以下是引用DDDCCC在2005-4-6 5:34:00的发言:
to Duke2006, Sorry, I hope what I wrote does not make you feel upset or unhappy. As you are a pride member of Fuqua, I sincerely hope you can talk more about Duke, the job offerings, the intership, the life at Fuqua and what you can take away from Duke and what you can contribute to Duke. For me, I just want to say some words in my heart and I dont want to evulate which school is better than other schools. I believe everyone has their own dream school, right? So, what I mean is to choose the school fit for me, not talk about the ranking in the business world. If what I wrote make you unhappy, I apologize. But, since you are a current student, I hope you can give me some suggestion. Many appreciated!
To be honest, to see Duke being treated as a "back-up" really makes me a little bit depressed. But what I said to you is sincere. MBA is a huge investment, you must be careful about it.
Expectation determines whether you will regret. Suppose you accept the offer and come to Duke, you will always say to yourself "I should have been in the classroom of Harvard, not here." This will make you unhappy for two years, even for whole life.
I can not deny that HBS is absolutely better than Fuqua. Now, if I were you, I will ask myself "Is Duke good enough for me?" or "Whether only HBS is good enough for me?" if your answer is "No" and "Yes" respectively, then I think you should wait for another year and try to get an offer from your dream school.
But everything has its pros and cons. If you choose to reject Duke and try next year, the cons are as follows:
- MBA is devaluing very fast. One year may make a big difference in the job market.
- You can not make sure that you can get an offer from your dream school.
- Tuition is increasing annually.
I don't know how risk averse you are, so it's your own job to make the decision. Don't just follow the suggestions of others. The only decision you made that you will not regret is the one made by yourself (following your heart.)
Anyway, congrats on your offer! To know more about Duke and Fuqua, pls go to http://forum.chasedream.com/dispbbs.asp?boardID=13&ID=71550&page=12
Good luck! |