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[SC总结] as be the case with和as with

发表于 2017-12-1 11:17:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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 楼主| 发表于 2017-12-1 11:18:58 | 只看该作者
39. (26492-!-item-!-188;#058&003168)
As it is with traditional pharmacies, on-line drugstores rely on prescriptions to be successful, since it
is primarily prescriptions that attract the customers, who then also buy other health-related items.
(A) As it is with traditional pharmacies, on-line drugstores rely on prescriptions to be successful
(B) As with the case of traditional pharmacies, on-line drugstores rely on prescriptions to have
(C) As is the case with traditional pharmacies, prescriptions are the cornerstone of a successful
on-line drugstore
(D) As traditional pharmacies, so on-line drugstores rely on prescriptions to be successful
(E) Like traditional pharmacies, the cornerstone of a successful on-line drugstore is prescriptions

answer is C.

59. (27573-!-item-!-188;#058&003208)
A new genetically engineered papaya was produced not by seed companies who have been
motivated by profit, which was the case with most genetically modified crops previously approved
for commercial use, but university and United States Department of Agriculture researchers who
allowed growers to use it free of charge.
(A) produced not by seed companies who have been motivated by profit, which was the case with
most genetically modified crops previously approved for commercial use, but
(B) produced not by profit-motivated seed companies, the case with most genetically modified
crops previously approved for commercial use, but
(C) produced not by profit-motivated seed companies, as was the case with most genetically
modified crops previously approved for commercial use, but by
(D) not produced by profit-motivated seed companies, which was the case with most genetically
modified crops previously approved for commercial use, but was produced by
(E) not produced by seed companies who have been motivated by profit, the case with most
genetically modified crops previously approved for commercial use, but by

answer is C.

120. (30859-!-item-!-188;#058&004335)
Like any star of similar mass would do, once the Sun has exhausted the hydrogen in its core, it
expands into a red giant, eventually ejecting its outer envelope of gases to become a white dwarf.
(A) Like any star of similar mass would do, once the Sun has exhausted the hydrogen in its core, it
expands into a red giant, eventually ejecting
(B) Like any star of similar mass, once the hydrogen in the Sun's core is exhausted, then it expands
into a red giant and eventually ejects
(C) As in the case of any star of similar mass, once the hydrogen in the Sun's core is exhausted, it
will expand into a red giant, and eventually ejecting
(D) As any star of similar mass would, once the hydrogen in the Sun's core is exhausted it will
expand into a red giant and will eventually eject
(E) As would be the case with any star of similar mass, once the Sun exhausts the hydrogen in its
core, it will expand into a red giant and eventually eject

answer is E.
 楼主| 发表于 2017-12-1 11:31:35 | 只看该作者
As is the case with traditional pharmacies, prescriptions are the cornerstone of a successful on-line drugstore rely on...

A new genetically engineered papaya was produced not by   profit-motivated seed companies, as was the case with most genetically modified crops previously approved for commercial use, but by...

As would be the case with any star of similar mass, once the Sun exhausts the hydrogen in its
core, it will expand into a red giant and eventually eject...
其中红色的部分是固定结构as be th case with,黑色的事两个相比较的主要成分,其中一个是主句主语,一个是with之后的比较成,这里两个名词不需要概念上严格的完全对等,我们注意到两者之间只是有一个analogy的关系,一个是具体的概念,一个是all other cases similar.
注意第一个句子中看似比较结构,其实不然,如果是严格比较结构,那么是traditional pharmacies和prescription比较,比较对象不对等,但是实际上他是一个意义上的比较,是traditional pharmacies和后面的online drugstores情况进行analogy,
可以理解为As the case is with traditional pharmacies,其中case,指prescriptions are the cornerstone ,As作连词表比较。
同理下面的几句话,As the case was with most genetically modified crops。注意绿色部分是比较对象的修饰语,case在这里指produced by profit-motivated seed companies
As the case would be with any star of... case这里指后面整个假设的情况,注意后面的once引导的条件状从,典型的主将从现形式。
 楼主| 发表于 2017-12-1 11:59:25 | 只看该作者
这里我们注意到第一题有个选项B as with the case

同样As with. 指的比较的是具体的个例和all other cases similar

这里有一个问题as with如果是,as(be the case)with的省略,那不就是是主语的伴随状语的省略形式吗?
From Collins Cobuild 4.0

With breast cancer, as with many common diseases, there is no obvious breakthrough on the horizon...

As with any drug taken in excess, your body can build up a tolerance to it.

As with all oily hair treatments, shampoo needs to be applied first.

As with many technological revolutions, you are unlikely to be aware of it.

As with other single parents, economic needs influenced Schramm's decision to live in a New Beginnings community.

As with the other Nutrigroups, as you process, and add salt and fat, the Nutripoints go down.

You can mortgage a condo and borrow on your investment as with a regular house.

Keep in mind, though, as with the movement of the left knee, the raising of the left heel must be in reaction to the upper body turn.

As with any lost pet, notes Krisch, bird owners should not stop looking after only a week or two.我们可以看到,as with后跟的''all other similar cases''analogy的对象不一定是结构上的主语,比如any drug比较的不是body而是后面的it所指的药物,省略了case也就是build up a tolerance
同样other single parents 比较对象也不是economic needs而是Schramn一家
As be the case with 一样,不强调结构上绝对平行对等
As with all oily hair treatments, shampoo needs to be applied first.

实际上all oil hair treatment比较对等的是后面句子,因为整个句子都是一种treatment的描述。

 楼主| 发表于 2017-12-1 12:19:20 | 只看该作者
总而言之,这个关于连词+介词或名词短语除了once, whether以外不可行的问题,我认为这里as with不要理解成主语的伴随状语,简单的理解成一个固定的介词短语就好,类似于Like, 后面只加名词,但是又不像like强调绝对的比较对象对等。
As be the case with 和 as with的比较对等在两句话中需要体现,但是不是完全强硬和主语对等,可以通过意义来解释,因为相当于省略了一个be the casw
 楼主| 发表于 2017-12-1 12:20:15 | 只看该作者
以上, open to discussion,如果有NN有兴趣讨论可以看一下我说的帖子,也有一些语法问题探讨
 楼主| 发表于 2017-12-1 14:00:55 | 只看该作者
BUT 做介词
不引导PARALLEL structurePaleontologist Stephen Jay Gould has argued that many biological traits are not the products of natural selection, favored due to their enhancement of reproduction or survival, but that they are simply random by-products of other evolutionary developments.

(A) due to their enhancement of reproduction or survival, but that they are

(B) due to the reproduction or survival they enhance, but they are

(C) because they enhance reproduction or survival, but

(D) because they enhance reproduction or survival, but are

(E) because of enhancing reproduction or survival, but are

Difference between C and D
ok I will give it a shot at explaining.

According to the parallelism rule, yes the [are] is optional, BUT, sometimes it necessary.

This is one example where its necessary since there is a modifier that clouds the parallelism. Meaning the ", but simply random byproducts..." could be confused as a sub modifier of "survival" or the first modifying phrase.

So ", but are..." construction, removes this confusion by realining the focus of the sentence to the original stem of the sentence. i.e "... are not the products of natural selection, <modifier>, but are ..."
So here, the most important two key points are
Be not, but(be)
The be after but cannot be omitted if people may consider but a preposition
BUT 做介词
不引导PARALLEL structure
The Scandinavian assault on Western Europe culminated in the early eleventh century with the Danish conquest of the English kingdom,which other Scandinavian kings attempted to repeat, unsuccessfully later in the same century.

A. which other Scandinavian kings attempted to repeat, unsuccessfully, later in the same century
B. which other Scandinavian kings attempted to repeat later that same century, but not successfully
C. an achievement that other Scandinavian kings attempted later in the century to repeat, but were not successful at it
D. an achievement attempted later in the century by other Scandinavian kings that was not successful
E. an achievement that other Scandinavian kings attempted to repeat later in the century, but without success

OA is E The problem with C: it只指代同一个前文提到的,但是其他国王尝试的不是同一个conquest

 楼主| 发表于 2017-12-7 15:07:56 | 只看该作者
The features of the floor of the Kasei Valles on Mars look just like those at the base of Antarctic ice streams, so it suggests that possibly it was flowing ice that carved the giant Martian channels previously attributed to cataclysmic floods.

a suggestion that flowing ice may have
错在前路句只是一个陈述事实的literal suggestion, not a real one, so the apposition ''suggestion'' is not appropriate.
(D) suggesting that flowing ice may have
 楼主| 发表于 2017-12-7 15:14:40 | 只看该作者
In the United States, while the number of foreign- born residents and their children is higher than ever, the percentage of the population they represent is not; in 1910 this group made up 35 percent of the population when compared to 20 percent in 2000.
A. population when compared to 20 percent in 2000
B. population as compared to 2000, when it was 20 percent
C. population, comparing it with 20 percent in 2000
D. population, unlike 2000, with 20 percent
E. population, compared with 20 percent in 2000

OA is E 其他的

In order to conserve the energy and heat they need to spend the entire winter sitting motionless over incubating eggs, male emperor penguins huddle over the nests in groups,thereby reducing the rate at which they burn energy so that it is 25 percent lower than it would be for isolated birds.

(A) thereby reducing the rate at which they burn energy so that it is 25 percent lower than it would be for
(B) thereby reducing their rate of burning energy until it is 25 percent lower when compared with
(C) and they thereby reduce by 25 percent the rate they burn energy, as compared to what it would be with
(D) which thereby reduces by 25 percent their rate of burning energy, when comparing them to
(E) which thereby reduces the rate they burn energy so that it is 25 percent lower than

OA is A 其他的不对等

The electronics company has unveiled what it claims to be the world’s smallest network digital camcorder,the length of which is that of a handheld computer,and it weighs less than 11 ounces. be the world’s smallest network digital camcorder,the length of which is that of a handheld computer,and it weighs be the smallest network digital camcorder in the world,which is as long as a handheld computer,weighing the smallest network digital camcorder in the world,which is as long as a handheld computer,and it weighs the world’s smallest network digital camcorder,which is as long as a handheld computer and weighs the world’s smallest network digital camcorder,the length of which is that of a handheld computer,weighing
OA is D  注意划线部分前面的 WHAT it claims ,缺谓语动词

Patience Lovell Wright, whose traveling waxworks exhibit preceded Madame Tuscan’s work by 30 year, became well known as much because of having an eccentric personality as for having skillfully rendered popular public figures in wax.

(A)well known as much because of having an eccentric personality as for having skillfully rendered popular public figures in wax
(B)well known as much for having an eccentric personality as for skillful wax renderings of popular public figures.
(C)well known as much because of her eccentric personality as she was for her skillful wax renderings of popular public figures.
(D)as well known for having an eccentric personality as having skillfully rendered popular public figures in wax.
(E)as well known for her eccentric personality as for her skillful wax renderings of popular public figures.

OA is E.  the problem with B is that HAVING....(gerund) CANNOT PARALLEL SKILLFUL WAX RENDERINGS(n)
NOTE HERE KNOWN FOR not necessarily followed by a gerund

Compared to those who do not, running three days a week saves an average of 14.1 percent on health-care costs each year in the United States.
  • ACompared to those who do not, running three days a week saves
  • BCompared with nonrunners, people who run three days a week save
  • CCompared to not running, those running for three days a week save
  • DWhen compared with those who do not, people running three days a week save
  • EWhen compared to nonrunners, running three days a week saves
OA OA is B.   C错在比较对象不对等runningthose(people)不平行

Studies of test scores show that watching television has a markedly positive effect on children whose parents speak English as a second language, as compared to those whose native language is English.
Ato those whose native language is English
B with children whose native language is English
C with those who are native English speakers
D to children whose parents do not
E with children whose parents are native English speakers

OA is E. 因为如果是D.有
歧义你不知道究竟是 do not speak Eng at all or as a sec language
The parachutelike membranes of Africa’s scaly-tailed flying squirrels differ from those of the flying squirrels in the family Sciuridaebecause they are attached to a cartilage rod at the elbow instead of the wrist.
A. because they are attached to a cartilage rod at the elbow instead of
B. because of being attached to a cartilage rod at the elbow rather than at
C. in their attachment to a cartilage rod at the elbow instead of being attached at
D. in that they are attached to a cartilage rod at the elbow rather than at
E. in their being attached to a cartilage rod at the elbow instead of

OA is E.  这里IN THAT不能也 不是▼因为的意思,而是▼
DIFFER IN+that 从句(从句里描述不同之处现象)
if you said 'differ because', you'd have to give the reason behind the genesis of the difference, not the nature of the difference itself.)
because +本质
如果是A,另外一个问题是究竟是wrist.和a cartilage rod at the elbow平级,还是wrist和elbow平级比较?
RON: If a sentence has TWO POSSIBLE meanings but one of them is ABSURD, then there is NO"ambiguity".

 楼主| 发表于 2017-12-7 15:47:30 | 只看该作者
The electronics company has unveiled what it claims to be the world’s smallest network digital camcorder,the length of which is that of a handheld computer,and it weighs less than 11 ounces. be the world’s smallest network digital camcorder,the length of which is that of a handheld computer,and it weighs be the smallest network digital camcorder in the world,which is as long as a handheld computer,weighing the smallest network digital camcorder in the world,which is as long as a handheld computer,and it weighs the world’s smallest network digital camcorder,which is as long as a handheld computer and weighs the world’s smallest network digital camcorder,the length of which is that of a handheld computer,weighing
OA is D  注意划线部分前面的 WHAT it claims ,缺谓语动词

Patience Lovell Wright, whose traveling waxworks exhibit preceded Madame Tuscan’s work by 30 year, became well known as much because of having an eccentric personality as for having skillfully rendered popular public figures in wax.

(A)well known as much because of having an eccentric personality as for having skillfully rendered popular public figures in wax
(B)well known as much for having an eccentric personality as for skillful wax renderings of popular public figures.
(C)well known as much because of her eccentric personality as she was for her skillful wax renderings of popular public figures.
(D)as well known for having an eccentric personality as having skillfully rendered popular public figures in wax.
(E)as well known for her eccentric personality as for her skillful wax renderings of popular public figures.

OA is E.  the problem with B is that HAVING....(gerund) CANNOT PARALLEL SKILLFUL WAX RENDERINGS(n)
NOTE HERE KNOWN FOR not necessarily followed by a gerund

Compared to those who do not, running three days a week saves an average of 14.1 percent on health-care costs each year in the United States.
  • ACompared to those who do not, running three days a week saves
  • BCompared with nonrunners, people who run three days a week save
  • CCompared to not running, those running for three days a week save
  • DWhen compared with those who do not, people running three days a week save
  • EWhen compared to nonrunners, running three days a week saves
OA OA is B.   C错在比较对象不对等runningthose(people)不平行

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