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楼主: 秋鹤渡寒塘
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拿到Ernst & Young Houston Full time offer,欢迎大家来提问

发表于 2013-11-27 20:09:11 | 显示全部楼层
思睿 发表于 2013-11-27 09:43
IUB这次报PWC休斯顿审计的都要了,税的一个都没要,加州的就一个都没要,包括美国学生在内,全拒了,据说是 ...

Haha I'm from IUB MSIS. I know one girl from msa got pwc tax intern in chicago and one last year got pwc full-time in NY.
发表于 2013-11-27 20:15:03 | 显示全部楼层
秋鹤渡寒塘 发表于 2013-11-27 13:00
You should apply internship as early as possible, but the problem is usually Big Four do not hire  ...

We barely go for Indiana for big four since indianapolis office is so small.  Lots of my friends end up in chicago and new york, some in texas and california. I think texas has a big need. Big four recruiting is always national. After first round, if you're good and the location you prefer has opening, you'll be sent to the location you prefer. PS, PwC does hire international students from my program.
发表于 2013-12-5 23:08:28 | 显示全部楼层
迷路de馥 发表于 2013-12-5 12:53

Actually Big Four have prioritized schools. If your school is in the list, the opportunity will be a lot. Because my school is in a small town, we can actually apply anywhere although chicago will be the focus. Lots of my friends end up in east and west coast too.
发表于 2013-12-5 23:17:38 | 显示全部楼层
dongadong 发表于 2013-12-5 13:07
所谓和老师保持良好的关系,要怎么弄呢?下课多去找老师问问题么。。。。?还有,如何在event上聊天让人 ...

Just my advice about networking events.
1. Be prepared. Do your research before going there. Ask good questions. Relate your experience/thoughts to the position while talking.
2. Be yourself. Make it a conversation instead of a Q&A session. Show your personality.
3. Be hardworking. It's really exhausting when you have to attend some similar events every day while need to work/study at the same time. You can't avoid being in a crowd and waiting in line for hours, but carry on!

Hope it helps.
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