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[AWA模板] 【作文6.0小分队】范文分享,回馈CD,祝大家都杀G顺利

 楼主| 发表于 2016-12-30 14:54:30 | 只看该作者

        This speaker draws the conclusion that there is no need to substantially increase
fundingfor Einstein High School. To support this conclusion, the speaker claims that
Einsteinhas improved its educational efficiency over the past 20 years, even though
fundinglevel s have remained relatively constant. His evidence is that two-thirds of
Einstein'sgraduates now go on to college, whereas 20 years ago only half of its students
did so.This argument suffers from several critical problems.
       To begin with, we must establish the meaning of the vague concept"educational
efficiency."If the term is synonymous with the rate of graduation to college, then the
statisticscited would strongly support the argument. But, normally we are interested in
somethingmore than just the numbers of students who go on to college from a high
school;we also want to know how well the school has prepared students for a
successfulcollege experience—that is, whether the school has provided a good  
secondaryeducation. Thus, for the speaker the term "educational efficiency"must
essentially carry the same meaning as "educational quality."
       Given this clarification, one of the speaker's assumptions is that the rate of
graduationto college has increased because Einstein is doing a better job of educating
itsstudents. However, the fact that more Einstein graduates now go on to collegemight
simplyreflect a general trend. And the general trend might have less to do with
improvedsecondary education than with the reality that a college degree is now the
standard of entry into most desirable jobs.
       But even if the quality of education at Einstein had improved, would this be a
compellingreason to deny Einstein additional funding? I don't think so. It is possible
that theschool has managed to deliver better education in spite of meager funding.
Teachersmay be dipping into their own pockets for supplies and other resources
necessaryfor doing their job well. Perhaps the quality of education at Einstein would
improve even more with additional financial support.
       In sum, this argument does not establish the conclusion that additional fundingfor
Einsteinis unnecessary. To do so, the speaker would have to provide evidence that the
qualityof education at Einstein has improved. This could be done by examining student
assessmentscores or by tracking students through their college careers to see how many
successfullygraduate and find jobs. In addition, the speaker would also have to show
thatEinstein is doing a good job with adequate financial support, and not merely in
spite of insufficient funding.

 楼主| 发表于 2017-1-2 12:21:51 | 只看该作者

      The customer-service division of Mammon Savings and Loan recommends that
the bestway for the bank to attract new customers and differentiate itself fromits  
competitorsis to improve its service to customers—specifically, by reducing waiting
time inteller lines, opening for business 30 minutes earlier, and closing an hourlater.
Theseimprovements, it is argued, will give the bank the edge over its competitorsand
make itappear more customer-friendly. For the most part this recommendation is  
well-reasoned;a few concerns must be addressed, however.
       First,the author assumes that Mammon's competitors are similar to Mammon in
allrespects other than the ones listed. In fact, Mammon's competitors may be more
convenientlylocated to customers, or offer other services or products on more attractive
termsthan Mammon. If so, Mammon may not gain the edge it seeks merely by
enhancing certain services.
       Secondly,the author assumes that the proposed improvements will sufficiently
distinguishMammon from its competitors. This is not necessarily the case. Mammon's
competitorsmay already offer, or may plan to offer, essentially the same customer-
servicefeatures as those Mammon proposes for itself. If so, Mammon may not gain the
edge itseeks merely by enhancing these services.
       Thirdly,the author assumes that Mammon can offer these improved services
withoutsacrificing any other current features that attract customers, in fact, Mammon
may haveto cut back other services or offer accounts on less attractive terms, all to
compensatefor the additional costs associated with the proposed improvements. By
renderingits other features less attractive to customers, Mammon may not attain the
competitive edge it seeks.
       In conclusion, Mammon's plan for attracting new customers and differentiating
itselffrom its competitors is only modestly convincing. While improvements in
customerservice generally tend to enhance competitiveness, it is questionable whether
the specific improvements advocated in the recommendation are broad enough to be

 楼主| 发表于 2017-1-4 14:58:30 | 只看该作者

      The  author concludes that City L has good schools, affordable housing, friendly
people,flourishing arts and a safe environment. To support this claim the author citesan
annualsurvey that ranks cities according to quality of life. Two years ago City L was
listed14th in this survey. As it stands this argument is unconvincing.
       First,the author fails to indicate what individual characteristics of cities were used
ascriteria for the ranking. To the extent that the criteria used in the surveywere the
same asthe features listed by the author in the conclusion, the conclusion would b
warranted.On the other hand, if the survey employed entirely different criteria—for
example,outdoor recreational opportunities or educational achievement levels of adult
residents—then the author's conclusion would be wholly unwarranted.
       Secondly,the author provides no indication of how each characteristic was
weightedin the ranking. For example, City L may have far and away the most
flourishingarts scene among the cities surveyed, but it may have poor schools,
unfriendlypeople, and an unsafe environment. The extent to which the survey
accuratelyreflects City L's overall quality of life in this case would depend largely on
the relative weight placed on the arts as a factor affecting quality of life.
       Thirdly,the author fails to indicate how many cities were included in the survey.
Th morecities included in the survey, the stronger the argument—and vice versa. For
example,if 2,000 cities were surveyed, then City L would rank in the top one percent in
terms ofquality of life. On the other hand, if only 14 cities were surveyed then City L
would rank last.
       Finally,the author's conclusion depends on the questionable assumption that the
conditionslisted by the author have remained unchanged in City L since the survey was
conductedtwo years ago. Admittedly, had ten years elapsed the argument would be
evenweaker. Yet two years is sufficient time for a significant change in theoverall
economy,the city's fiscal policies, its financial condition, or its political climate.Any of
these factors can affect the quality of schools, the extent to which art isflourishing, or
the cost of housing.
       In conclusion, the author does not adequately support the conclusion. To
strengthenthe argument, the author must show that the criteria used in the survey were
the sameas the features listed in the conclusion and were weighted in a way that does
notdistort the picture in City L. To better assess the argument, we would alsoneed more
informationabout the cities included in the survey, as well as what changes in City L
have occurred during thepast two years.
发表于 2017-1-6 13:59:55 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2017-1-6 18:22:12 | 只看该作者

 楼主| 发表于 2017-1-6 19:29:29 | 只看该作者

       The following appeared in a memorandum from a member of a financial management
and consulting firm.
        "We have learned from an employeeof Windfall, Ltd., that its accounting
department,by checking about ten percent of the last month's purchasing invoices for
errorsand inconsistencies, saved the company some $10,000 in overpayments. In order
to helpour clients increase their net gains, we should advice each of them toinstitute a
policy ofchecking all purchasing invoices for errors. Such a recommendation could
also helpus get the Windfall account by demonstrating to Windfall the rigorousness of
our methods."

SampleEssay 1:
        The argument that checking allpurchasing invoices for errors will not only
increasethe net gains of the clients but also help the firm get the Windfall account isnot
entirely logically convincing, since it ignores certain crucial assumptions.
        First, the argument assumes thatinstituting a policy of checking all purchasing
invoicescan help find out the errors and inconsistencies. There are a number of reasons
why thismight not be true. For example, the people who check the accounts will
probablymake mistakes as anyone else, intentionally or unconsciously. If they do,
checking purchasing invoices will not help avoid errors and inconsistencies.
        Second, even if the checking can helpavoid errors and inconsistencies, it will not
necessarilysave money for the company, for it is also likely that the accounting
departmentmakes no mistakes. If they have no errors, how can the checking save
money forthe company.
        Finally, even supposing the checkingdoes save money for the company, the
argumentignores the fact that the checking itself costs the company money. If the cost
is morethan the gains from the errors, the company will lose money.
        Thus, the argument is not completely sound. The evidence in support of the
conclusionthat the checking of last month's invoices has saved the company $10,000
doeslittle prove the conclusion-that checking all purchasing invoices for errorswill
increasethe net gains of the clients but also help the firm get the Windfallaccount-since
it doesnot address the assumptions I have already raised. Ultimately, the argument
mighthave been strengthened by making it plain that checking all invoices willsurely
help findout errors, that all the invoices are bound to contain errors, and that the
checking itself will not cost much.

发表于 2017-1-8 20:51:14 | 只看该作者
楼主 可以建立一个互助群吗  大家互相该改作文? 要是可以的话 非常感谢呢~~
 楼主| 发表于 2017-1-9 13:02:12 | 只看该作者


SampleEssay 2:
       In this argument a member of a financial management and consulting firm reasons
thatsince Windfall Ltd. increased its net gains by checking 10 percent of itspurchasing
invoicesfor errors, it would be a good idea to advise the firm's clients to institutea  
policy ofchecking all purchasing invoices for errors. Two potential benefits are
foreseenfrom this recommendation: it could help the firm's clients increase their net
gains,and it could help the firm land the Windfall account. The member's argument is
unconvincing for a couple of reasons.
       The main problem with the argument is that the conclusion is based upon
insufficientevidence. The fact that some of Windfall's purchasing invoices contained
errorsmight simply be attributable to the sloppy accounting practices of Windfall's
suppliers.Thus, rather than indicating a general problem, the invoice errors might
simply beindicative of a problem that is specific to Windfall Ltd. In other words, the
evidencedrawn from Windfall's experience is insufficient to support the conclusion that
all purchasing invoices are subject to similar errors.
       Secondly,the evidence offered in the argument suggests only that companies
purchasingfrom the same suppliers that Windfall purchases from are likely to
experiencesimilar problems. If the firm's clients do not purchase from Windfall's
suppliers,checking for errors might turn out to be a monumental waste of time.
       In conclusion, the author's argument fails to provide good grounds for instituting
thepolicy of routinely checking purchasing invoices for errors. To strengthen the
conclusionthe author would have to provide evidence that this is a widespread problem.
Specifically,what is required are additional instances of purchasing invoices containing
errorsthat are drawn from various companies.

 楼主| 发表于 2017-1-9 13:03:59 | 只看该作者
wttlll 发表于 2017-1-8 20:51
楼主 可以建立一个互助群吗  大家互相该改作文? 要是可以的话 非常感谢呢~~ ...

发表于 2017-1-9 18:31:20 | 只看该作者
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