topic 52: What change would make your hometown more appealing to people your age? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
What change would make your hometown more appealing to people your age? The answer to the question depends on one's personal experience ,lifestyle and age. As far as I am concerned, the most important thing that my hometown can do to entice people with my age is to build a large big shopping center.I will list my reasons for the point of view.
No issue is more important than the one that a large shopping center will make lives more convenient no matter what kind of life do your have. A large shopping center can provide most commodities like foodstuff, clothes and furnitures and so on, that is related to people's daily lives. Unfortunately, my hometown has none. It is not so convenient to live here and not so easy to go shopping, that is the main reason that people do not like to live in my hometown. So if there would be a large shopping center in my hometown, it would be definitely more appealing.
Secondly, nowadays, people are becoming busier and busier than before. People must try their best to work for living and find a better job in the future.Everyday people live in a rapid pace and want to relax. A large shopping center can prodive people a good place. The beautiful things in the shopwindow can please people's eyes and mind. Take my experience for example, in the weekend, I would like to go shopping , see nice furnitures and take a cup of coffee in the cozy coffee shop with my friends. For the young,a large shopping center can make them enjoy. So it is obvious that people with the same age as me would be more likely to live in my hometown if there would be a large shopping center.
Finally, a large shopping center can make many job vacancies. The job opportunities in my hometown will attract people to live there.
Still, there are many other things that people can do to make their hometown more appealing. However, for my hometown, the best thing is to bulid a larger shopping center. Anyway , different people could have different opinions according to their own situations.
topic 62: What do you want most in a friend- someone who is intelligent, or someone who has a sense of homor,or someone who is reliable? Which one of these characteristics is most important to you? Use reasons and examples to explain your choice.
What kind of friends do you want to make? Different people have different choices depending on their own experience, lifestyle and emotional concern. If I were faced with this issue, I would mainly choose people with reliability. I would list my reaosns for it.
No issue is more important than the one that I can spare my feelings with reliable friends. I can directly talk them about my happiness and sadness without worry being betrayed because they are trust-worthy. Nowadays, there are a lot of things we must take care like the relation about family and job. Sometimes it is not so easy to deal with them and we will feel miserable.The best way to make us happy is to talk with others, after that, we will feel better. Reliable friends are the best persons because they can help you keep your secret.
In addtion, a friend with faith could be more helpful than others when people have some trouble.In the challenging society, everyone might encounter emergencies. The most important help that they can get could probably come from their faithful friends especially for people who are far from their parents and relatives. Their reliable friends would try their best to help their friends. A friend in need is a friend indeed. people can get a lot of fun from their friends who have a sense of humor and get knowledge from intelligent friends, but the reliable friends are not indispensable in their whole life.
Friends play an important role in our lives, and reliability is the most important charactersitic in friends because people can share happiness and sadness with them and get help from them. So when I choose a friend, reliability is the first factor to be considered. Anyway, different people have different choices according to their fondness and personality
topic 4: It has been said.' Not everyting that is learned is contained in books.' Compares and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained frim books. In your opinion, Which source is more important? Why?
It seems difficult to make a quick conclusion which source is more important between books and experience since each one has its advantages and disadantages respectively. However, after serious consideration, books are more important for people to get knowledge than experience. I will list reaosns for it.
No issue is more important than the one that people maybe have no chance to get knowledge by experience, especially students like me. For example, when I want to learn some knowledge about Yellowstone Park, it is impossible for me to reach the park to learn it since it is far from my country and it takes 22 hours to get there , so the best and first method is to read books. And there are a lot of books to introduce the park: history, environment and ecosystem and so on. If your could see that, you could understand deeply.
Secondly, one can see that it is very convenient to get knowledge from books. What people need to do is stay at home, open and read books that are connected to the knowledge that they want to know. With the development of modern technology, the Internet, known as the warehouse of information and documents, makes people read books just in their computers. Furthermore, the advanced audio and video from the Internet can make the books more vivid and help people to remember the knowledge that they are reading.
In addtion, sometimes books can help people to learn more knowledge than experience. Take my experience for example, when I went to the Yellow mountain in China, I could not understand why some common stones that look very usual are listed specially until I checked the books for reasons. Without the books, I would not get the knowledge since I am not the expert who can get knowledge from their little mark.
Of course, under certain circumstances,experience is also very important to get knowledge. For instance, people can not learn to swim no matter how many times they read books. However, everything has two sides. For me, the books carry more weigh for getting knowledge than experience. Anyway, different people have different choices according to their fondness and personality.
topic 20: It is better for children to grow up in the countryside tan in a big city. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay.
The answer to the statement depends on personal experience, lifestyle and emotional concern. If i were faced with the issue, I would think that it is better for children to grow up in a big city than in the countryside. I will list my reasons for the point of view.
No issue is more important than the one that a big city can provide children a better place to learn knowledge. In general, the school in a big city is better than that in rural areas not only teachers but also school establishments. Teachers are well educated to teach children inspiring knowledge. And there are enough establishments for children to learn knowledge and build up their health.For example, shools in a big city often have big libiaries and sport centers, but in the countryside,most schools have none. So childrens can grow up better in a big city than in the countryside.
Secondly, there are more advanced medical establishments in a big city. In city areas, there are a lot of hospitals, so children who live in there can easily get medical services. However, it is not convenient to go to hospitals for childern in the rural areas since there are little hopsitals, not to mention the annual check-up, that is very usual for everyone who lives in a big city.
Finally, children can meet more people in a big city , and that will help them learn a lot of things. For example, children can meet more foreign people, so they can talk with them to learn foreign languages, that is proven by some researchers to be the quickest method to learn languages different from their native languages. Unfortunately, children in the countryside have less opportunity than those in a big city.
Of course, living in the countryside has merits. It is less pollution in a small country. The air is blue and the river is clear. But the advantages that we can get from living a big city carry more weigh than the benefits in the countryside.
All in all, from what I have discussed above, I believed that it is better for children to live in a big city than in the countryside.Anyway, differenet people have different choice acoording to their fondness and personality.
topic 10: When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success. Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
What is the source when people succeed? Some people think it is because of hard work and luck, but others disagree. If I would faced with the issue, I would think success depends on hard work and luck, that are indispensable factors for success. I will list reasons for the point of view.
Fistly, hard work is the prerequisite. In daily life and work, it is obvious that only people who are working-hard can succeed. In the school, the students who get good grades often work hard not only in the class but also in their homework. Edison ,one of the most famous scientists in the 20th century, said 'there is no substitude for hard work'. All his inventions, that are beneficial to all of us, are based on his effort. So clearly, hard work is indispensable for success.
Secondly, luck can not be neglected. Meanwhile, Opportunity(luck) also plays an important role since people were born. For example, no one can seriously think that anyone who grows up poorly, lives in a bad neighbor and attends in an inferior school can have the opportunity equal to that of some more favored. If you could see that, you could understand deeply that hard work is not the only requisite for success.
Finally, people who are very lucky can succeed even though they do not work hard. For instance, in the newspaper or TV, somtimes we can see someone become millionnaires when they accomplish the lottery. In this case, the unique factor for success is luck but nothing. So under certain circustances, it is not exactly right to say that the reason for success is hard work.
All in all, from what I have discussed above, we can safely arrive at the conclusion that hard work and luck are the important reasons for success.
topic 13: Some people perfer to eat at food stands or restaurants. Other people prefer to prefare and eat food at home. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examles to support your answer.
The answer to the statement depends on personal experience , lifestyle and emotional concern. If I were faced with the issue, I would prefer to prefare and eat food at home when I am not so busy.I will list reasons for the point of view.
No issue is more important than the one that it is cheaper to prepare and eat food at home than to eat at food stands and restaurants. It is obvious that food stands or restaurants must make profit, so the expense for food at food stands or restaurants will higher than the price of vegetables and meat that I buy to cook at home. And as a poor student with no income, I can not spend too much money for food because there are many other things I must pay like tuition and rental.
Family time is another reason that I have chosen to put here. Preparing and eating can provide gathering for family . Take my family for example,Whe we eat at home, we can have time to share what we think. The meal time, especially the dinner, is the best time for our family time because we must work and study at the daytime. So eating at home can enforce our emotion.
In addtion, preparing and eating food at home is more healthy. Not only can people choose favorite food for themselves, but they can choose foodstuffs with low-calorie and high protein and vitamin, that is very important for health since healthy food is the prerequisite for long life.
Of couse, I can not deny that there are a lot of benefits for people who eat at food stands or restaurants. The most important merit is convenient: people do not need to prepare food before they eat and wash dishes after they eat. But the advantages that we can get from preparing and eating food at home carry more weigh than the benefits from eating food at food stands or restaurants.
To sum up, I prefer to prepare and eat food at home , unless I have no time to cook. Anyway, different people have different choices according to their personality and fondness.
topic 29: SOme people believe that the Earthis being harmed(damaged ) by human activity. Others feel that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
It is obvious that human activity has changes the Earth a lot. Some people think the Earth is making the Earth better than before by human activity, but others disagree. If I were faced with the issue, I would believe that the Earth is being damaged by human activity. There are no less than three reasons as follows.
No issue is more important than the one that resources in the Earth have been losing drastically. People dig up the Earth for coal , oil and industrial materials. The demand for those resources is more and more because people need them to develop factories and industries. However, most resources are limited and can not reproduce.Those lost resources cause thousands kinds of species extinct! With the pace of exploitation, researchers suggest that resources will be exhausted after 500 years. So human activity makes the Earth lose a lot of materials.
Deforestation is another reason that I have chosen to put here. As we all know, The tree plays an important role in photosynthesis. And the photosynthesis is the process in which trees absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, that all of us need. Without trees, the atmosphere in the Eath will not have enough oxygen for creatures to live. Deforestation is caused by human activity because with the development of modern industries, people need more spaces not only for living but also for industries.
In addtion, human activity makes the Earth full of pollutants . Everyday, there are many pullutants made by human activity like automobile emissions, industrial wastes and oil spill. All of those garbages threathen people's heath and the beauty of the Earth.
To sum up, human activity has damaged the Earth drastically. It is time for humans to know those influences and try our best to lessen the loss. If we could not, what kind of Earth would we have in the future?
topic 3: Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
In the modern society, it is very easy for people to prepare food. Modern technology has changed our daily food drastically. Some people think this change improved the way people live, but others disagree. If I were faced with the issue, I would believe that this change is good. I will list reasons for the point of view.
No issue is more important than convenience. Nowadays, when I want to cook rice, the only thing I should do is to open several buttons in the appliance like microwave , and after several minutes, the rice is ok. But that was not so easy for my mother few decade years ago. She must use coal or wood for stove, and it took 25 minutes to cook rice! The convenience has improved our lives very much, since we can save a lot of time. As we all know, time means a lot of things for people in the competitive society, it means knowledge for students , money for businessman and profit for company. If you could see that, you could understand deeply.
In addition, food that has become easier to prepare can make more favors , more varieties. With the refrigerator, we can cook a lot of different foods in our home. It is very easy for people to perserve enough foodstuffs for their daily lives in home. Since technologies make cooking more easier and faster, people are willing to make several dishes for only a simple meal.
Finally, healthy eating is more easier than before. When people cook, they can choose low-calorie and high-vitamin food. Moreover,people can buy a lot of fruits and vegetables fresh, and just perserve them in the refrigerators for their daily need.
All in all, there are many other changes that those mentioned above. Those reasons that I have explored above can make me draw the conclusion that food that has become easier to prepare has improved our lives a lot.