gas prices were higher in 2007 than those in 1997.
right-hand element = "[gas prices] in 1997"
(meaning of the pronoun is obvious, i hope)
we want to compare prices, so the set-up is ok
nothing works on the other side. we need "gas prices in 2007" (in one piece), but only "gas prices" is there.
6.In the UnitedStates, while the number of foreign-born residents and their children is higherthan ever, the percentage of the population they represent is not; in 1910 thisgroup made up 35 percent of the population when compared to 20 percent in2000. A.population whencompared to 20 percent in 2000 B.population ascompared to 2000, when it was 20 percent C.population,comparing it with 20 percent in 2000 D.population,unlike 2000, with 20 percent E.population, compared with20 percent in 2000 正确答案:E
也就是In 1910 this group made up 35 percent of the population, compared with 20 percent in 2000 这句话又是对的
RON的解释是:比较对象是20 percent和35 percent,所以没问题
但是我在自己做题的时候,用RON的方法,先看marker右边,是20 percent in 2000,所以我认为比较对象是“2000年的20%”和“1910年的35%”。再找到左边,in 1910和35 percent被割裂了,作比较的只有35 percent,所以按照RON帖子里举的例子,这应该是错的呀???