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[申请总结] 看了一篇中介的PS,typical bad example. FYI everyone.

发表于 2018-7-8 02:44:37 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
最近有一个学生发了中介给ta的PS。One of the worst PSs I've ever seen.  Attached here FYI.  Don't get screwed by these incompetent people.

The kid was applying for BA.  Appearently the agent used a finance program PS and simply modified a few points.  Didn't give her until the night before the deadline.  How typical.

偶然看到国内某中介发来的一篇PS,模板的痕迹算得上比较明显和典型了,张贴出来供同学们参考 / 避免类似误区:


As an honours student in高亮部分为模板 the BSc(Hons与前面的Honours重复)Finance, Accounting & Management at XXX University, I am aiming for a first classhonours第三次出现 degree, and have achieved a grade average of 78% in my penultimate year(this is a comfortable first class第二次出现 grade, with 70% beingthe threshold)正式文书中尽量避免这种括号内解释. The majority of mystudy has been conducted on the XXX, China campus, with a one-semester exchangeto XXX’sXXX campus (where I achieved a semester average of 80%).
学生成绩不是特别的好但是模板如此中介也没有去改,78分很难说是honours student吧。即便真的如此也比较难让学校相信,更遑论加了一个括号显得很着急的解释为什么78能够是荣誉,意思是同学分比我更低,有点此地无银三百两了。第二个问题就是重复用词用句较多。
Having also successfullypassed 9 courses for the Association of CharteredCertified Accountants (ACCA),一个语法问题是having的动作发出者应该是I而不是mycareer aspiration,但是这个伴随用法的主语在此是一个物而非人,意思就成了my career aspiration has passed 9 exams了my career aspiration is to use my accounting and financeknowledge to enter thereal estate sector没有解释对房地产感兴趣的原因,大概是因为申请的是房地产的Master项目吧。如果申请的是别的领域把填充部分换掉就可以了. I am attracted to theMSc Real Estate Economics and Finance at LSE because of the reputation for cutting-edge research andteaching method that integrates academic economic and financial analysis andresearch into the application of the real estate markets studies. 把LSE换成别的学校,把real estate换成别的行业这些赞美学校的话依然成立,即所谓“放之四海而皆准”的话,实则对学校而言没有吸引力因为没有展示你做的homework,没有看到你对学校独特之处有什么了解。

I have been carefully developing my knowledge of both investment valuation(including free cash flow and residual income valuation) again, 正式文书中不建议使用这种括号内解释,显得很随意。况且including本身就可以接在valuation之后,不知道为什么中介要搞一个括号and portfolio theories. I am also developing同样的词语短期内不建议重复使用,显得词汇匮乏。你可以说learning, gaining等等 a knowledge of theadvanced use of Excel, including programming Excel’s functionality using VBA. Inmy work on valuation exercises, I have been using Benninga (2014), and for my valuation work I have beenreferring heavily to Koller et al. (2015).In the accounting literature on valuation, I have also developed a familiaritywith the Ohlson approach toresidual income valuation using clean surplus accounting (Lev & Ohlson,1982; Ohlson, 1995; Ota, 2002).绿色高亮部分是我觉得全文最奇怪的,因为商科申请不同于自然科学的PhD项目申请,我不认为学校会看到你像写论文一样做各种文献的citing就觉得impressed,相反,我认为学校会觉得很哗众取宠——试问这个申请人真的懂得这些论文和其中的 理论吗还是只是为了写文章而找了几个和财务会计相关的文章然后很“严谨”地放到这里来表明自己很sophisticated?我感到这一段很像申请物理化学等自然科学的PS里面摘出来的表明自己学术很牛的一段——在商科申请中课程的分数比这样煞有介事地引述文献要有说服力。最后文章还真的列出了文献和出处,充满了邯郸学步的喜感——如果你没有使用别人的理论作为基础进行推论,文献和出处真的需要像论文一样在一篇申请的PS中这么陈列么?
Aside from my interest in valuation and finance, I hope to focus mainly onfinancial related applications of the real estate market 依然没有说对房地产感兴趣的原因withinthe MSc, and so am这个和主语隔很远的be动词显得有些奇异了,我会建议说and so I’m specifically specifically interested in the modules复数?单数?Real Estate Finance and Real Property Market Practice. Combining this with the Asset Markets module will give me skills needed for my futurecareer in the real estate sector, 前面需要not only这里才能比较自然地使用but also but will also help to prepare me for my dissertation work一般而言dissertation指的是很深入的研究论文,大多数情况下是博士论文,本科硕士的论文用thesis即可, as I hope to perform a study in the area ofMarket-Based Real Estate Asset Research. This is an area that I feel is important for the currentmarket and economic trend, but is also intrinsically interesting as a topicarea这个topic和area意思重复了. As I develop my awareness of the various empirical issuesthat I need to grapple my reading of McDonald and McMillen’s UrbanEconomics and Real Estate, Theory and Policy (Blackwell, 2011), I am gradually exploring potential ideas for my MSc dissertation.这一段还是想显示自己理论功底很牛,又加了一本书的名字,不见得申请人真的知道这个书讲什么。然后最大的问题其实是文章说申请人对某个特定的领域有研究兴趣,但是没有能够说明ta为什么对这个领域感兴趣,后三行的高亮部分无论是用于哪个领域的研究都可以这么说的,所以有较大的模板的范儿。
缺乏段与段之间的承上启下,上面一段做得还不错,这里突然跳到internship去了比较突兀Ihave completed an extended summer internship in CGP Investments in the summer前面已说summer internship了这里显得重复 of 2017, a fund offunds manager with investments in excess of RMB 70 billion. This company has invested in over100 venture capital and private equity funds, and offers investment managementand consultancy services to government agencies and high net worth individuals.文书中尽量不要说和你没有太大关系的事情——这个公司有多牛、提供什么服务,如果学校想知道他们会去查的,浅蓝色高亮部分是从官网来的,虽然做了精简,还是比较浓的Wikipedia的风味。

黄色部分是楼主觉得很像模板的、可以各种学校各种项目都套用的,红字部分是楼主的一些notes。学生的学校城市等个人信息已隐去。楼主会逐步更新,把近两年看到的中介写文书的常用手法 / 存在的问题介绍一下,欢迎大家讨论、点评和发表建议。


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发表于 2018-7-8 05:33:39 | 只看该作者
典型的模板文章 一点自己的东西都没有
但是就这样中介还能赚到钱 不得不说傻子太多
 楼主| 发表于 2018-7-8 06:49:14 来自手机 | 只看该作者
zhangyuchen1994 发表于 2018-7-8 05:33
典型的模板文章 一点自己的东西都没有
但是就这样中介还能赚到钱 不得不说傻子太多 ...

 楼主| 发表于 2018-7-9 07:36:44 来自手机 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2018-7-9 10:59:10 | 只看该作者
发表于 2018-7-9 15:18:18 | 只看该作者
发表于 2018-7-10 10:52:24 | 只看该作者
发表于 2018-7-10 15:33:32 | 只看该作者
发表于 2018-7-10 23:08:13 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2018-7-10 23:45:12 | 只看该作者
润玲pengpeng 发表于 2018-7-10 10:52
文书质量真的很一般。那个大学成绩78分,应该是海外学校的中国分校吧,所以成绩确实还不错的,可惜文书表达 ...

原来如此,受教了!确实是英国学校的中国分部,为何78就很好了呢(假设满分是100的话)—— 难道是英国学校都只给80分的吗?
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