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楼主: Doris707
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 楼主| 发表于 2018-2-23 11:20:20 | 只看该作者
比较题怎么操作。不管是than,是as … as …,还是twice之类的词,方法都是统一的:
1. 看到comparison indicator: e.g.“than”, “as… as…”
2. 找到紧接着这个indicator后出现的比较对象B
3. 在这个indicator前面,寻找B可能的counterpart – A,要求A与B的parallelism关系符合语法和逻辑两方面的要求。这样的A是否存在且唯一?

 楼主| 发表于 2018-2-23 11:25:29 | 只看该作者

认识你自己。。。这也是在看了无数心经却一度迷茫后自我感悟到的,如果有什么建议给未入门同学,那就是先别看什么教材选择、复习计划。而是通过信息或者模考去思考 GMAT或者说商学院要什么,你有什么,还缺什么,如何弥补。再由此确定复习长度。别相信什么战线过长伤不起,有些东西的弥补未必一定是靠G相关材料
——by bluether (#58)

在我看来,很多GMAT CR题目都是有逻辑背景的,就那么几个themes——
correlation VS. causality
# vs. %
sample average vs. sample distribution
各种sample-selecting bias (例如:survivorship bias, self-selection bias, self-reporting bias)
past vs. future  (look-ahead bias)
false comparison/analogy
necessary vs. sufficient
faithful representation of indicators (诸如”claim to be”≠actually be; Rule/law in place ≠ compliance to the law/rule;  false  positive/negative; …)

 楼主| 发表于 2018-2-23 16:38:06 | 只看该作者
34.        Lackinginformation about energy use, people tend to overestimate the amount of energyused by [url=]equipment[/url], such as lights, that are visibleand must be turned on and off and underestimate that [AE1] used by unobtrusive equipment, such aswater heaters.
[url=](A)          equipment,such as lights, that are visible and must be turned on and off andunderestimate that [/url]
[url=](B)         equipment,such as lights, that are visible and must be turned on and off andunderestimate it when[/url]
[url=](C)          equipment, such as lights, that is visible andmust be turned on and off and underestimate it[/url] when
(D)          visible equipment, such as lights, that must beturned on and off and underestimate that
(E)          visibleequipment, such as lights, that must be turned on and off and underestimate [url=]it when[/url]

Parallelism; Agreement

[AE2]“that are” doesn’t agree with the single subject “equipment”; “thatare visible” is not parallel to “unobtrusive”

[AE3]“that are” agreement problem; “that are visible” parallelproblem;”it when used by” is not parallel to “the amount … used by”.

[AE4]The same problem as B

[AE5]“it when used by” is not parallel to “the amount … used by”

我对比了D和E,最后选了E,认为it指代the amount use of energy,underestimte it when used by U的意思是when used by U, people tend to underestimate the amount use of energy
为什么that可以和the amount of energy平行,it when不可以?
解释:The key point to remember is that when we are referring to the "something" that was mentioned earlier, then we must use "it" and when we are referring to the something similar or copy of that "something" then we must use "that".
In the above question, "it" will refer to the "amount of energy used by visible equipment" whereas "that" will refer to just "amount of energy".
本题中,the amount of energy used by E和the amount of energy used by U不是同一个东西,所以不能用it

 楼主| 发表于 2018-3-4 11:39:29 | 只看该作者
that , one的区别:
I. one只能代替可数名词单数, 代替可数名词复数时用ones; that既可以代替不可数名词也可以代替可数名词单数, 代替可数名词复数时用 those。
II. one既可代替事物, 也可代替人, that只能代替事物而不能代替人。
 楼主| 发表于 2018-3-8 14:05:52 | 只看该作者
(1)being在以下情况必错:1>n+being done;2>n+being n/adj;3>there being
(2)you should NEVER start a modifier with "being". in any such modifier, you should always be able to eliminate "being".(以及表达IDENTITY or CHARACTERISTICS时是错误的
  • Being aavid gamer, Jim plays everyday     - Incorrect
  • A avid gamer, Jim plays everyday     - Correct
  • Being veryreluctant to do X, Jim...    ----Incorrect
  • Very reluctant to do X,Jim..      .-Correct

The one time when "being" is grammatically necessary is when having a property is the idea you are trying to describe  描述属性、特性、性质的时候
例如:Being tall is helpful for basketball players.

这也是极特殊两种being可以视为语法正确的结构:1>动名词 2>进行时的被动语态(eg. Sth is being done

Many modifying phrases in GMAT sentences are separated by commas from the noun being modified. 被动
Once you find a comparison, identify the two parts of the sentence that are being compared to each other.被动
Whenever you see one of these four words, stop and find the two items being compared.
In the first clause Hugo is being singled out from among a group {our. .. employee(s)), so we must use a superlative {best) to modify employee.

WHILE BEING a child, I delivered newspapers. wrong
AS BEING a child, I delivered newspapers. wrong

BEING infected does not make you sick.
The judges saw the horses BEING led to the stables.

BEING an advocate of reform, I would like to make a different proposal.
Note: The word BEING is often wordy or awkward.

(3)Having必错:1>n+havingdone;2>n+havingbeen done,即不可用做限定性修饰
(4)Having done 和 having been done都不是动名词,因此不能充当名词成分。
(5)Having done可以做非限定性修饰,短语中表达的内容发生在主句动作之前。
(6)When having done 结构一定错,因为不应该有 when。单是 Havingdone 就够了。原因是 havingdone 是过去,而 when 是当时,所以有冲突。同样的after having done也是错误的结构(同理的after/before A do sth.when B do sth.或者after/beforewhen,这样的结构都是不好的。)

 楼主| 发表于 2018-12-25 15:21:07 | 只看该作者
It is an odd but indisputable fact that the seventeenth-century English women who are generallyregarded as among the forerunners of modern feminism are almost all identifiedwith the Royalist side in the conflict between Royalist and Parliamentariansknown as the English Civil Wars. Since Royalist ideology is often associatedwith the radical patriarchalism of seventeenth - century political theorist Robert Filmer - a patriarchalismthat equates family and kingdom and asserts the divinely ordained absolutepower of the king and, by analogy, of the male head of the household - historianshave been understandably puzzled by the fact that Royalist women wrote theearliest extended criticisms of the absolute subordination of women in marriageand the earliest systematic assertions of women`s rational and moral equalitywith men. Some historians have questioned the facile equation of Royalistideology with Filmerian patriarchalism; and indeed, there may have been noconsistent differences between Royalist and Parliamentarians on issues offamily organization and women`s political rights, but in that case one wouldexpect early feminists to be equally divided between the two sides.

Catherine Gallagher argues that Royalism engendered feminismbecause the ideology of absolute monarchy provided a transition to an ideologyof the absolute self. She cites the example of the notoriously eccentric authorMargaret Cavendish (1626-1673), duchess of Newcastle. Cavendish claimed to beas ambitious as any woman could be, but knowing that as a woman she wasexcluded from the pursuit of power in the real world, she resolved to bemistress of her own world, the "immaterial world" that any person cancreate within her own mind-and, as a writer, on paper. In proclaiming what shecalled her "singularity," Cavendish insisted that she was aself-sufficient being within her mental empire, the center of her ownsubjective universe rather than a satellite orbiting a dominant male planet. Injustifying this absolute singularity, Cavendish repeatedly invoked the model ofthe absolute monarch, a figure that became a metaphor for the self-enclose,autonomous nature of the individual person. Cavendish`s successors among earlyfeminists retained her notion of woman`s sovereign self, but they also soughtto break free from the complete political and social isolation that herabsolute singularity entailed.

最重要的是active reading,搞清楚文章结构:
  • odd怪现象,奇怪在哪里,historian对这个现象的态度和看法。看到一个奇怪的事实,要预测下文可能会详细说这个现象是什么,为什么会有这个现象,或者是说不同的人对这个现象有什么看法,观点之间是相互补充或者有冲突
  • 一个人对这个现象的看法,她对自己看法的论证(根据什么形成的看法),论证方法是举例论证(一个例子)。她这样的论证方法普遍存在什么漏洞(举例论证的漏洞:以偏概全或者例子不具备代表性)


 楼主| 发表于 2019-2-23 11:42:27 | 只看该作者




发表于 2019-6-9 10:45:31 | 只看该作者
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