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2.14 广州珠江新城,非水果, F2成功转F1, 附上问题准备&答案

发表于 2018-2-18 07:22:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
如题,事前准备的问题都派上用场, 自我感觉我的回答内容太冗长, VO并没有那么耐心听我讲完。 如果再有一次机会,我会把我某些答案缩减到一两句话即可。


我:Good morning, Sir!
VO: Good morning. How are you?
我:Good. How are you?
VO: Why do you go to America?
我:I want to pursue my MBA program.
VO : Why MBA?
我: Because after xxx years working experience, I have gained strong business insight and developed negotiation skills. However,  I still want to enhance my knowledge, especial in data analytics. I think MBA study can help me to fulfill my goal....(未完,但VO已经不想再听下去)
VO: What is your plan after you graduate?我:I plan to come back to China to start my own business. Specifically speaking, that is to be a consultant, aim to help companies to explore their overseas market, such as South Africa, Russia, Brazil and so on. (VO有点嫌我太烦了,也不想听下去了)
VO: Why do you choose XXX university?
Firstly, because xxx university enjoys a good reputation in China. If I can successfully graduate from XX university and come back to China, I believe, a decent job will be welcome. Secondly, because my husband studies in the same state. so....(嗯嗯, VO再次没有听完)
VO: Who will pay for your study?
我:Partial of the tuition will be sponsored by an alumnus because I have granted scholarship. The rest of it will be paid by my husband. Here is the bank statement.
VO: You were F2 before, and now you are F1, right?
我:Yes, because I want to achieve my dream, which is to star up my own business in China.
OK, you are approved. Enjoy your stay in the US and good luck!
Thank you. Have Chinese New Year.

最后附上CDer:sangfangjun 的问题准备,我是依照这份来修改的,我的答案没有很完美,这份polish过的答案非常推荐,希望能帮到大家都顺利通过。

Good luck to you!


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所属分类: B-School生涯


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