以下是引用swan在2005-4-2 23:38:00的发言:What is Top 3: It should be Harvard, Wharton, Standford, right??? What is M7: Harvard, Wharton, Stanford, MIT, Chicago, Columbia and ......???
this is totally, absolutely bull shit.
to me there are only two "super" schools: H/S. W is little bit on the edge.
after that, Chicago, Kellogg, Columbia, Sloan, Tuck, Duke, Haas, Yale, Cornell, Ross, Anderson, Darden, Stern, they are pretty much at the same level.
which one is "better"? only depends on where (geographically) and which industry you want to work in after mba.
hey everyone knows Yale SOM is a "second-tier" school compare to the other "top-10", but if you wanna go back to Asia, i bet you Yale name rings a bell much louder than Kellogg. does that make Yale a better b-school than the "M7"? of course not.
5 years down the road, who the heck cares about "which school did you graduate from?" your boss is not stupid, s/he won't give you promotion just because you graduated from Harvard. if you can't make money for the company, you are gone, you are history, baby.
and if you will need to hang yourself on this school brand thing whole your life just to boost your self-esteem, i say you are a darn big LOSER pal.
but hey if you are a "brand" sucker, and if you are still young, then just wait for another year, apply to these so-called "M7". otherwise you might regret your whole life: "why the fxxk i didn't wait for one more year so i can get into harvard and brag about it till my death"
disclaimer: applied to two of the so-called "M-7", got in one, got rejected by the other, and i am going to the third school which gives me dean's fellowship (which is also a so-called "top-10")
for those "brand-suckers" who feel being offended, take my word as "constructive criticism". LOL.
i am just fed up with this kind of stupid discussion.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-3 4:43:19编辑过] |