本人不到一周就要二战了,上周买的曼哈顿模考做了两套分别是680(q47 v35) 710 (q49 v38)
[size=12.0012px]Everyone who has graduated from TopNotch High School has an intelligence quotient (IQ) of over 120. Most students with an IQ of over 120 and all students with an IQ of over 150 who apply to one or more Ivy League universities are accepted by at least one of them.
The statements above, if true, best support which of the following conclusions? [size=12.0012px] | | Every graduate of TopNotch High School with an IQ of 150 has been accepted by at least one Ivy-League university. | | | If a person is a high-school graduate and has an IQ of less than 100, he or she could not have been a student at TopNotch High School. | | | If a person has an IQ of 130 and is attending an Ivy-League university, it is possible for him or her to have graduated from TopNotch High School. | | | At least one graduate from TopNotch high school who has applied to at least one Ivy-League university has been accepted to one of them. | | | If a high-school graduate has an IQ of 150 and is not attending an Ivy-League university, then he or she did not apply to one of them. |
本题选第三个,我当时选了最后一个,看到解答说有可能他被录取了但是没有去attend...的时候我真的想砸电脑... 做prep和gwd的时候,感觉至少就cr来说,选项之间的差别是很大的,不会卡在某个小词上。sc语法点的话,也有点理解不能...感觉和官方出题思路不太一样啊...可能是我水平低吧...大家勿喷... 一战720 v35,此战目标750...这两套模考下来感觉希望渺茫了...最近三套gwd的错误情况是9个,7个,3个...水平很不稳定啊 现在不知道该刷什么题了...感谢大家看我吐槽...祝大家都能考到好成绩...