这题我思索了一段时间, 觉得应该先从理解 as long as 下手, 才能理解OG的思路,所以就从 as long as 开始... From Longman, as long as/provided (that)/providing (that) [conjunction] use this when something will be possible or satisfactory only if something else happens or is done Eg. You'll be quite safe as long as you follow my instructions. 本题题目用 as long as, 解释用 provided, 从这个观点, 可以看出ETS的观念跟Longman的解释是符合的. 如此一来, 就确定这题是条件型结论(依照Lawyer的逻辑) 结论是: Decision -> no harm (No harm 是必要条件) OG对这题的思路是: 让推论变成 Decision -> harm 就可以 weaken. 也就是用 lawyer 说的充分成立但必要不成立的方法 而B确实可以, 因为那些决定不系安全带的人, 他们的受伤或死亡 (Decision) -> 的确让所有车主的的保险费升高了 (harm) My 2 cents. |