Which of the following most logically completes the argument ?
Lyme disease is caused by a bacterium transmitted to people by deer ticks. Deer ticks are almost never born infected with the bacterium, but they can pick it up from feeding on an infected host in any of the tick's three successive stage of development: larva, nymph, adult. Once infected, a tick remains infected through any subsequent developmental stages, but since a tick feeds on only one host in each stage, it follows that ______________
A. People can be infected only by being bitten by a tick that is either in larval stage or in the nymph stage
B. People cannot be infected by a tick that picked up the Lyme disease bacterium in the adult stage
C. It is not possible for a person to be infected by a tick that is in the nymph stage or by a tick that was infected with the bacterium while in the nymph stage
D. People infected with the Lyme disease bacterium cannot transmit bacterium to adult deer ticks
E. Only deer ticks that are adults can transmit the Lyme disease bacterium to people
Deer ticks: an insect that has three phases (say I, II and III) in life. This insect is carrier of a bacteria (say X) that causes Lyme disease. The insect gets the bacteria X from someone else (say H1) while feeding on H1, who is already infected with the bacteria. Later the insect delivers the bacteria X to someone else (say H2) while feeding on H2.
The condition is that taking up and delivering of bacteria X cannot happen in the same phase of the insect's life because the insect feeds on only one animal or person in one phase of it's life (it cannot feed on both H1 and H2 in the same phase). If the insect gets the bacteria in phase I, it can deliver it in phase II or III. If the insect gets the bacteria in phase II, it can deliver it in phase III. If it gets in phase III, it cannot deliver at all.
Hosts: Hosts are the entities (could be humans or any animal) on whom the above insect feeds. H1 and H2 are both hosts (hosts of the insect).
Now read the explanations in the previous posts and hopefully you will understand the argument.