据)比较的时候才是真实的,换句话说,这个when容易被人误解为“只有当…时,才有…”
A选项的意思为:只有当compared to 20 percent in 2000,“in 1910 thisgroup made up 35 percent of the population
D选项的unlike用的不好,因为unlike修饰它前面的clause,所以这句话的意思就变为了:“this group” is unlike “2000”;
其次,with 20%不是好的用法

(1)    tags是一对(如both…and…\either…or…等)
(2)    有歧义(这句话可以有两个含义,然后我们要把它变成其中一种)
I can runfaster than my brother.
I can run faster than mybrother can.
I know more about Shakespeare than my brother does.
I know more about Shakespeare than my brother.
I know more about Shakespeareare than my brother does.
I know more about Shakespearethan does my brother.在平行结构中,助词可以在主语之前(普通动词不能放在这个位置)
I know more about Shakespearethan my highly educated brotherdoes. 名词前有修饰语不影响平行
I know more about Shakespearethan does my highly educated brother.
I know moreabout Shakespeare are than does my highly educated brother, does.
不完全正确: 如果助动词和“NOUN+modifier”分开了,那就冗余了。因为助动词和普通动词不一样,这句话中的does如果换成普通的动词是没问题的。但助动词就是用在动词无法做用的时候,比如在第二个句子中的does是不可以换成其他动词的。
Iknow more about Shakespeare than my brother does, who has not studied British literature.
I know more about Shakespearethan does my brother, who has not studied British literature.
Althoughthey are less obvious, termites does significantly more damage to homes thanbranches from trees.
A)  termites doessignificantly more damage to homes than
B) termites do the most damage to significant homesthan do
C) the termite does significantly more damage to homesas do
D) termites do significantly more damage to homes than
E)  termites do significantly more damage to homes than do
E就很好:termitesdo significantly more damage to homes than do branchesfrom trees.符合上面说的把do放在后面跟着修饰语from trees的名词branches前面
如果选项变成“than branches from trees do”那就冗余了

Based on的用法:
(1)     在“Based on xxxxx, SUBJ+VERB”结构中,based on用来修饰SUBJ
E.g.Basedon your behavior last night, I think you are crazy. 这句话是错的,因为based on修饰I,即“I am based on your behavior”,显然没逻辑。
(2)在“SUBJ+VERB+OBJE based on xxxxx“结构中,basedon用来修饰OBJE
        E.g.I’m going to make slides based on students’ submissions. 这句话是对的,因为即“the slides are based onstudents’ submissions.”逻辑成立
(3)在“NOUN+is/was/are/were based on xxxx”也是可以的
Based on the accounts ofancient observers(修饰), historians have pieced together a reasonably accurate picture of theoriginal Greek Olympic Games.
As a child Frank inventedhis own secret code, based on rebus-like puzzles and on thesubstitution of numbers for letters(修饰).
Based on double meanings, subtlehumor, and jokes that only make sense to other members of the culture(都是修饰语), British humor is often completely not understandable to immigrants.
The use of bright red-colored stop signs and traffic lights is based on the well- known fact that red thingsattract human attention more quickly than do items of other color(修饰).

Due to的用法
Due to也是只修饰NOUN,且用法和based on差不多
E.g. I have to stay up allnight due to the presentation that I mustfinish. 错误,因为due to在这里修饰night(不能修饰从句),但这显然不符逻辑
怎么检验due to用的对不对呢?
①   回忆based on的用法,based on和due to的用法是一样的
②   Caused by和due to是完全一样的,因此如果due to的位置可以用caused by,那么也可以用due to,反之成立。
The observation deck at the top of the tower was closed due to construction(修饰语).
Dueto construction用来修饰noun,但它前面没有noun可以修饰;
且用caused by检验一下: The observationdeck at the top of the tower was closed caused by construction.这句话显然也是不对的
Due to thesix-mile-long traffic jam on the freeway(修饰), I was two hours late to the meeting.
I am due to thesix-mile-long traffic jam on the freeway”不符合逻辑;换成caused by还是在说I am caused by the traffic jam.
Because of 和due to的区别:
due to修饰NOUN,而because of修饰整个句子
E.g.From the helicopter, I saw a six-miletraffic jam due to an overturned truck(修饰). 是对的E.g. I was late to the meeting because of the traffic(修饰)也是对的.
但若说I waslate to the meeting due to the traffic就错了,因为due to只能修饰meeting这个NOUN,而不能像because of一样修饰整个句子 “I was late to the meeting”
I was two hours late to themeeting because of the six-mile-long traffic jam, which was due to a brush fire burningon the side of the freeway(修饰语).
这句话后面是对的,因为due to a brush…是用来修饰which的,而which又指的是traffic jam,所以说明due to a brush…是在修饰traffic jam,这个语意是有逻辑的

(1)    这个结构修饰它前面的NOUN,不同于“逗号+doing”结构(修饰它前面一句话)!
E.g.John scored 100 on his most recent exam(被修饰对象),bringinghis average up to 94.
E.g. The national fitness testconsists mostly of body-weight exercises(被修饰对象), includingsits- ups, push-ups, and chin-ups.
E.g. the gym teacher asked us to do threebody-weight exercises, including sits-ups, push-ups, and chin-ups.这句话是错的,因为一共就3exerciseincluding后面把三个东西全给出来了,但只应给出一部分而不是全部;若前面的three改为ten,这个句子就对了

E.g. My cousin(被修饰对象), an account, (同位语NOUN) works in Texas.
①  如果同位语是具体、有形的实体的词,则它一定修饰它前面那个NOUN
E.g. Iwent to the bar with Mr. smith(被修饰对象), a consultant from FresnoNOUN+介短.
E.g. The plover gets its food by cleaningthe mouth of the crocodile, aReptile couldeat the bird at any time.
②  如果同位语是抽象的词
E.g.I went to the bar with Mr. Smith, an outing that was far more fun thanstaying at work.
E.g. The plover gets its food by cleaning the mouth of the crocodile,arelationship thatbenefits both animals.

E.g.On Sunday our company will hold its annual field day, an outing atwhich employees drink beer, play softball, and relax.
E.g.Today's math lesson introduces the direct proportion, a relationship inwhich one variable is a constant multiple of another.

发表于 2019-5-25 20:55:16 | 只看该作者
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