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[揽瓜阁逻辑小分队] day6

发表于 2022-9-28 21:39:38 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2022-9-28 22:01:54 | 显示全部楼层
Day 6
1.        玛雅人
有个玛雅人的考古题 说已知玛雅人是3000年前settle在A地方的 但是后来发现了4500年前的文物 跟玛雅人的物品很像,而且跟其他的文物都不像。问能推出来什么
OG13 CR-119
The earliest Mayan pottery found at Colha, in Belize, is about 3,000 years old. Recently, however, 4,500-year-old stone agricultural implements were unearthed at Colha. These implements resemble Mayan stone implements of a much later period, also found at Colha. Moreover, the implements’ designs are strikingly different from the designs of stone implements produced by other cultures known to have inhabited the area in prehistoric times. Therefore, there were surely Mayan settlements in Colha 4,500 years ago.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weaken the argument?  D
(A) Ceramic ware is not known to have been used by the Mayan people to make agricultural implements.
(B) Carbon-dating of corn pollen in Colha indicates that agriculture began there around 4,500 years ago.
(C)Archaeological evidence indicates that some of the oldest stone implements found at Colha were used to cut away vegetation after controlled burning of trees to open areas of swampland for cultivation.
(D) Successor cultures at a given site often adopt the style of agricultural implements used by earlier inhabitants of the same site.
(E)Many religious and social institution of the Mayan people who inhabited Colha 3,000 years ago relied on a highly developed system of agricultural symbols.
2.        海边停车场
3.        猫猫会招贼
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