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发表于 2018-9-25 12:38:06 | 只看该作者
发表于 2018-9-25 13:02:52 | 只看该作者
主要论述云对于气候影响的研究。云层是导致气候变化的一个重要因素,科学家在努力研究这一影响。AIM好像是一种探测器,被发射到天空中,研究云层中最高层云的作用,TC是另一种探测器,被发射到云层中研究另一种高层云。高层云和低层云有不同的作用,高层云吸收太阳的辐射,为大地降温,底层云吸收地面辐射,为地面升温。科学家普遍认为底层云更重要。科学家发现云层account for differences。。。又有一个新的研究。。。后面居然全忘了???难以置信,对自己绝望。。。
 楼主| 发表于 2018-9-25 13:34:38 | 只看该作者
计时 8min 39s
结构:这个古代的阶层结构是什么,最开始的经济结构,一战前,一战后到1930, 二战后,布雷顿森林体系崩塌,今天,未来展望,非常清晰地讲了一个体系的崩塌如何带来战争和另一个体系的建立的
最早,大多数国家遵循的都是2-class alliance,即地主(land-owner)和圣人结盟,前者赚钱工作,后者证明他们地主的事情合法,商人通过交易赚钱,但是没有社会地位,后来商人因为经济实力地位攀升了,有了话语权,演变出了以商人主导的经济体系。
最早的商人主导经济体系是“硬汉派商人”,即他们通过压迫国内工人,侵略国外掠夺资源来提升本国实力,这个的代表是一战前的德国和英国,这个也导致了一战的爆发;一战后没有国家采用这个了,大家开始像美国一样搞自由贸易,采用“软派商人”策略,强调各个国家间的经济交流,但是由于各国债务差距和其他原因,造成了1930年的世界经济危机,导致德国和日本军国主义崛起,二战因此发生; 二战之后重新建立了新的体系,即tech-soft + sage,大意感觉是强调科技作用,并且重新加入圣人的思想,就产生了布雷顿森林体系; 后来布雷顿森林体系的崩塌,导致了“硬汉派商人”的复辟,代表是1970 年的撒切尔夫人和里根,一直至今,没有建立起新的体系。

 楼主| 发表于 2018-9-25 13:37:07 | 只看该作者
不过700不改名 发表于 2018-9-25 13:02
主要论述云对于气候影响的研究。云层是导致气候变化的一个重要因素,科学家在努力研究这一影响 ...

发表于 2018-9-25 19:23:20 | 只看该作者
DAY7 主旨:
1、介绍了世界上四大快递运输公司,TNT,DHL在欧洲,UPS FDEFEX在美国
8、TNT的商业经营模式和DHL很像,都是要依赖其他参与者的服务,比如机场,航线,运输车,路等。 后面的忘记了
 楼主| 发表于 2018-9-25 20:23:31 | 只看该作者
【速度1-11】今天更新有点晚了,明天午休的时候来读CR: CNN news

计时1 (248 words)

  Mércio Gomes
Mércio Gomes is a Brazilian anthropologist livingin Rio de Janeiro. The opinions in this article belong to the author.
A mixture of deep sorrow, anger and resentment hasswept Brazilians across the country -- particularly in the city of Rio deJaneiro -- with the burning of their beloved Museu Nacional, or NationalMuseum.
The fire started at about 7:30 Sunday evening,local time. It went on until the early hours of Monday, when firemen on theirMagirus ladders sent enough water gushing out into what seemed to be asacrificial bonfire to control the last of the flames.
By Monday morning, when I visited the site, thefiremen were busy trying to enter the huge, early 19th-century neoclassicalbuilding to start gauging the extent of the destruction. For all we know,everything may have been burned to ashes.
Looking out over the building, its outer walls,though marked with ash, seem as tall and imposing as ever. But images frominside the museum show that the windows are all smashed, and the inner wallslook practically carbonized. Thick volumes of charred wood, ash and debris --from the collapsed roofs and burnt artifacts -- still smoldered on the floor, ahorrifying testimony to the utter destruction of the museum.
Throughout the night, millions of Brazilians wereglued to the news, mesmerized in horror and dismay as they watched thedestruction of, perhaps, the most impressive colonial-era building Brazil hasbeen able to maintain.

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But then, as if searching for something lessdistressing to say, some of the museum's researchers and clerks roamed about infront of the
building giving interviews to the press and revealing what they'dbeen able to save from the exhibition rooms and annexes before the
fire movedin -- deep drawers filled with sheets of pressed flowers and leaves, a fewsmall meteorites and, thank God, the library of one of the
departments that wasleft unscathed. Oh yes, and no one -- not even the four security guards whowitnessed the beginning of the fire -- has
been reported injured.
This morning, I watched a crowd of students visitthe museum, eager to enter as if to throw themselves into the ashes. Afterskirmishes with the police, the protesters stood outside the building shoutingangry slogans and criticizing the federal government and the currentadministration. They demanded punitive action against those responsible forwhat they see as disgraceful political and administrative neglect.
Nobody yet knows the cause of the fire, but it isofficials' irresponsibility, funding shortages in particular, which is beingblamed for this tragedy.
Everyone has their preferred culprit in thisnational disgrace. With Brazil just weeks away from a general election, thismood of mutual accusation has, to use an ironic metaphor, flooded the nationlike a tsunami.
It's notonly politicians, the federal government, the Ministry of Culture oradministrators at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (which the museum istied to) -- virtually everyone is to blame. And everyone feels part of thelarger cultural mechanism that has produced an attitude of carelessness and abasic incapability to keep an institution like the National Museum in a stateof good repair.

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We Brazilians have lost much ofthe material memory of our short past. A good part of our 518 years of history-- or that which had been
transformed into storable objects and could be seenby all -- disappeared in just a few hours.
Perhapswe can, in a decade or so, reconstruct the museum and reconstitute part of itscollections of scientific objects, memorabilia and curios to once againentertain the children who flocked to see them. It is, after all, the childrenof Rio de Janeiro and other cities around it who are the ones to suffer themost for this loss.
The people of Rio de Janeiro were fond of takingtheir sons and daughters, grandchildren or a pack of nephews and nieces to themuseum to show off their knowledge of odd-looking mummies brought in from Egyptby the Emperor Dom Pedro II, a huge skeleton of a humpback whale looking like aribbed torpedo, or the brightly iridescent green and yellow feathers of aKayapo headdress.
Never to be seen again are, perhaps, those oldfuneral urns unearthed from the island of Marajó at the mouth of the AmazonRiver, or the museum's collection of arachnids and insects stored infunny-shaped, smudged glass containers.
When I think that I can no longer take my youngestdaughter or grandson to the Museu Nacional -- that is what gets me emotional.It is this sorrow that has penetrated our souls and may leave Braziliansfeeling empty and forlorn for a long time to come.

计时4 (270 words)

Dads cherish Sweden's parental leave
Whenphotographer Johan Bavman became a father for thefirst time, he took more than a passing wonder about how his native Sweden issaid to be the most generous nation on Earthfor parental leave.
He immersed himself in fatherhood -- twice over, you might say.
Heused his photography to document the real-life experience of other fatherstaking full advantage of Sweden's extraordinary program, which allows mothersand fathers to take long, long leaves from their careers so they can care fortheir newborns.
Getthis: Sweden grants a total of 480 calendar days of parental leave, with 390 ofthem paid at 80% of income, with a maximum of 3,160 euros a month or $3,474.The remaining 90 days are paid at a flat-rate benefit of 20 euros a day, or$22.
Butthere's a catch. Fathers have to share that leave with mothers.
So to promote both parents to raise their children, Swedenhas mandated that 60 of the 480 days be "daddy months" or"partner months." If the 60 daddy days aren't used, they are lost,reducing the maximum leave to 420 days.
The country also created a "gender equality bonus": the moredays that parents share the leave equally, they get a bonus that could total upto 1,500 euros, or $1,649.
The idea is for both parents to share the joys and struggles ofraising infants.
In reality, only 12% of Swedish couples equally share the 480 days ofleave, Bavman said, with women continuing to lead the way as the stay-at-homeparent and men as the careerist.

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Still, Bavman mused last summer about how the policy impacts those men whouse the full measure of their parental leave.
At first, Bavman had difficulty finding such men.
But the fathers he did find and photograph, he captured their devotion inrealistic imagery.
"I realized while I was talking to these dads, these dads are struckby how important the bonding is between you and the children," saidBavman, who now has a 3-year-old son, Viggo, with partner Linda Stark, afreelance journalist.
"I didn't want to bring out fathers as superdads," Bavman said."I wanted to bring out these role models which people can connect to.
"I want to have those dads who can also show their tiredness ...which comes with being home with your children. It's a hard full-time job. Thisis something that we have been taking for granted for hundreds of years. Thisis something that mothers have never been recognized for."
He also found moments of humor, with one child nearly ripping apart theshirt of his busy father.
The fathers have become more understanding of their wives and even theirown mothers, Bavman said. Some are now considering a career change toaccommodate their parenthood.
"Being home nine months, they get time to think about theirlife," the photographer said.
Bavman is looking for a total of 60 fathers to photograph, to culminate inan exhibition and a book.
So far he's found 35 worthy of his lens.

 楼主| 发表于 2018-9-26 11:02:37 | 只看该作者
(734 words)  CR :TIME 2012.8.27  Commentary

PaulRyan's Grand Vision
Republicans and Democrats tendto go about the business of building presidential tickets in different ways.Ever since John Kennedy, Democrats have had a weakness for dashing younger menlike Bill Clinton and Barack Obama and, I suppose, Jimmy Carter. They balancetheir tickets with senior statesmen--Lyndon Johnson, Joe Biden, Walter Mondale.(Al Gore was young but played ancient.) Republicans do the opposite: with theexception of Bush-Cheney, they select a senior statesman as their presidentialcandidate and a dynamic, young and often ideological type for No. 2. RichardNixon was a ripe old 39 when Dwight Eisenhower chose him, Dan Quayle was 41,Sarah Palin was 44--and now Paul Ryan, 42, is the perfect picture of atraditional Republican Vice President.
(PHOTOSaul Ryan's Life and Career)
Butthere is something radically different about the Ryan pick, something I'venever seen before. This presidential campaign is now, substantively, all abouthim. That was sort of true of Palin, but her disastrous insubstantiality,not her beliefs, was the issue. This time, the maddeningly vague Mitt Romneyhas effectively outsourced his job as intellectual leader of the ticket to hisoccasionally specific junior partner. Romney seems to have mixed feelings aboutthat, flipping another flop on the Ryan budget, which he once called"marvelous" and now has walked away from, saying he's going to comeup with a budget of his own one of these days. Romney also had a fair amount oftrouble describing his view of Ryan's plan to voucherize Medicare. The Ryanpick may have energized the Republican base, but Romney remains the same oldawkward, evasive Romney.
Andso we seem to be headed for a campaign of ideas--Ryan's ideas--and that may ormay not be a good thing. Yes, it's important to have a ground-zero discussionabout the sort and size of government we want to have. The trouble with Ryan'sdeep thinking on so many of these issues, though, is that it's not very deep atall. He lives in a libertarian Disneyland where freedom is never abused, wherethe government is an alien entity whose only function is to flummox thecreative
intelligence of übermenscheslike Ayn Rand's hero, the architect Howard Roark. It is remarkable and,frankly, a bit terrifying that this puerile vision has become the operatingphilosophy of the Republican Party.
Worse,some of Ryan's most important ideas have been tried and proved failures. Ryanhas produced various plans, proposals and two actual federal budgets, and theyall have one thing in common: they cut taxes drastically. In his 2011 budget,which he sent to the Congressional Budget Office for scoring, he estimated thatdespite the drastic cut in rates, the revenue would remain the same as apercentage of gross domestic product. This is supply-side economics, theutterly uncorroborated theory that the less people pay in taxes, the morethey'll produce. Ryan's mentor Jack Kemp sold Ronald Reagan on it in 1980. Theresult was such a huge hole in the federal deficit that in 1982, Reagan wasforced to come back with one of the largest proportional tax increases inAmerican history. Supply-side tax cuts didn't work for George W. Bush either.By contrast, Clinton raised taxes and the economy boomed. Who knew?
In Ryan's 2010 budget, all taxeson capital gains were lifted. By this standard, according to the Atlantic,Romney would have paid a tax rate of less than 1% in 2010, the only year forwhich we have his returns. In some of his proposals, Ryan has replaced thecapital gains tax with a sales tax, or VAT, which would have the perverseeffect of raising taxes on the middle class and poor while lowering them forthe rich. In Ryan's world--in Rand's fantasy--average folks are taxed becausethey haven't had the good sense to become wealthy.
Becauseof the hilariously inappropriate tax cuts, Ryan's budget doesn't reduce thedeficit very quickly, but it is imbalanced on the backs of the poor andelderly. I believe that poverty is often the result of inappropriatebehavior--out-of-wedlock births, dropping out of school, crime and drugs--whichshould not be rewarded. But often it isn't, and common decency requires that wetake care of the least of these. Ryan's Medicare proposal is Exhibit A when itcomes to his casual inhumanity: he would force the elderly, many of whom areaddled and decrepit, to make market choices in one of the most complicated,opaque markets around. Ryan's Medicaid proposal would eviscerate long-term care forthe elderly poor. Republicans whine about class warfare, but what is this? Itis a reversion to a more brutal, less humane state of nature. It is an"idea" whose time has gone.

发表于 2018-9-26 12:18:55 | 只看该作者
发表于 2018-9-26 13:50:34 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2018-9-26 15:25:02 | 只看该作者
Wilma_dc 发表于 2018-9-26 13:50

我也是的,开心呀! 话说Wil 你是啥时候考,我之前听你说是这个月来着
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