看了半天还有一点没弄明白 求解
如果说B中的whether Earth would get warmer 和 what the extent would be 平行会有歧义的把第二个平行成分理解成为the extend of greenhouse effects,那么为什么正确答案C中 whether Earth would grow warmer and to what extend中的第二个平行成分不会被错误的理解成 greenhouse effects的extend,而是正确的代表了to what extend the Earth will grow warmer?
B. Discussion of greenhouse effects has usually had as its focus whether Earth would get warmer and what the extent would be
B最大的问题是had as its focus,既不是固定搭配,也不简洁
还是不太明白为什么B中的whether Earth would get warmer 与 what the extent would be不平行
OG说的“it is not clear what the extent refers to”是什么意思呢?
the extent可以refers to Earth would get warmer的程度不是么?
也就是说what the extent would be与to what extent表达的意思为什么不同呢?
thanks in advance