661.In the country of Marut, the Foreign Trade Agency'srecords were reviewed in 1994 in light of information then newly availableabout neighboring Goro. The review revealed that in everyyear since 1963, the agency's projection of what Goro’s gross national product (GNP) wouldbe five years later was a serious underestimate. The review also revealed thatin every year since 1963, the agency estimated Goro’s GNP for the previous year—a Gorostate secret—very accurately.
Of the following claims, which is most strongly supported by the statements given?
(A) Goro's GNP fluctuated greatly between1963 and 1994. (B) Prior to 1995, Gorohad not released data intended to mislead the agency in making its five-yearprojections. (C) The amount by which the agencyunderestimated the GNP it projected for Goro tended to increase overtime. (D) Even before the new information came tolight, the agency had reason to think that at least some of the five-yearprojections it had made were inaccurate. (E) The agency’s five-year projections of Goro’s GNP had no impact on economicplanning in Marut. 答案:D
请问各位CDer这篇文章有没有一个前提是:五年后的GNP预测是建立在五年前的预测上? 比如:1980年要预测1985年的gnp,是建立在1975年对1980年预测的gnp数值上的。