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发表于 2015-9-20 22:14:36 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

23. Male bowerbirds construct elaborately decorated nests, or bowers. Basing their judgment on the fact that different local populations of bowerbirds of the same species build bowers (that exhibit different building and decorative styles), researchers have concluded that the bowerbirds’ building styles are a culturally acquired, rather than a genetically transmitted, trait.
Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the conclusion drawn by the researchers?

(A) There are more common characteristics than there are differences among the bower-building styles of the local bowerbird population that has been studied most extensively.
(B) Young male bowerbirds are inept at bower-building and apparently spend years watching their elders before becoming accomplished in the local bower style.
(C) The bowers of one species (of bowerbird) lack the towers and ornamentation characteristic of the bowers (of most other species of bowerbird).
(D) Bowerbirds are found only in New Guinea and Australia, where local populations of the birds apparently seldom have contact with one another.
(E) It is well known that the song dialects of some songbirds are learned rather than transmitted genetically.


39. Which of the following most logically completes the argument?
Sviatovin is a medieval Moringian text whose author and exact date of composition are unknown. However, the events in the life of Prince Sviatov that the text describes occurred in 1165, and (in the diagram of Sviatov’s family that accompanies the text) his father, who died in 1167, is identified as still living. Thus Sviatovin must have been written between 1165 and 1167, assuming that _______________________ .

(A) the life of Prince Sviatov is not the subject of any other medieval Moringian texts
(B) the author of Sviatovin intended it to provide as accurate a report about Prince Sviatov’s exploits as possible
(C) the diagram accurately represents the composition of Sviatov’s family at the time Sviatovin was written
(D) Sviatovin is the earliest Moringian text whose composition can be dated to within a few years
(E) Sviatovin was not written by Sviatov’s father himself

我觉得答案C选项,说的是两个孤立事件,一项为真并不能表示另一项也为真啊。即使composition of family正确,也不能表示the text describes一定occurred 在1165年啊。

59. Which of the following most logically completes the passage?
A recent government study links the high rates of respiratory ailments in Groverston to airborne pollutants released by the Woodco plywood manufacturing plant there. To address the problem, the government imposed strict regulations on emissions which will go into effect in four years. Although Woodco plans to cut its emissions in half two years ahead of schedule, it is unlikely that the rate of respiratory ailments will decline before the regulations go into effect, since ___ .

(A) the number of facilities capable of treating respiratory ailments is not likely to increase
(B) reducing emissions even further than planned would necessitate decreasing production at Woodco
(C) it is difficult to make accurate, long-term predictions about emissions
(D) not all respiratory ailments are caused by airborne pollutants ※
(E) three new plywood manufacturing plants are about to go into production in Groverston

其次,同样的plywood plants并不必然会导致同样引起疾病的emissions of airborne pollutants;

77. A recent report determined that although only 3 percent of drivers on Maryland highways equipped their vehicles with radar detectors, 33 percent of all vehicles ticketed for exceeding the speed limit were equipped with them. Clearly, drivers who equip their vehicles with radar detectors are more likely to exceed the speed limit regularly than are drivers who do not.
The conclusion drawn above depends on which of the following assumptions?

(A) Drivers (who equip their vehicles with radar detectors) are less likely to be ticketed for exceeding the speed limit than are drivers who do not.
(B) Drivers (who are ticketed for exceeding the speed limit) are more likely to exceed the speed limit regularly than are drivers who are not ticketed.
(C) The number of vehicles (that were ticketed for exceeding the speed limit) was greater than the number of vehicles (that were equipped with radar detectors).
(D) Many of the vehicles (that were ticketed for exceeding the speed limit) were ticketed more than once in the time period covered by the report.
(E) Drivers on Maryland highways exceeded the speed limit more often than did drivers on other state highways not covered in the report.

我的理解是(33%/3%)>(67%/97%),即装radar的人中发生违规的概率,大于,未装radar的人中发生违规的概率,我觉得已经足以说明more likely to be ticketed了,至于more likely to be ticketed是否能推导出more likely to exceed,我觉得答案B不能回答这个问题;

103. For a trade embargo against a particular country to succeed, a high degree of both international accord and ability to prevent goods from entering or leaving that country must be sustained. A total blockade of Patria’s ports is necessary to an embargo, but such an action would be likely to cause international discord over the embargo.
The claims above, if true, most strongly support which of the following conclusions?

(A) The balance of opinion is likely to favor Patria in the event of a blockade.
(B) As long as international opinion is unanimously against Patria, a trade embargo is likely to succeed.
(C) A naval blockade of Patria’s ports would ensure that no goods enter or leave Patria.
(D) Any trade embargo against Patria would be likely to fail at some time.
(E) For a blockade of Patria’s ports to be successful, international opinion must be unanimous.

我觉得答案D比答案E更绝对,居然用any这个词。OG中否定E选项给的解释是a high degree of international accord,同样可以批驳D;而且E还比D退了一步,至少在大家协商达成一致之后,blockade还有可能成功。D连这个可能性都被否决了。难道discord一旦被cause就不能平息了吗?

107. Although the discount stores in Goreville’s central shopping district are expected to close within five years as a result of competition from a SpendLess discount department store that just opened, those locations will not stay vacant for long. In the five years since the opening of Colson’s, a nondiscount department store, a new store has opened at the location of every store in the shopping district that closed because it could not compete with Colson’s.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?

(A) Many customers of Colson’s are expected to do less shopping there than they did before the SpendLess store opened.
(B) Increasingly, the stores that have opened in the central shopping district since Colson’s opened have been discount stores.
(C) At present, the central shopping district has as many stores operating in it as it ever had.
(D) Over the course of the next five years, it is expected that Goreville’s population will grow at a faster rate than it has for the past several decades.
(E) Many stores in the central shopping district sell types of merchandise that are not available at either SpendLess or Colson’s.


111. Springfield Fire Commissioner: The vast majority of false fire alarms are prank calls made anonymously from fire alarm boxes on street corners. Since virtually everyone has access to a private telephone, these alarm boxes have outlived their usefulness. Therefore, we propose to remove the boxes. Removing the boxes will reduce the number of prank calls without hampering people’s ability to report a fire.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the claim that the proposal, if carried out, will have the announced effect?

(A) The fire department traces all alarm calls made from private telephones and records where they came from.
(B) Maintaining the fire alarm boxes costs Springfield approximately $5 million annually.
(C) A telephone call can provide the fire department with more information about the nature and size of a fire than can an alarm placed from an alarm box.
(D) Responding to false alarms significantly reduces the fire department’s capacity for responding to fires.
(E) On any given day, a significant percentage of the public telephones in Springfield are out of service.

答案是A,我选的是C。OG中批驳C所举的例子完全可以用来批驳A,一点差别也没有。为什么C可能发生lack access to a telephone的情况,A就不会呢?
其次,我觉得是C的理由是,在A和C遇到同样问题的时候,private telephone能比fire alarm boxes提供更多有用信息,更加说明了我们要舍弃alarm boxes,有更好的为什么还有用不好的呢?

120. Codex Berinensis, a Florentine copy of an ancient Roman medical treatise, is undated but contains clues to when it was produced. Its first 80 pages are by a single copyist, but the remaining 20 pages are by three different copyists, which indicates some significant disruption. Since a letter in handwriting identified as that of the fourth copyist mentions a plague that killed many people in Florence in 1148, Codex Berinensis was probably produced in that year.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the hypothesis that Codex Berinensis was produced in 1148?

(A) Other than Codex Berinensis, there are no known samples of the handwriting of the first three copyists.
(B) According to the account by the fourth copyist, the plague went on for 10 months.
(C) A scribe would be able to copy a page of text the size and style of Codex Berinensis in a day.
(D) There was only one outbreak of plague in Florence in the 1100s.
(E) The number of pages of Codex Berinensis produced by a single scribe becomes smaller with each successive change of copyist.

我觉得答案D也不是很make sense。What if the first 80 pages are created after 1148? What if the following copyists just describe what they learn about the plague from the history book? None of these two condition helps to confirm the date of Florentine.

1. 感觉OG的逻辑也不是很经得起细挖,很多strong weak/support也不是逻辑上很强的加强或者削弱;有些像上述出现错误类比的,写Argument的时候必然是主要攻击点啊;实在是其他选项实在离谱,万不得已才选的。如果按照看完题干就先形成逻辑链,再看选项做题的话,有些根本很难找到答案,还得重新按照它的想法去思考。
2. 关于时间轴的确定问题,感觉自己这块是个弱项。但凡碰到确定某样古物是某个年代的,我总觉得没有一个选项能够干净排除其他可能的,都是与其他选项类比之后,才觉得这个答案把范围夹到最小了。

有可能CR的要求并不是要我们找到the best support/the most seriously weaken in the world,只能横向比较。但在做题时仍然是不是会觉得很困惑,在某些点上卡死,大概真的是我想得太多了,也有可能我基本功不扎实导致的,欢迎各位来打脸。


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发表于 2015-9-21 00:35:56 | 只看该作者
23. 你个人把genetically的范围扩大了,如果按照你的genetically的分类,但凡是个动物行为就是genetically的。
此题a genetically transmitted trait就是指不用学,直接写在基因里的,生下来就会那种。

39. assuming that问的是assumpation,assumpation是conclusion成立的必要条件(之一)。必要条件为真,不代表充分条件一定为真,除非能证明他是充分必要条件。但必要条件为假,则充分条件一定为假。

59. 统计枚举题
注意前提中的讨论范围是“ Woodco”(是其中一个manufacturer),但结论中周延了,扩大成rates of respiratory ailments in Groverston。Argument是weak的,因为结论建立在一个不正确的assumption上。削弱结论只需要指出这个flaw,或者指出在Groverston有不止一个plywood manufacturing plants就可以。

77. 你没理解整体的逻辑:I do sth regularly=I do sth+I do it regularly。前提只能推出drivers who equip their vehicles with radar detectors are more likely to exceed the speed limit than are drivers who do not,但完全没说regularly。所以,assumption就是drivers who equip their vehicles with radar detectors exceeded the speed limit regularly,也就是E。

103. 这是一道inference题,根据题干信息直接得出trade embargo against Patria的两个必要条件无法同时满足,则trade embargo against Patria一定无法实现。必要条件的真假言定理是:无之必不然。

107. 首先这是OG第一大贱题,我看了100遍,用了1年时间才突然想明白。你的理解“即使你开了店,也会步前人的后尘”是正确的。再进一步就是只要Colson's和SpendLess还在,不管这个地方开的是折扣店还是非折扣店,都会因为无法与Colson's和SpendLess竞争而关门。这是因果推理:因为过去经验,所以这个空位不会空很久。A选项就是一个完全无关选项,这是一个无关比较。我要讨论的是倒闭商店的空位会不会空很久。跟Colson’s的顾客多还是少没有关系,讨论的对象就不对。

111. 方案的目的你没看懂。方案的目的是什么? the announced effect是什么?reduce the number of prank calls without hampering people’s ability to report a fire。请再看A和C有没有区别?

120. 加强不是找一个选项可以一定使结论成立,加强的选项只需要增大结论成立的可能性就好了,可以是既不充分也不必要。

1. 感觉OG的逻辑也不是很经得起细挖,很多strong weak/support也不是逻辑上很强的加强或者削弱;有些像上述出现错误类比的,写Argument的时候必然是主要攻击点啊;实在是其他选项实在离谱,万不得已才选的。如果按照看完题干就先形成逻辑链,再看选项做题的话,有些根本很难找到答案,还得重新按照它的想法去思考
 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-21 21:08:20 | 只看该作者
alzn2765 发表于 2015-9-21 00:35
23. 你个人把genetically的范围扩大了,如果按照你的genetically的分类,但凡是个动物行为就是genetically ...



Anyway, thanks a lot!
发表于 2015-9-21 21:21:17 | 只看该作者
mousesky 发表于 2015-9-21 21:08

马上就要考试了,感觉越到后面思路反而不及刚开始复习时那么清晰了 ...

111 的解释补充一点 C 选项的的意思是  提供”more information about the nature and size of a fire“,而不是你想的“更多的信息”,这里的信息是有关 nature 和 size 的、是有限制的。而题目要求是 without hampering people’s ability to report a fire,提供更有有关nature 和 size 的信息不能说明 人们报告火灾情况的能力很好,对比第一项就会发现这里要求的是 提供火灾方位的信息。两者比较一下高下立判,你对D选项的理解可能有偏差才会迷惑。
 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-21 21:24:32 | 只看该作者
zszszssz 发表于 2015-9-21 21:21
111 的解释补充一点 C 选项的的意思是  提供”more information about the nature and size of a fire“ ...


我的理解就是,目的仍然是reduce the number of prank calls,如果fire department不能追踪到手机的定位,那么即便telephone能够提供更多的信息也是没有用的,因为还是会有人打prank call
发表于 2015-9-21 22:18:20 | 只看该作者
mousesky 发表于 2015-9-21 21:24

我的理解就是,目的仍然是reduce the nu ...

发表于 2016-8-28 11:44:24 | 只看该作者
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