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[逻辑小分队] 【每日逻辑练习第二季】【3-7】

发表于 2017-10-17 11:11:11 | 显示全部楼层
Jconclusion) H idea for modify guitar design no value
         (premise) because no agreement on guitar should sound like and bais to evaluate merits of sound
        Mpremise) what’s more if result in superior sound H’s idea had enough time to adopt(imply that it was not adopted)
           (premise) T example
推测:M supplement J 不完整 我们可以明确的是 J 和M 的main conclusion都是H’ idea for guitar design no value 但是细看J 和M 的premise    J:本来对于guitar的sound就没有统一答案无法评估好坏--main conclusion  M:if result in superior sound...... T example tonal quality 所以M 是认为guitar声音有好有坏如果H’s idea for design 真的能让guitar有更好的声音 那么他的理论早就被运用了--main conclusion    总结:J 和M 的premise是不一样的 main conclusion是一样的
答案为 E
A) Mark’s argument shows how a weakness in Jane’s argument can be overcome.
(B) Mark’s argument has a premise in common with Jane’s argument.(conclusion in common)
(C) Mark and Jane use similar techniques to argue for different conclusions.(different)
(D) Mark’s argument restates Jane’s argument in other terms.(not restate the premise while an argument is the sum of p and con)
(E) Mark’s argument and Jane’s argument are based on conflicting suppositions.

Background: to reduce crime rate--tough on criminals and harsh prison condition
           One of efforts: deny inma access to college they had in the past
Conslusion: counter the goal
Premise: since  who had taken college course committed far fewer crimes than others
推测:those who had taken..... went through all the tough and harsh conditions mentioned in the plan  those others didnot went through these   to state more clearly and correctly: there are some other factors that make those inma commit fewer crimes other than education in college.
A. Not being able to take college-level courses while in prison is unlikely to deter anyone from a crime that he or she might otherwise have committed.
B. Former inmates are no more likely to commit crimes than are members of the general population. 错误对比
C. The group of inmates who chose to take college-level courses were not already less likely than other inmates to commit crimes after being released.
D. Taking high school level courses in prison has less effect on an inmate's subsequent behavior than taking college-level courses does. 错误对比
E. The governor's ultimate goal actually is to gain popularity by convincing people that something effective is being done about crime. (to reduce crime rate)

Background: ancient N in an area typhus occcurs, but few skeletons show usual evidence of disease
Premise: Skeletons show deposits of tet( bact common in N soil)
         The bact can flourish grain for making N deits
Con:thus tet in food explain low typ among anci N
Tet was not deposited after ancient N were buried 远了 最直观的应该是 他说tet in food解释了low typ 那么tet in food actually in the body
A. Infectious diseases other than typhus to which the ancient Nubians were exposed are unaffected by tetracycline.
B. Tetracycline is not rendered ineffective as an antibiotic by exposure to the processes involved in making bread and beer.
C. Typhus cannot be transmitted by ingesting bread or beer contaminated with the infectious agents of this disease.(能不能无所谓)
D. Bread and beer were the only items in the diet of the ancient Nubians which could have contained tetracycline.(是不是无所谓)
E. Typhus is generally fatal.(介绍t的信息)

Background: a study in Pen, servers write thank you on random bills befor presenting to customers
Premise: tips on these bills 3 percent higher than tips on bills without the message
Con: therefore if servers regularly write thank you on biils their average income from tips would be siginificantly higher than otherwise it would have been
randomly--regularly random means that customers would not see the meaasge often and at one time they see the message they might be surprised and pleased and give more tips, however, if the customers see the meassage too often is that the same as the previous situation? I donnot think so.
A. The “Thank you” messages would have the same impact on regular patrons of a restaurant as they would on occasional patrons of the same restaurant.(来店的频率并不能和看到message的频率挂钩 来店的频率低 但是每次来的时候都能看到message)
B. Regularly seeing “Thank you” written on their bills would not lead restaurant patrons to revert to their earlier tipping habits.
C. The written “Thank you” reminds restaurant patrons that tips constitute a significant part of the income of many food servers.(不代表就会tip)
D. The rate at which people tip food servers in Pennsylvania does not vary with how expensive a restaurant is.
E. Virtually all patrons of the Pennsylvania restaurants in the study who were given a bill with “Thank you” written on it left a larger tip than they otherwise would have.

From 1973 to 1976  total US consum of cigrettes increased 3.4 percent
                  total sales of chewing tobacco rose 18 percent
                  total population increased 5 percent
预测:两俩关系 如:the per capt consum of cigrettes in 1976 less than that in 1973
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