OG上说 When more is used in the comparative form of an adjective (more difficult) or adverb (more likely), it is followed by than.
但是查了一下大全,也有很多有more+adj/adv,但是不含than的用法。难道这些都不是comparative form? 如:
168. Because the Earth’s crust ismore solid there and thus better able to transmit shock waves, an earthquake ofa given magnitude typically devastates an area 100 times greater in the easternUnited States than it does in the West. 216. Computers are becoming faster, more powerful, and more reliable, and so too are modems, they are the devices to allow two or more computers to share information over regular telephone lines. 629. Seeming to be one of the few corporations diversified enough to survive therecession, many shareholders ignored the drop in third-quarter profits andinvested even more heavily in Emco.