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[揽瓜阁逻辑小分队] day3

发表于 2022-9-23 20:33:29 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2022-9-23 20:36:18 | 显示全部楼层
Day 2
1.        柿子

2.        假钞逻辑漏洞题
其一(find the flaw):政府为了打击假钞,准备发行新的纸币。然后新的纸币发行了之后,在市面上还是发现了新钞票的假钞。又过了几个月,政府宣布新纸币的发行成功让假钞团伙放弃了印假钞。问这个argument的错误在哪儿。
其二(assumption):假钞 但是是说旧货币造假严重,有了一个新科技来抑制。又说新的货币发行后,好像是先有很多假币,后几年就没再发现假币了。 所以推论这个新科技有作用。问有什么assumption。
3.        手套
描述一:是一种soon还是loon什么的专家认为会导致心血管疾病。因为他们做了个实验在一这个物质高的城市验证了这个说 然后给了好多选项, 问那个会 undermine这个
描述二:in places where there is a lot of pollution, people get cardiovascular diseases. And then they did an experiment, in which places with high pollution had higher rates and places with low pollution had smaller rates.  Therefore, places with higher pollution are more likely to get the disease. (undermine)
It is not due to the high-rate pollution, but other factors caused the higher rate of disease. / There are more sick ppl (already have diseases) who live in the high-rate pollution environment.
发表于 2022-9-23 21:13:44 | 显示全部楼层
Day 3
1.        水泥木头房子
The question said that there are two houses: cement水泥 and wood. Cement houses are likely to generate more cost savings in terms of cooling/heating compared to wood houses. Conducted experiment and confirmed. The argument says that cost savings will be more in real life compared to the experiment. Ask to strengthen.
Maybe is due to the environment in real life/other factors, some effects(fungus/animals) will cause more troubles to wood house. 相比木头房,水泥房在制冷/取暖方面更省钱, 相关环节的费用未予考虑, 木头贵

2.        办信用卡防贼
学生之前往往用现金买饭,学校准备推出信用卡来防贼,这种信用卡会有学生的签名和头像,所以食堂里的员工可以辨认出学生来,减少贼。But this measure will not work, why?

3.        广告牌
Environmentalist say that 比较(不友好)的billboards and commercial signs will reduce the increase of tourism. So government should ban those billboards and signs. But two states – vemon and maine -- whose government banned the sign experienced a reduction in tourism growth. Explain why?
A: Did not consider effects from other signs
B: Did not consider factors other than the bans that may affect the tourism growth

它因,the billboards and commercial signs which are not friendly may cause the decrease of the tourism. But other factors may also affect the tourism, like off-season/weather/revamp
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