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[逻辑小分队] 【每日逻辑练习第二季】【1-19】

发表于 2011-12-7 21:28:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
今天记得发作业了~~~嘿嘿~~~今天把daisy&bat整理的bible note 看了~~真的是很好的材料哈~~大家木有时间看那个厚的可以看这个~~不知不觉我们已经做完了旧prep的第一部分啦~~各位继续加油哈~~

6. Unlike newspapers in the old days, today’s
newspapers and televised news programs are full of
stories about murders and assaults in our city. One
can only conclude from this change that violent
crime is now out of control, and, to be safe from
personal attack, one should not leave one’s home
except for absolute necessities.
Which one of the following, if true, would cast the
most serious doubt on the conclusion?
(A) Newspapers and televised news programs have
more comprehensive coverage of violent
crime than newspapers did in the old days.
(B) National data show that violent crime is out of
control everywhere, not just in the author’s
(C) Police records show that people experience
more violent crimes in their own
neighborhoods than they do outside their
(D) Murder comprised a larger proportion of
violent crimes in the old days than it does
(E) News magazines play a more important role
today in informing the public about crime
than they did in the old days.

1.    (24021-!-item-!-188;#058&000691)

On Pacific islands, a newly arrived gecko species, the house gecko, is displacing the previously established mourning gecko in urban areas, but populations of the two species are more stable in rural areas far from human settlement.  The house gecko does not attack the mourning gecko, but in areas where insects congregate it prevents the mourning gecko from feeding on them.

Which of the following contributes most to an explanation of the difference between gecko populations in urban and rural areas?

(A) In urban areas, geckos are valued because they eat so many insects.
(B) Geckos defend territories against other members of the same species.
(C) House geckos that arrive on islands are carried there in boats and planes.
(D) In places where there are lighted buildings, insects tend to gather around the light.
(E) Mourning geckos are all females and reproduce asexually, but house geckos reproduce sexually.

2.    (24069-!-item-!-188;#058&000703)

Downtown Villieu was once a flourishing business district, but most Villieu-area businesses are now located only in the suburbs.  The office buildings downtown lack the modern amenities most business operators demand today.  To lure more businesses downtown, Villieu officials plan to have several modern office buildings constructed and to offer reduced local tax rates to any business that leases space in a new downtown building.

Which of the following, if true, most threatens the plan's likelihood of success?

(A) Most of the businesses currently located in downtown Villieu have long-term leases on the space they occupy there.
(B) The existing office buildings in downtown Villieu have, on average, a much higher vacancy rate than do office buildings in Villieu's suburbs.
(C) The local tax rates in Villieu's suburbs are significantly lower than downtown Villieu's proposed rate for businesses that lease space in the new office buildings.
(D) Most of the businesses that currently lease office space in downtown Villieu also lease office space in Villieu's suburbs.
(E) With the new office buildings, downtown Villieu would have a greater amount of modern office space than any other downtown business district in the region.

3.    (24117-!-item-!-188;#058&000708)

Northern Air has dozens of flights daily into and out of Belleville Airport, which is highly congested.  Northern Air depends for its success on economy and quick turnaround and consequently is planning to replace its large planes with Skybuses, whose novel aerodynamic design is extremely fuel efficient.  The Skybus' fuel efficiency results in both lower fuel costs and reduced time spent refueling.

Which of the following, if true, could present the most serious disadvantage for Northern Air in replacing their large planes with Skybuses?

(A) The Skybus would enable Northern Air to schedule direct flights to destinations that currently require stops for refueling.
(B) Aviation fuel is projected to decline in price over the next several years.
(C) The fuel efficiency of the Skybus would enable Northern Air to eliminate refueling at some of its destinations, but several mechanics would lose their jobs.
(D) None of Northern Air's competitors that use Belleville Airport are considering buying Skybuses.
(E) The aerodynamic design of the Skybus causes turbulence behind it when taking off that forces other planes on the runway to delay their takeoffs.

4.    (24257-!-item-!-188;#058&001200)

Which of the following most logically completes the argument?

A new machine for harvesting corn will allow rows to be planted only fifteen inches apart, instead of the usual thirty inches.  Corn planted this closely will produce lower yields per plant.  Nevertheless, the new machine will allow corn growers to double their profits per acre because __________.

(A) with the closer spacing of the rows, the growing corn plants will quickly form a dense canopy of leaves, which will, by shading the ground, minimize the need for costly weed control and irrigation
(B) with the closer spacing of the rows, corn plants will be forced to grow taller because of increased competition for sunlight from neighboring corn plants
(C) with the larger number of plants growing per acre, more fertilizer will be required
(D) with the spacing between rows cut by half, the number of plants grown per acre will almost double
(E) with the closer spacing of the rows, the acreage on which corn is planted will be utilized much more intensively than it was before, requiring more frequent fallow years in which corn fields are left unplanted
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-7 21:36:38 | 只看该作者
Question #6. Weaken-CE. December 2000 LSAT, Section 2, #7. The correct answer choice is (A)
The heart of the argument is a causal claim that the reason today’s newspapers are full of stories about
violent crime is that violent crime has now risen to a point where it is out of control.
MVC = more violent crimes
NFS = more news stories about violent crimes
On the basis of this relationship, the author adds for good measure that one should not leave one’s home!
From a form standpoint, this problem is very similar to #3 in this problem set. This is one of the keys to the
LSAT—you must recognize the patterns that exist within the test and then capitalize on them when they
appear. All the problems in the set include causality. From this point on, you must recognize causality
when it appears and then properly respond to it. Your ability to recognize these forms will give you an
advantage in both speed and confidence, and ultimately raise your score.
Answer choice (A): This is the correct answer. This answer presents an alternate cause to the scenario
presented above, namely that more comprehensive coverage leads to more news stories, not more violent
Answer choice (B): This Opposite answer strengthens the argument.
Answer choice (C): This answer strengthens the argument, if anything.
Answer choice (D): This is an answer that many people select. The answer is incorrect because it fails to
account for other violent crimes beside murder. Indicating that murder comprised a higher percentage of
violent crimes in the old days than today does not address the total number of crimes being committed.
Since the argument concludes that “violent crime is now out of control,” this answer is incorrect. Consider
the following example:
Old Days Today
Total number of murders 3 1,000
Total number of violent crimes 4 50,000
Percentage of violent crimes
that are murders 75% 2%
In this example, although murder was a higher proportion of the violent crimes in the old days, today there
are many more violent crimes. This shows that the scenario in the answer choice does not have to
undermine the argument. In the chapter on Numbers and Percentages we will revisit the concept of
proportion versus total numbers and discuss how the test makers use numerical ideas to attack test takers.
Answer choice (E): The role played by magazines in informing the public does not address why there are
so many stories about violent crime or if violent crime is now out of control.

逻辑链: 1. D   2. C  3. E   4. A
发表于 2011-12-7 21:58:47 | 只看该作者
1.premise:Unlike newspapers in the old days, today’s newspapers and televised news programs are full of stories about murders and assaults in our city. conclusion:violent crime is now out of control, and, to be safe from personal attack, one should not leave one’s home except for absolute necessities.
newspapers report more about crimes today
(A) Newspapers and televised news programs have more comprehensive coverage of violent crime than newspapers did in the old days.
(B) National data show that violent crime is out of control everywhere, not just in the author’s city.
(C) Police records show that people experience more violent crimes in their own neighborhoods than they do outside their neighborhoods.
(D) Murder comprised a larger proportion of violent crimes in the old days than it does today.
(E) News magazines play a more important role today in informing the public about crime than they did in the old days.
you must recognize the patterns that exist within the test and then capitalize on them when they appear. All the problems in the set include causality. From this point on, you must recognize causality when it appears and then properly respond to it. Your ability to recognize these forms will give you an advantage in both speed and confidence, and ultimately raise your score.
2.On Pacific islands, a newly arrived gecko species, the house gecko, is displacing the previously established mourning gecko in urban areas, but populations of the two species are more stable in rural areas far from human settlement.  The house gecko does not attack the mourning gecko, but in areas where insects congregate it prevents the mourning gecko from feeding on them.
Which of the following contributes most to an explanation of the difference between gecko populations in urban and rural areas?there are no insects in urban areas?
(A) In urban areas, geckos are valued because they eat so many insects.
(B) Geckos defend territories against other members of the same species.--irrelevant
(C) House geckos that arrive on islands are carried there in boats and planes.
(D) In places where there are lighted buildings, insects tend to gather around the light.
(E) Mourning geckos are all females and reproduce asexually, but house geckos reproduce sexually.
3.background information:Downtown Villieu was once a flourishing business district, but most Villieu-area businesses are now located only in the suburbs.  The office buildings downtown lack the modern amenities most business operators demand today.  premise: Villieu officials plan to have several modern office buildings constructed and to offer reduced local tax rates to any business that leases space in a new downtown building.
conclusion:lure more businesses downtown
(A) Most of the businesses currently located in downtown Villieu have long-term leases on the space they occupy there.
(B) The existing office buildings in downtown Villieu have, on average, a much higher vacancy rate than do office buildings in Villieu's suburbs.
(C) The local tax rates in Villieu's suburbs are significantly lower than downtown Villieu's proposed rate for businesses that lease space in the new office buildings.
(D) Most of the businesses that currently lease office space in downtown Villieu also lease office space in Villieu's suburbs.
(E) With the new office buildings, downtown Villieu would have a greater amount of modern office space than any other downtown business district in the region.
4. background information:Northern Air has dozens of flights daily into and out of Belleville Airport, which is highly congested.  Northern Air depends for its success on economy and quick turn around and consequently is planning to replace its large planes with Skybuses, whose novel aerodynamic design is extremely fuel efficient.
premise:The Skybus' fuel efficiency results in both lower fuel costs and reduced time spent refueling.
conclusion:ease the problem
(A) The Skybus would enable Northern Air to schedule direct flights to destinations that currently require stops for refueling.
(B) Aviation fuel is projected to decline in price over the next several years.
(C) The fuel efficiency of the Skybus would enable Northern Air to eliminate refueling at some of its destinations, but several mechanics would lose their jobs.
--irrelevant, or support
(D) None of Northern Air's competitors that use Belleville Airport are considering buying Skybuses.
(E) The aerodynamic design of the Skybus causes turbulence behind it when taking off that forces other planes on the runway to delay their takeoffs.
background information:A new machine for harvesting corn will allow rows to be planted only fifteen inches apart, instead of the usual thirty inches.  
premise:Corn planted this closely will produce lower yields per plant.  + ???
conclusion: the new machine will allow corn growers to double their profits per acre
less loss by insects?
(A) with the closer spacing of the rows, the growing corn plants will quickly form a dense canopy of leaves, which will, by shading the ground, minimize the need for costly weed control and irrigation
(B) with the closer spacing of the rows, corn plants will be forced to grow taller because of increased competition for sunlight from neighboring corn plants
(C) with the larger number of plants growing per acre, more fertilizer will be required

--opposite to the information, or irrelevant
(D) with the spacing between rows cut by half, the number of plants grown per acre will almost double

--so harvest less than 2 times
(E) with the closer spacing of the rows, the acreage on which corn is planted will be utilized much more intensively than it was before, requiring more frequent fallow years in which corn fields are left unplanted

发表于 2011-12-7 23:56:48 | 只看该作者
P: Unlike the old newspaper, the current newspaper reports more violent crimes.
C: Therefore, people should not leave their houses since more and more crimes occur.
Prephrase: The old newspaper didn't report crimes as many as current newspaper.

(A) Newspapers and televised news programs have

more comprehensive coverage of violent
crime than newspapers did in the old days.------------------------------this is correct. IF the coverage of violent crime was not as comprehensive as it is now, certainly the report of crimes of old newspaper would be less.
(B) National data show that violent crime is out of
control everywhere, not just in the author’s
city.------------------------------------------------------------------------------support the argument.
(C) Police records show that people experience
more violent crimes in their own
neighborhoods than they do outside their
neighborhoods.-----------------------------------------------------------------where the violent crimes happen is not an issue
(D) Murder comprised a larger proportion of
violent crimes in the old days than it does
today.----------------------------------------------------------------------------a large proportion of violent crimes doesn't mean large number of crimes.
(E) News magazines play a more important role
today in informing the public about crime
than they did in the old days.------------------------------------------------this can be a contender at first, but then it cannot conclude the reason that the news magazine report more crimes than the old magazines did.
发表于 2011-12-8 09:05:23 | 只看该作者
Newspapers of today are full of stories about violent crimes. It refers that the society is out of control.
People should not leave home unless absolutely necessary.
Pre: 1. Newspapers are more likely to print stories about violent crimes, therefore it looks like the society is dangerous but indeed it is not.
A) Newspapers and televised news programs have  contender
more comprehensive coverage of violent
crime than newspapers did in the old days.  
(B) National data show that violent crime is out of  support
control everywhere, not just in the author’s
(C) Police records show that people experience  irrelevant
more violent crimes in their own
neighborhoods than they do outside their
(D) Murder comprised a larger proportion of    irrelevant
violent crimes in the old days than it does
(E) News magazines play a more important role    contender
today in informing the public about crime
than they did in the old days.

这道题  A E让我犹豫,仔细想了下,还是A对, E是一个无关项。 A突出了 more coverage ,解释了是newspaper加大了范围而不是社会out of control,weaken了论述。
发表于 2011-12-8 11:56:46 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-12-8 12:57:21 | 只看该作者
Today's newspaper and TV news are full of violent stories.
One can conclude that violent crime is now out of control and one should not leave home except for absolute necessities.
Prephase: Violent stories are now allowed to be published on newspapers and TV. They are prohibitted in the old days.
(A) Newspapers and televised news programs have more comprehensive coverage of violent
crime than newspapers did in the old days.——correct
(B) National data show that violent crime is out of control everywhere, not just in the author’s
city. ——Strengthen
(C) Police records show that people experience more violent crimes in their own
neighborhoods than they do outside their neighborhoods.—— ——Strengthen
(D) Murder comprised a larger proportion of
violent crimes in the old days than it does
today.——a large proportion doesn't mean the large number of crimes
(E) News magazines play a more important role
today in informing the public about crime——irrelevant(play a role)
than they did in the old days.
 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-9 08:33:18 | 只看该作者
Today the crime and violent stories in the newspapers are more than before? the crimes and violent issues are out of control.
C: people should stay at home.
Weaken: newspaper always describes the thing does not happen in the real life.
(A) Newspapers and televised news programs have
More comprehensive coverage of violent
Crime than newspapers did in the old days.-->R
(B) National data show that violent crime is out of
Control everywhere, not just in the author’s
city.-->irrelevant with other places.
(C) Police records show that people experience
More violent crimes in their own
Neighborhoods than they do outside their
neighborhoods. -->irrelevant comparison.
(D) Murder comprised a larger proportion of
Violent crimes in the old days than it does
today.-->irrelevant comparison.
(E) News magazines play a more important role
today in informing the public about crime
than they did in the old days.-->support
 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-9 08:52:23 | 只看该作者

(A) with the closer spacing of the rows, the growing corn plants will quickly form a dense canopy of leaves, which will, by shading the ground, minimize the need for costly weed control and irrigation---->possible
(B) with the closer spacing of the rows, corn plants will be forced to grow taller because of increased competition for sunlight from neighboring corn plants-->grow taller does not mean they produce more.
(C) with the larger number of plants growing per acre, more fertilizer will be required-->weaken
(D) with the spacing between rows cut by half, the number of plants grown per acre will almost double-->tricky!!! the number may double, however,  the passage already mention that there will be less yields, so the total production will less than double the amount.
(E) with the closer spacing of the rows, the acreage on which corn is planted will be utilized much more intensively than it was before, requiring more frequent fallow years in which corn fields are left unplanted->weaken
发表于 2011-12-9 16:07:05 | 只看该作者
premise:today newspapers and TV news programs report more about murders and assaults than newspapers in the past.
conclusion:the violient crime is out of control and for one's safety,one should not leave one alone at home unless for absolute  necessities.
(A) Newspapers and televised news programs have
more comprehensive coverage of violent
crime than newspapers did in the old days.——correct
(B) National data show that violent crime is out of
control everywhere, not just in the author’s
city.——has no effect on this issue
(C) Police records show that people experience
more violent crimes in their own
neighborhoods than they do outside their
(D) Murder comprised a larger proportion of
violent crimes in the old days than it does
today.——has no effect on this issue
(E) News magazines play a more important role
today in informing the public about crime
than they did in the old days.——it is about the newspapers or news programs.has nothing to do with the news magazines.

Answer choice (D): This is an answer that many people select. The answer is incorrect because it fails to
account for other violent crimes beside murder.
Indicating that murder comprised a higher percentage of
violent crimes in the old days than today does not address the total number of crimes being committed.
Since the argument concludes that “violent crime is now out of control,” this answer is incorrect. Consider
the following example:
Old Days Today
Total number of murders 3 1,000
Total number of violent crimes 4 50,000
Percentage of violent crimes
that are murders 75% 2%
In this example, although murder was a higher proportion of the violent crimes in the old days, today there
are many more violent crimes. This shows that the scenario in the answer choice does not have to
undermine the argument. In the chapter on Numbers and Percentages we will revisit the concept of
proportion versus total numbers and discuss how the test makers use numerical ideas to attack test takers.
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