问:Wood pigeons use similar intention movements but in a different way.   rovided that each pigeon makes the intention movements before taking off, the others ignore the behavior. But if one spots danger and does an emergency take off, the others interpret the absence of intention movements as an alarm signal, and the whole flock rises into the air. Another bird signal is the attitude of alertness that conveys a warning among flocks of geese.
attitude 要看上下文才知道具体含义。
问:Capital for mills to crush the quartz and for vessels of mercury to dissolve the gold came not from the prospectors but from investors in San Francisco, Philadelphia, and London. (这个是不是说gold不是因为开采者的能力 而是因为投资者大量的金钱, 是不是也表明gold开采后归投资者)
答:碾磨厂碾碎石英所需的资金,以及用来购买一罐一罐的水银的资金(这些水银是用作溶解金子的),都不是来自采矿者,而是来自远在San Francisco,   hiladelphia 和London的投资者的。
(石英中含金子吧,碾碎后再泡在水银里,金子会溶解进水银,然后把溶不了的其他物质清理掉,再从溶了金子的水银里提取纯净的金子就容易多了。) |