以下是引用wch2001_akuan在2003-9-1 19:20:00的发言: 帮我改改,好吗?谢谢!
topic 34: Business should hire emploees for their entire lives. Do you agree or disagree ? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Nowadays, some people think that business should hire emplyee for their their lives, but others consider that business should hire employees by contract. If I were faced with the issue, I would follow the latter. I will reason and provide my evidence to support my viewpoint. (这两句稍嫌啰嗦。建议改为:Personally, I prefer the latter. And my reasons are as follows. 记住,简洁流畅的文章人人都爱看。托福作文也不是写得越长,词藻越华丽,结构越复杂,分数就越高。建议你看一下TOEFL作文的评分标准。能否拿高分,关键是看你能否自然清晰地表达出你的观点。从我们备考的角度来看,策略就是尽量用简单的句式,用常用的词汇,当然了,在不大量重复使用同一词汇的前提下。在上面这两句,你倒是清楚地表达出自己的观点了,但显得冗长。)
In the first place, to the employers, it has a lot of disadvantages if they hire employees for their entire lives. As we all know, change will be helpful for developing, just as our bodies, that everyday absorb some fresh water, air and healthy nutritions and get rid of some exhausted materials. (建议改为:As we all know, changes are helpful for developing. Take our bodies for example, they need to take in nutritions and get rid of wastes everyday. 这句之所以这样修改,是因为原句过长,结构复杂。记住,应该写成两句的,千万不要硬捏成一句。否则一来会使句子难懂,产生歧义;二来也是给自己犯语法错误创造机会。写这类作文时,一定不要吝啬写简单句。记住,最重要的是保持文风的流畅。)
It is very natural cycle (语法错误,缺少 a)and do (应该是does)good for our health. Business should recruit some new people and fire some employees sometimes (sometimes不要放在句尾). Of course, it sounds like very cruel (残忍这种词一般不加修饰词). (这句最好改为:Of course, it bounds to hurt someone this way. 原因是原句感觉语气稍重)
HOwever, if business hire employees all their lives, it has no vacant position to hire other more apporpriate people to work (建议改为people who suit better for the job.). And with the challenge of the modern sociery, if business can not make progress, it maybe be broken. (这句反而觉得语气不够重了,为了强调发展的意义,可以改为 businesses with no progress have no prospects at all.) Eventually, everyone in the company including the one who is hired by all (最好用throughout)his or her entire life will lose job. (the one 之后的那部分不太顺畅,建议改为:including those who are hired throughout their lives will lose their jobs. 用复数一方面可以省掉his/her只苦,又可以还原lose someone's job这个词组。否则lose job 可以说是一个语病)
In the other place(这个词组好怪,不常用,建议使用On one hand...on the other hand),to the employees, it will (建议用can,因为这里强调的是功能方面的意味。我发觉你习惯使用should, will。尝试多使用其他的,因为这两者有时会显得语气不够劲儿。哈哈)motivate them to learn more knowledge if they are not hired by their whole lives (建议使用for life,终身,到这里,你已经多次使用了by ... lives,entire, all, whole 这几个词都用了。我注意到了你在努力争取词汇上的变化,这很好。不过换一个结构效果就更好了。).
Imagine that someone were hired by his or her entire life, he/she maybe (might 既然前面用了虚拟,就要虚下去!) think I am safe and would never lose job (这是一个病句,I 改为he/she)how can try his/her best to study more knowledge to improve his/her ability. (这里的he/she实在太蹩脚了,就只用he就得了)If the company where he/she work would be broken, do you think he/she have (has) much opportunity to find other (another)job? So , hired by the whole life will be (is actually) harmful to employees.
In addition, facts can witness many examples. Most famous international companies do hire the employees by contact instead of hiring the employees by all their lives. For instance, Microsoft, that is (可以省略)one of the most famous companyies in the world, recruit some people and hire some employees (可以改为others)annually.
Still, people who hold the same opinion as me can list other reasons to account for it, however, those three reasons that I have expored in tha above discussion can make me draw a conclusion that business should not hire employees for their entire lives. (这段的表述有点别扭,建议改为:Still, there can be many other reasons other than those mentioned above. All in all, it is more efficient for the firms to hire people by contract rather than for life.)
以上仅仅是一点小建议,仅供参考。Good luck with everything!
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-9-5 9:53:29编辑过] |