A Beijingnese perceives sentences of his own dialect as sequences of well-articulated words. But this perception cannot be accurate. This is demonstrated by the fact that a Hunanese tourist, who does not know the Beijing dialect, only hears an incomprehensible, continuous stream of sound, not sentences with intelligible words, voiced by Beijingnese around him.
Which one of the following is an assumption on which the above argument depends?
(A) It is impossible to understand a sentence if the sentence is simply a continuous stream of sound. (B) Those Hunanese who do not know the Beijing dialect cannot hear the correct way in which the Beijing dialect actually sounds. (C) A person pays less attention to the way his own dialect sounds than he does to the way another unfamiliar dialect sounds. (D) An educated Hunanese who studies the Beijing dialect does not perceive sentences in the Beijing dialect as a continuous stream of sound. (E) The perception of a Beijingnese of his dialect is not more accurate than is the perception of a Hunanese who knows nothing about the Beijing dialect.