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发表于 2004-3-20 14:54:00 | 显示全部楼层
这个贴子挺不错的, 如果大家能多添加些例子, 把它完善起来,就能使我们更快,更准的完成CR了.


原命题的逆否命题. , 我遇到过几次. 例子是一道真题如下.

Macrophages are cells that play a role in the response of the immune system of mice and other mammals to invasive organisms such as bacteria.     Unlike other mice, mice that are genetically incapable of making these particular cells do not show elevated levels of nitrates when infected with bacteria.
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The statements above, if true, provide the most support for which of the following conclusions?

1     Mice that show elevated levels of nitrates can easily fight off most types of bacterial infections.     ( 逆否命题)
2     In mice, macrophages play a role in the production of nitrates or inhibit a process by which nitrates are broken down or otherwise eliminated.

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