刚做完ALI的笔试,约了上午11:30,和之前CD上看到的一样,Proctor是一个印度小哥,说的蛮模糊的;之前说一些注意事项和进入考试界面花了20分钟,真正开始考都到50了。题目CD上蛮全的,第一篇是unexpected thing duringtravelling1:what's the destination?2: what's theunexpected thing? 3:what's the result?第二篇是关于leadership的,Two types of leadership: 第一种:领导者亲自分配安排好下属的工作任务,大概意思就是命令型的;第二种:领导者重视团队协作,由下属自己选择工作方式。问这两种模式各自的优缺点,还有自己的看法。 一种是give specific task to the teammates and make them accountable, 一种是focus onthe harmony and smooth of a team and foster a team where everyone plays a role.which one do you prefer and talk about the advantages and disadvantages. 分享一下,祝大家好运,offer多多啦。