I am just the opposite. I like one-year program. Less debt.
To me, a 2-year program is very useful if one wants to make a career change into top finance firms. However, in this economy, it seems that it's almost impossible to get into IB without previous IB experience, Chinese or Americans.
As I said earlier in another thread, the best bet for a Chinese to go to Wall Street is to do a math or hard science PHD at places like MIT. It was true back in the 90s, and I think it’s more so nowadays. You know, these guys can do some “dirty” quantitative type of work, such as derivatives. An MBA just doesn’t prepare you for it.
But on the hand, finance is boring as hell and the working environment is less than desirable. There is no doubt in my mind that the best way to go is to be an entrepreneur. One feels more accomplished and could enjoy life better, IMHO.
以下是引用chipmunk在2003-8-19 1:44:00的发言: I'm in Canada now, just cross your north border. Honestly, if Oxford provides two years program, I would seriously consider it. Oxford is Oxford, that's something I can tell my grandson.