试比较大全305和KAPLAN的两题结构: 大全305:A (pl.) turn out to do ..more than they (A) originally seemed (to do) - 主句中只有一个复数名词 KAPLAN:A (pl.) find that B (pl.) are doing..more than B-they? would originally seem (to do) 显然they会引起指代歧义 所以,KAPLAN这道题的重点应该是在说,当主句中出现两个复数名词,如何避免代词指代歧义的方法,而所谓最优选项E的做法就是用单数it作形式主语指代后面的内容。 具体的补全过程是:首先,B are doing ..more than B would originally seemed to do (内容具体化就是:Plastics are taking more time to deteriorate than plastics would originally seemed to take to deteriorate) 然后,把划线部分改成it引导的主语从句并省略:it originally seemd (that) they (plastics) would (take to deterioriate) 但个人持两点保留意见,也是前辈们有所争论的: 1.it seem that...主语从句引导词that究竟能否省略?OG里面好象没见过,待考; 2.一个句子中两次出现they,指代方向、内容各异,这样的逻辑不会被ETS认做有混乱不清的嫌疑? |