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发表于 2018-9-12 08:21:10 | 只看该作者
发表于 2018-9-12 08:50:17 | 只看该作者
哪位大神能找到wage efficiency的原文呀~~
发表于 2018-9-12 15:13:29 | 只看该作者
ss-fleur 发表于 2018-9-10 14:40

发表于 2018-9-12 22:52:38 | 只看该作者
楼主楼主 这里有新狗 没在818裤哈 麻烦帮补充一下
发表于 2018-9-13 09:45:44 | 只看该作者
发表于 2018-9-13 15:19:20 | 只看该作者
发表于 2018-9-14 04:11:53 来自手机 | 只看该作者
发表于 2018-09-10 01:28:14
本帖最后由 huajiananhai 于 2018-9-14 02:40 编辑

目录一、 【考...

发表于 2018-9-14 07:38:52 | 只看该作者
The Internet Depression: The Boom, The Bust And Beyond
Paperback – October 16, 2001
by Michael J. Mandel  (Author)

The threat of competition also forces existing companies to invest more in their own business. In an era of rapid technological change, there is another strong incentive to invest—fear. Brick-and-mortar companies were petrified that a would spring up and undercut them. As a result, existing businesses spent big bucks to set up websites, even if there was no immediate way these investments could make money.


In 1982, William Baumol, an economist at Princeton University at the time (and now on the short list of potential Nobel Prize winners), coined the term “contestable markets.” This was the the idea that price increases could be restrained by fear of new entrants: the greater the fear of potential competition, the less inflation.

The prototypical contestable markets was originally supposed to be the airline industry. It turned out, however, that existing airlines had sufficient pricing leverage and power to keep out most new airlines. Moreover, it was difficult in most industries for new entrants to get the financing that would make them realistic competitors.

第一段:介绍competence market的背景知识,说在垄断的市场里,不容易产生inflation,卖的东西价格会偏高。小企业因为很难获得融资,很难在这类市场竞争。常见行业有:金融,XX,XX,xx(第一段后半段都在距离,不用看)。

That changed in the New Economy. In the expansion phase of the tech cycle, rapid technological change and the availability of capital for startups turn virtually every industry into a conestable industry. Retailing, real estate, financial services, insurance, banking, media, software, hardware, grocery store chains, mammoth financial institutions: in virtually every industry, new competitors can come out of nowhere.

一题问为什么inflation在90年代不高?我选的是因为有大量的venture capital available

As long as the money keeps flowing to new businesses, there will plenty of pressure to keep prices low. This may be one reason why inflation stayed under control so long during the boom of the 1990s. When rapid growth is driven by technological change, it creates more opportunities for new entrants and puts more pressure one existing firms to hold down prices.

Competition is also reaching deep into areas of the economy where competition has traditionally been anathema. Real estate brokerage commission, for instance, have long been resistant to change. But a plethora of online real estate brokers offering lower commissions or fixed fee deals have begun to drive down the price of real estate transactions.

比如etrade作为第一个提供低价的on line trading的公司,是因为venture capital的投资使他们可以进入trading这个本来门栏很高的行业。迫使merrill lynch这个最大的broker银行也开始推出29.9的on line trading 服务。所以往往最大的市场领导者不能涨价,甚至需要降价才能保持竞争力。 这种现象还解释了为什么90年代科技经济booming的时候inflation却不高。

The combination of both the new technology and the capital for startups throws fear into existing companies and induces them to either hold down their price increases or to change lower prices. For example, in June 1999, the threat of E*Trade, the lower cost Internet broker, forced Merrill Lynch, the largest brokerage firm in the country, to start an online service that let customers trade for a flat fee of $29.95 per transaction, much less than most of them had to pay before. Charles Schwab, the discount brokerage, had been charging a flat fee for much longer, but it wasn’t until E*Trade showed up that Merrill was forced to cut its prices.

文章是有说到the ability to attract large amount of venture capital makes e-trade successfully compete with 美林。但是没说它比其他公司获得的venture capital更多。

It is important to note that E*Trade posed a serious challenge to Merrill and the other Wall Street brokers only because it was able to raise large sums of money from venture capital firms, an IPO, and a secondary offering of stock. All told, these provided the base of capital that E*Trade needed to be a first-string competitor.

发表于 2018-9-14 19:13:47 | 只看该作者
wpx 发表于 2018-9-11 21:06
这个文档里面有的就有给题目的回忆啊。。但是不全,很全的那种我也不知道去哪找的,可能辅导机构付费的那 ...

发表于 2018-9-14 19:42:44 | 只看该作者
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