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发表于 2003-10-7 03:56:00 | 显示全部楼层

21. The energy an animal must expend to move uphill is proportional to its body weight, whereas the animal's energy output available to perform this task is proportional to its surface area. This is the reason that small animals, like squirrel, can run up a tree trunk almost as fast as they can move on level ground, whereas large animals tend to slow down when they are moving uphill

Which one of the following is an assumption on which the explanation above depends?
(A) The amount of energy needed to move uphill is no greater for large animals that it is for small animals.
(C) The ratio of surface area to body weight is smaller in large animals than it is in small animals.

(A) 不对, 因为Large Animals 应该需要更多的能量 to move uphill.
(C) 抓住了问题的关键, Large Animals 接触面积和身体重量的比例小, 所以速度慢.

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-10-7 4:44:35编辑过]
发表于 2003-10-7 04:08:00 | 显示全部楼层

9. In 1990 all of the people who applied for a job at
Evco also applied for a job at Radeco, and Evco
and Radeco each offered jobs to half of these appli-
cants. Therefore, every one of these applicants must
have been offered a job in 1990.

The argument above is based on which of the
following assumptions about these job applicants?
(A) All of the applicants were very well qualified for
a job at either Evco or Radeco.

(C) None of the applicants was offered a job by
both Evco and Radeco.

可以用集合考虑, (C)选项避免了重复, 必然保证每个申请人都有一个Offer.

而(A)选项加上以后, 并不能必然推出结论.

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-10-7 4:45:22编辑过]
发表于 2003-10-7 04:43:00 | 显示全部楼层

20. Despite the approach of winter, oil prices to indus-
trial customers are exceptionally low this year and
likely to remain so. Therefore, unless the winter is
especially severe, the price of natural gas to indus-
trial customers is also likely to remain low.

Which of the following, if true, provides the most
support for the conclusion above?

(B) The industrial users who consume most natural
gas can quickly and cheaply switch to using
oil instead.

题目中并没有就OIL 和GAS进行比较啊

unless the winter is
especially severe, the price of natural gas to indus-
trial customers is also likely to remain low
那么, gas的价格也是会上涨的


因果题, 结果是"工业用户的天然气价格会保持低水平"

找原因: 如果工业用户如果可以便宜地迅速转换使用石油,
天然气公司就会采用保持低价格的策略, 防止天然气的工业用户
去使用石油. 这就是(B)中隐含的答案.
因为天气不能决定价格, 供求关系才是决定价格的重要因素.

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-10-7 4:48:21编辑过]
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