求教各位大神一个关于修饰语的问题is in the middle of the belt of asteroids that orbit the Sun between Mars and Jupiter.
像这半个句子,that orbit the sun 是用来修饰belt 还是修饰asteroid的呢。 那between Mars and Jupiter是就近修饰Sun的呢,还是修饰belt of asteroid的呢。 这里有点懵,请大神指点一下。谢谢大神了
is in the middle of the belt of asteroids that orbit the Sun between Mars and Jupiter.
is in the middle of the belt of asteroids, which is orbit the sun and which is between Mars and Jupiter.
比如:I put the books on the table that in the middle of the room that at the end of the corridor. 这种定语从句套定语从句的形式OG上很多见,第一个定语从句是一个modifier,第二个也是Modifier,然后the second modifier modifies the first one.