dont think it is visa is a problem for non-EU. guess that the difference between EU and non-EU (when they both dont speak the local language) is still language and culture.
imagine a European, who dont speak any Nordic language, vs a Chinese / Indian or even American, who also dont speak any Nordic language. The key difference is likely not the visa, but the fact that the European speak another two or three European language (whatever French, Spanish, Deutsch), and have a throughout sense of feeling of various difference European culture. This is something valuable for the role, but is also something that the international candidate wont have at all.
At the end, 法文/德文區市場夠大,才有動機(因為有用) 去學到好。Nordic太細,意大利西班牙甚麼的經濟太爛...
不是說讀了, say Bocconi, 就不能學法文, 去巴黎. 但是何必自虐呢? 直接去ESSEC, 有local network + local language enviornment不好?
學校就算水平有分別, 也是同level的. 拿的也是同樣的interview, who cares about ranking?
當然, given 樓主 really care about $$, 甚麼法國top 如HEC, ESSEC之類就太貴了.
弄好德語, 去HSG, Mannheim之類 (WHU也行但那學費就.....) 之類弄個MiM比Bocconi (even有獎....) 合理/化算多了.....