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楼主: Evergrande
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-5-15 02:15:41 | 只看该作者
看了OG RC 部分感觉比较迷茫,觉得他没有说什么就开始进入题目阶段了
 楼主| 发表于 2019-5-15 02:20:09 | 只看该作者
第一篇sample reading 用时3‘26 四道题目,错一题; 打算看看大神怎么总结在开始做做完一次速度和越障训练
 楼主| 发表于 2019-5-15 02:35:21 | 只看该作者 留一个种子,这个是以前大神的速度和越障阅读训练
 楼主| 发表于 2019-5-15 12:31:55 | 只看该作者 留种, 曼哈顿第六版verbal
 楼主| 发表于 2019-5-16 11:50:12 | 只看该作者
chapter 1 and chapter 2 of manhattan RC
 楼主| 发表于 2019-5-16 11:50:45 | 只看该作者
Chapter 1 - Foundation
        1. Find the simple story
                a. The main points that you would use to summarize that annual report in just a few sentences
                b. 4 steps to the simple story
                        i. Oriented
                                1) Read the first sentence or two pretty carefully
                        ii.  find the main idea of each paragraph
                                1) First sentence
                                2) Main point of the paragraph - why was it included in the passage
                        iii. Set aside the details
                                1) Focus on why the information is present
                        iv. Articulate the simple story
                                1) 10 seconds summary
 楼主| 发表于 2019-5-16 11:51:25 | 只看该作者

Chapter 2- Breaking Down the Passage
        1. Engage with the passage - pretend you enjoy reading
        2. The point - thesis statement
                a. Most often found in the first paragraph or the beginning of the second paragraph
        3. Support and Background
        4. Counterpoints, acknowledgments, and implications
                a. Counterpoints - information that goes against the author's point (or at least appears to)
                b. Acknowledgments - a certain point or piece of evidence that does not support the point but that doesn't go against it either
        5. Language clues
                a. Big picture
                b. Foreshadowing
                c. Changes of direction
                d. Detail
        6. Big picture
                a. Introduces or summarizes some kind of main idea
                b. A generalization or conclusion follows
                        i. In general, to a great extent, broadly speaking, in conclusion, in sum., in brief, therefore, thus, so, hence, as a result, overall
                c. Two or more important points or examples are outlined
                        i. First, second, to begin with, next, finally, again
                d. A named person or group holds a specific theory or opinion
                        i. X argues that, X contends that, theory, hypothesis
        7. Foreshadowing
                a. Anticipate the point or other important ideas in the passage
                b. Question in the beginning of a passage
                        i. Author may address in the passage, provide opinion
                c.  acknowledge a valid opposing point
                        i. Traditionally, for some time, it was once believed, it had been assumed, some people claim (believe, define, attribute), it is true that
                d. Possible fix for problem or answer to question
                        i. Statement of a problem or question
                e. New or different theory or idea coming up soon
                        i. Current theory, conventional wisdom
        8. Changes of direction
                a. Indicate contrasting ideas
                        i. However; Yet; On one hand/On the other hand; While; Rather; Instead; In contrast; Alternatively
                b. Conclude a point (author reluctantly agrees)
                        i. Granted; It is true that; Certainly; Admittedly; despite, although
                c. Indicate an unexpected result or phenomenon
                        i. Actually, in fact, indeed, surprisingly
                d. Assert a position after conceding a point
                        i. Nevertheless, nonetheless, that said, even so
                e. Something appeared to be a certain way, but it really wasn't that way at all
                        i. Supposedly, it was once thought, seemingly
        9. Detail - understand why the information is there
                a. Provide an example
                        i. For example, as an example, in particular, for instance
                b. Add to something that was already said
                        i. Furthermore, moreover, in addition, as well as, also, likewise, too
                c. Provide a new example or detail that goes along with a previous one
                        i. Likewise, in the same way
                d. Restate something that was already said
                        i. In other words, that is, namely, so to speak, a semicolon
 楼主| 发表于 2019-5-16 23:27:11 | 只看该作者
5/16 speed practice and 越障训练打卡wall street journal 打卡
发表于 2019-5-25 21:00:58 | 只看该作者
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