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发表于 2011-9-11 19:36:06 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
80.The program to control the entry of illegal drugs into the country was a failure in 1987. If the program had been successful, the wholesale price of most illegal drugs would not have dropped substantially in 1987.

The argument in the passage depends on which of the following assumptions?

(A) The supply of illegal drugs dropped substantially in 1987.

(B) The price paid for most illegal drugs by the average consumer did not drop substantially in 1987.

(C) Domestic production of illegal drugs increased at a higher rate than did the entry of such drugs into the country.

(D) The wholesale price of a few illegal drugs increased substantially in 1987. E

(E) A drop in demand for most illegal drugs in 1987 was not the sole cause of the drop in their wholesale price.

我理解的是,文中认为ENTRY药品是SUPPLY主要渠道,SUPPLY和PRICE有关系,E选项 排除他因DEMAND 来陈述SUPPLY作用吗?

122. When people evade income taxes by not declaring taxable income, a vicious cycle results. Tax evasion forces lawmakers to raise income tax rates, which causes the tax burden on nonevading taxpayers to become heavier. This, in turn, encourages even more taxpayers to evade income taxes by hiding taxable income.

The vicious cycle described above could not result unless which of the following were true?

(A) An increase in tax rates tends to function as an incentive for taxpayers to try to increase their pretax incomes.

(B) Some methods for detecting tax evaders, and thus recovering some tax revenue lost through evasion, bring in more than they cost, but their success rate varies from years to year.

(C) When lawmakers establish income tax rates in order to generate a certain level of revenue, they do not allow adequately for revenue that will be lost through evasion.

(D) No one who routinely hides some taxable income can be induced by a lowering of tax rates to stop hiding such income unless fines for evaders are raised at the same time.C

(E) Taxpayers do not differ from each other with respect to the rate of taxation that will cause them to evade taxes.



122. When people evade income taxes by not declaring taxable income, a vicious cycle results. Tax evasion forces lawmakers to raise income tax rates, which causes the tax burden on nonevading taxpayers to become heavier. This, in turn, encourages even more taxpayers to evade income taxes by hiding taxable income.

The vicious cycle described above could not result unless which of the following were true?

(A) An increase in tax rates tends to function as an incentive for taxpayers to try to increase their pretax incomes.

(B) Some methods for detecting tax evaders, and thus recovering some tax revenue lost through evasion, bring in more than they cost, but their success rate varies from years to year.

(C) When lawmakers establish income tax rates in order to generate a certain level of revenue, they do not allow adequately for revenue that will be lost through evasion.

(D) No one who routinely hides some taxable income can be induced by a lowering of tax rates to stop hiding such income unless fines for evaders are raised at the same time.C

(E) Taxpayers do not differ from each other with respect to the rate of taxation that will cause them to evade taxes.


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-11 19:41:26 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-11 19:50:52 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-11 20:06:55 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-9-11 21:51:55 | 只看该作者
80 没能控制住非法药流入。后面用了虚拟,说明事实是当年批发价格大大下降,从而说明大量流入了。要找假设,这道题目相当狡猾不直接搭桥,只能用排除他因,LZ感觉是对的。E正好排除了一种原因,即不是供需造成了,从而为题目的成立提供了另外的条件成立。写到这里,我更觉得假设像一种排除他因使条件成立的支持题型?!

122 是说为了对付逃税行为,万恶的国税人员将税率提高,这样打击一大片,不逃税的人也跟着倒霉多交。交的多了自然逃的人更多,再提高。一个恶性循环形成了。万恶的人民公仆这样做的目的是我只管收到我应该收到的钱,你们不交是吧,那我收不到我要的,我只能强行提高强收。有点罗嗦呵呵,有感而发啊。嘿嘿。
A pretax income,题目根本没提到,算也没大意思,也没给个税率
B 说其他打击逃税方法也好啊,可是每年的成功率不一样,跟本题有毛直接关系。
C 国税人员制定一个具体的税率,满足的条件是收到因为那些逃税的人少掉的钱。--正是这样可以收到想收的钱所以不断提高税率,提高了,不断有人逃,收不到了,再提高到一定点。
D 说那些经常性逃税的人不会因为给点优惠就投降了,除非同时罚他们 ---- 罚多少也没说,多少才能不让越来越多的人逃税呢,这是个问题。
E 税率的高低不会使得交税的人不同 ----正好削弱了本题,恶性循环形成不起来了。
发表于 2011-9-11 22:07:05 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-14 22:29:51 | 只看该作者
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