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[原始] 09/25/17 北美 RC Q AWA放狗

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发表于 2017-9-26 07:06:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
RC我能想起来的部分 慢慢更新

第一篇是讲Hays, Kansas这个地方用水是靠着附近的Cedar Bluff Reservoir外加城市里面打深井采集地下水. 这个Reservoir 里面的水又是从Smokey Hill river里截下来的. 近些年由于气候变化蒸发速度加强了75%, 导致在过去的几年里要不就是水位平衡保持不动要不就是下降。 研究人员一看这个不行啊,一直降低会影响城市阿,就开始想办法。然后下一段好像是说用了最新的技术把整个城市的砂石蓄水层给3d扫描了一遍建立了整个地下层的模型。然后根据这个模型分析的结果是, 不能再继续靠着Cedar Bluff Reservoir了, 得多靠第二种方式打深井到砂石蓄水层, 因为下面的水完全没有蒸发的顾虑. 确定这点之后, 他们决定开闸放水,让Cedar Bluff Reservoir的水流到下游的Smokey Hill River然后通过河床渗透到地下蓄水层。这样解决了蒸发速度快的问题城市用水就比以前稳多了不需要用管道引进别处的水那样很贵。

第二篇头一段是讲一个黑人女诗人,名字实在想不起来了好像带个J。说之前学界对她的研究不够深层次,只有寥寥几个人有分析她的作品和诗人生涯,导致了学界现在很多冲突。第二段开始就讲学界的冲突。说传统西方诗人界认为,诗歌是神圣伟大的,是文学的旁枝,所以必须是白纸黑字写在纸上然后出书才算是维持了诗人的格调。现在很多黑人诗人呢,最开始文学素养不够,所以他们最开始的作品很多是在聚会啊等公众场合唱出来或者朗诵出来的。这导致了很多问题,首先就是很多没有流传下来,流传下来的部分很少。就这很少的一部分还得不到主流学界的认可。因为上述的主流学界观点不承认你唱出来的是诗,必须有Writing. 然后结尾段又回到开头的J。 说之前为什么要提到J呢,因为她很牛啊,人家的诗歌连唱带写。她又有类似于唱片的作品在流传也同时有诗集问世。所以如果之前大家多研究研究她没准很多学界冲突就不会那么激烈了。

第三篇是土星环颜色 考古文章在本帖八楼





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发表于 2017-10-2 11:13:26 | 只看该作者
HuskyPP 发表于 2017-9-30 04:12
文章的意思是说原本诗歌的传统派和黑人文学的表演派是对立的没有融合的 尔文中提到的女诗人就是这个融合 ...

 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-30 04:13:51 | 只看该作者
gar_bbbbb 发表于 2017-9-28 06:17

Droughts & Reservoirs: Finding Storage Space Underground ...

对哈 文章说的就是这个事儿 源于生活高于生活有没有 XD
 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-30 04:12:44 | 只看该作者
tdu0906 发表于 2017-9-27 17:46
楼主,有点不明白黑人女诗人的那篇的逻辑,是因为没有研究所以有冲突是吧,然后介绍了冲突就的内容:诗歌是 ...

文章的意思是说原本诗歌的传统派和黑人文学的表演派是对立的没有融合的 尔文中提到的女诗人就是这个融合的体现 她在两种方式下都有涉猎也都有成就并且得到了认可 所以如果大家多研究她 也许两派的对立就不会那么严重 因为会意识到融合是有可能的
发表于 2017-9-28 06:17:12 | 只看该作者

Droughts & Reservoirs: Finding Storage Space Underground

Summary: Odd as it sounds, in some places the smartest way to safeguard the water supply is to let it drain out of the reservoirs and soak into the ground. That's what been discovered in local water shortages in Kansas, Oklahoma and New Mexico -- all of which could be microcosms of water shortage issues looming throughout the Western US.

     In these three cases -- Cedar Bluff Reservoir (Hays, KS), Optima Lake, (Guymon, OK), and Storrie Lake (Las Vegas, NM) -- water losses from evaporation are so high that they can accelerate water supply emergencies for farms and cities, explains Tom Brikowski, a professor of hydrology at the University of Texas at Dallas. Brikowski and Wayland Anderson, a Denver engineer, are presenting their work at the Geological Society of America conference on Managing Drought and Water Scarcity in Vulnerable Environments: Creating a Roadmap for Change. The meeting takes place 18-20 September at the Radisson Hotel and Conference Center in Longmont, Colorado.

     In the case of the City of Hays, the trouble starts 20 miles upstream at the Cedar Bluff Reservoir. Because of changes in farming practices, the reservoir gets only half the inflowing water it did when built in 1949. It now loses 75 percent of its inflowing water to evaporation. As a result, water losses most years now equal or exceed inflows. Reservoir releases were cut in 1979.

     "You get to the point where you can't afford to lose that much water," said Brikowski, "and your only other alternative is to store it underground."

     But how do you do that? In the case of Hays, nature had already provided for underground storage in the form of the Smoky Hill River aquifer. The aquifer has provided half the city's water supply for decades. Since the building of the Cedar Bluff reservoir, however, stream flow on top of it has dropped by 50 percent. That stream water recharged the wells, which, in turn, kept alive the town of Hays, Brikowski explains.

     At the behest of the City of Hays, Brikowski and Anderson created a detailed three-dimensional model of the sandy, gravelly ("alluvial") ground beneath the Smokey Hill River. Anderson analyzed the water balance of the reservoir. Next they simulated what had happened to the dropping water table, how much groundwater the aquifer could store, and how long a drought it could endure.

     "It's a clear case that the shut off of water (by the reservoir) limited how much water Hays could pump," said Brikowski. It also showed that by releasing water from that same reservoir they could kill two birds with one stone: recharge the aquifer and reduce the evaporation loss rate. According to Brikowski, "It was pretty hard to argue with the conclusion."

     They also found that by releasing reservoir water to recharge the Smoky Hill River aquifer, users could survive even the worst recorded drought with full production from municipal wells.

     "I think the City as a whole was quite happy," said Brikowski. By getting a better understanding of their water, the city can now avert seasonal water emergencies and no longer have to consider building hundreds of miles of pipeline to get water from other river basins.

     This story could replay in other places as well -- especially where reservoirs are getting less inflow due to changing water uses or climate change.

     There's the city of Las Vegas, NM, only months away from evacuations this year after lack of snow over the winter left streams dry. It was only the annual monsoon season that saved them this year, said Brikowski. The water crisis is becoming an almost annual event as winter snow packs shrink and melt sooner each spring, probably as a consequence of global warming.

     "More efficient storage, perhaps in alluvial aquifers, represents the only real hope for a solution," Brikowski said.

     The same may eventually be the case for most of California, which relies heavily on the melting of snow pack high in the Sierra Nevada to feed streams and rivers through the summer. Global warming is expected to raise the snowline on those mountains and has already pushed spring earlier in the year. This means there is generally less snowmelt and it may not last the whole summer.

     The Optima Reservoir of the Oklahoma Panhandle is an extreme example. A dry lake, it loses 100 percent of its inflowing water to evaporation. Converting to subsurface storage may be the only way to store water.

     "It's not that in any of these places they've done anything wrong," Brikowski said. Rather, situations change and water management has to keep up to avoid supply problems. Underground storage, he said, is something to add to the water management toolbox.

发表于 2017-9-27 17:46:44 | 只看该作者


发表于 2017-9-26 14:46:04 | 只看该作者
发表于 2017-9-26 10:00:30 来自手机 | 只看该作者
发表于 24分钟前

By Adia(总结)

发表于 2017-9-26 09:43:03 来自手机 | 只看该作者
发表于 2017-9-26 09:35:49 | 只看该作者

By Adia(总结)
1970s,人们认为,大约在five billion years ago,土星圆环的形成是和太阳系的形成同步开始的,太阳系外(outer solar system)的物质在路过的时候被吸引到土星周围,逐渐形成了圆环。然而最近研究却有不同的观点:首先,大部分的这些飞来之物一般都被认为是很黑的(assumed to be sooty黑的),而实验室的研究(laboratory studies)表明,在土星很亮的圆环中最多只有1%的sooty物质;Yet,如果圆环真的是从太阳系之初就开始形成的话,那sooty的物质应该早已经积累到很大了,应远远超过目前的发现。而且,似乎圆环的物质也远远没有five billion years那么长的历史,最多只有some hundred million years那么久(注意和之前那个时间的强对比)。因此认为,在hundred million years ago,有一个large icy飞行物,飞近土星时被其巨大引力撕裂破碎,从而形成了圆环。
选It would have been less sooty than other outer solar materials. 五个选项都是would have开头的,虚拟语气。其他选项有:它也是形成其他行星圆环的物质;它和构成土星的物质是一样的(这个很容易选错!注意选项中是Saturn而不是Saturn ring!)
<2> 另一道题的题干中有after 70’s, people started to believe that: 选新观点就是土星是less sooty的物质组成的(以前认为环环是50意念前就形成了,多为sooty物质,现在发现是有类似冰块的物质组成)
<3> 主旨:challenge一个老观点并提出新观点
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