3.(削弱)In the United States, ofthe people who moved from one state to another when they retired, thepercentage who retired to Florida has decreased by three percentage points overthe past ten years. Since many local businesses in Florida cater to retirees,this declineis likely to have a noticeably negative economic effect on these businesses. Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens theargument? A Florida attractsmore people who move from one state to another when they retire than does anyother state. (超出讨论范围) B Thenumber of people who move out of Florida to accept employment in other stateshas increased over the past ten years. (超出讨论范围) C Thereare far more local businesses in Florida that cater to tourists than there arelocal businesses that cater to retirees. (不改变该事件对经济影响) D Thetotal number of people who retired and moved to another state for theirretirement has increased significantly over the past ten years. (盘子大了,比例小,但总量还是有可能大,正确) E Thenumber of people who left Florida when they retired to live in another statewas greater last year than it was ten years ago. (加强) 讨论范围:在Florida退休的人下降3% Florida 经济主要是迎合退休人群 → 当地经济会受挫 4.(归纳)Thatthe application of new technology can increase the productivity of existing coalmines is demonstrated by the case of Tribnia's coal industry. Coal output perminer in Tribnia is double what it was five years ago, even though no new mineshave opened. Which of the following can be properly concluded from thestatement about coal output per miner in the passage? P1:新技术应用→ 生产率上升P2: 效率→ 2倍 P3:生产载体(矿)不变 总产量= 矿数量 * 人数 * 人均产率 A If thenumber of miners working in Tribnian coal mines has remained constant in thepast five years, Tribnia's total coal production has doubled in that period oftime. (正确) B Any individual Tribnian coal mine thatachieved an increase in overall output in the past five years has alsoexperienced an increase in output per miner. (文章讨论的是平均,并不代表每个人都增加)注意极端词 perminer ≠ any miner C If any new coal mines had opened in Tribnia inthe past five years, then the increase in output per miner would have been evengreater than it actually was. (多开一个矿并不会影响工人的效率,完全无关) D If any individual Tribnian coal mine has notincreased its output per miner in the past five years, then that mine's overalloutput has declined or remained constant. (虽然产率没有增加,但可以多找几个工人,这样总产出就增加) E InTribnia the cost of producing a givenquantity of coal has declined over the past five years. (cost“成本”在这里未提及,文章谈的是生产率问题) 总结:归纳题中,原文中未出现的新事物/比较级/最高级/极端词可以直接排
5.(手段目的)Inparts of South America, vitamin-A deficiency is a serious health problem,especially among children. In one region,agriculturists are attempting to improve nutrition by encouraging farmers toplant a new variety of sweet potato called SPK004 that is rich inbeta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A. The plan has good chances of success, since sweet potatois a staple of the region's diet and agriculture, and the varieties currentlygrown contain little beta-carotene. Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports theprediction that the plan will succeed? Gap1:鼓励农民种,农民会不会种 Gap2:农民愿意种,这里能不能种 Gap3:种了之后当地人吃不吃(考虑消费者问题时候要站在客观角度) Gap4:改善了维生素A,整体营养会不会改变(其他营养素会不会受到影响) 注意:文章的目的是改善营养,不是改善维生素A,缺维A是一个事实 A Thegrowing conditions required by the varieties of sweet potato currentlycultivated in the region are conditions in which SPK004 can flourish. (正确) B Theflesh of SPK004 differs from that of the currently cultivated sweet potatoes incolor and texture, so traditional foods would look somewhat different when preparedfrom SPK004. (无关) C Thereare no other varieties of sweet potato that are significantly richer inbeta-carotene than SPK004 is. (和其他无关) D Thevarieties of sweet potato currently cultivated in the region contain someimportant nutrients that are lacking in SPK004. (削弱)参考Gap4 E Thereare other vegetables currently grown in the region that contain morebeta-carotene than the currently cultivated varieties of sweet potato do. (无关)