Life in San Francisco
After my commencement at Ohio State University(OSU) in May2017, I moved to San Francisco almost without hesitation.
Starting from this April, I started to pick up all of mystuffs. Luckily, I didn’t have any furniture, cause the apartment I livedapplied them. I sold some sweaters and jeans that I felt no longer like themany more to a second hand store. I closed my bank account with a small bank dueto I have a better business experience with another International bank. And I don’t’have a lot of money, so it’s redundant to separate asset into two accounts. Isold my Lexus RX350 back to the same dealer who I bought it from, at areasonable price. Since I transferred to OSU two years ago. I didn’t build up abig network, and it made it easier to say goodbye to my friends.
My mommy and daddy (just wanna show as intimate) moved mefrom Columbus to SF. Except sending out some books and cooking utensils throughFedEx, basically we moved all the staffs by ourselves in suitcases and handbags,nine pieces in total. We lived in a suite hotel near union square during thefirst week in SF, because we hadn’t completed the closing process, and there wasno furniture in the new home. SF in May can be really chill, my mom wasliterally wearing a puffer jacket, theone I insisted that wouldn’t be needed in California before, all day long.
Actually, Iincreased the duration of doing exercises both intentionally and unintentionally.Although the weather isn’t as warm as I presumed, at least we have the oceanand a giant gym under my building. There’s no reason for me to stop running. Ido exercise much more often than I did at OSU, sometimes I splits exercisesinto twice: I run in the morning for about an hour, and go swimming before dinner.
At the day I sentmy parents to SFO for they were flying back to BJ, I told myself that you willlive alone from now on. It wasn’t easy. The first day after they left I wascrying almost forgot the time and who I am. The feeling of helpless was filledinside of me. I’m not a student anymore, so I don’t go to classes. I need tofind a job to get involved in the society. I need new friends, Americans hopefully.During the weekend, I don’t go outside of the city, like many people do in mybuilding. Because they have their families or friends to get together, but Idon’t. You will get used to that a little by little. Unlike living in a smallcircle back in college, I’m a living in a bigger habitat where you can find well-educatedpeople in different industries. You want to get involved in American society,the first right thing to do is to socialize. I become more social ever thanbefore, with no problems talking to anyone. I’m getting comfortable withmingling a party where I don’t know anyone (yeah and keep drinking wine, causethis is bay area you know).
I cook at home oncein a while, but most of the time I buy food for take-out or order delivery.There’s nothing fun if you cook everyday and clean those dishes by yourselfafterwards. Doing lots of exercises and eating healthy have become my new habitsafter moving to the bay area, something that I feel sick if I miss a day to doit. I learned to play tennis for several months since last summer, but quittedfor about half year. Right now the energy of playing it backs again. I found atennis coach online to continue my practice. I gradually become a “Californiagirl”, who enjoys sweating under the sunshine and getting tanned.
To be honest, I don’tlike writing that much, doing this is simply because I wanna find an outlet ofemotions. Plus, my mom insisted that I should write down more events andday-to-day feelings. She has a notebook that she carries everywhere with her,and write down anything important or little ideas come out of her mind. Well,obviously our generation can’t catch up the older generation, can we? I alwaysfeel pressures not from them but from myself, that I’m afraid not having as enoughachievements as my parents have.
I’m interested intoo many stuffs, so it’s kind of hard for me to just focus on one dimension. I’mstill preparing the GRE test and at home, and the applications are killing me. Somany things haven’t been done yet that I struggle between giving in andfighting against. I want to continue to document mynothing-interesting-little-shit from now on, no matter which country I’m in.
If you like tocomment or ask any question, please free to do that  Thank you sooooo much for reading it through.
At home, SF 12:09 pm PST NOV. 11