Reapply In order to reapply to the MBA Program at Columbia Business School, please use the following checklist to ensure smooth processing.
The Admissions Office retains all applications for one year after a decision is rendered. If you are reapplying one year or less from the date of your initial application to Columbia Business School, this checklist will help ensure that you submit everything the Admissions Committee will need to reassess your candidacy. If you are reapplying more than one year after the date of your initial application, you must submit a new, fully complete application.
Please submit the following to the Admissions Committee for your reapplication. You can reapply online or download our paper application (PDF) below. If you have trouble starting a new application, please contact the Admissions Office for assistance. Please note that your new online account will not contain any of the information you submitted previously. It will be a completely new application, but you are required to complete only the portions listed below.
- Reapplication fee: $215.
- Updated employment history and activities section. (Please enter current employment information and include any changes since your initial application.)
- One new recommendation letter, preferably from your current employer. If you have already used your current employer for a recommendation, please choose someone else in a supervisory role or a client.
- A new Applicant Data Sheet if you are reapplying on paper, or General Information sections I, II and III if you are reapplying online.
- The Educational History Section.
- Please remember to indicate the dates and self-reported scores of the standardized tests that you wish to be considered in your admissions decision.
- One new reapplicant essay: How have you enhanced your candidacy since your previous application?  
lease detail your progress since you last applied and reiterate your short-term and long-term goals. Explain how the tools of the Columbia MBA will help you to meet your goals and how you plan to participate in the Columbia community. This essay should be inserted into the text box designated for Essay 1.
- Transcript(s) of any additional courses you have taken since you last applied (include grades not finalized at the time of your last application). Reapplications must be submitted complete, including recommendations and self-reported standardized test scores. If you wish to submit additional information beyond what is called for in this checklist, you are welcome to do so. Do not forget to keep a full copy of your reapplication materials for your records.