In 1987 sinusitis was the most common chronic medical condition in the United States, followed by arthritis and high blood pressure, in that order. The incidence rates for both arthritis and high blood pressure increase with age, but the incidence rate for sinusitis is the same for people of all ages. The average age of the United States population will increase between 1987 and 2000.
Which of the following conclusions can be most properly drawn about chronic medical conditions in theUnited States from the information given above?
In 1987 sinusitis was the most common chronic medical condition in the United States, followed by arthritis and high blood pressure, in that order.
The incidence rates for both arthritis and high blood pressure increase with age, but the incidence rate for sinusitis is the same for people of all ages.
The average of the United States population will increase between 1987 and 2000.
Which of the following conclusions can be most properly drawn about chronic medical conditions in the United States from the information given above?
(A) Sinusitis will be more common than either arthritis or high blood pressure in 2000. (B) Arthritis will be the most common chronic medical condition in 2000. (C) The average age of people suffering from sinusitis will increase between 1987 and 2000. (D) Fewer people will suffer from sinusitis in 2000 than suffered from it in 1987. (E) A majority of the population will suffer from at least one of the medical conditions mentioned above by the year 2000.
这个题讨论的人很多,但是followed by arthritis and high blood pressure, in that order. 这句话可不可以理解成, 只有发了 S病 然后 才可以 发A 和H 病呢 ,如果是这样的 A选项也没有问题吧,因为无论你怎么发A或者H病的人 都是有S病为前提,而且 文中也没有说过可以治好啊,这样的话S病当然是最commom啦 我这里哪来考虑错了 请指正一下 谢谢
抱歉我想请问您关于条件句: The average of the United States population will increase between 1987 and 2000.是不是有输入错误呢? 若用中文解释,这句会是”美国人口的平均将会在1987-2000年之间增长”,但语意上就不通了,什么是美国人口的平均呢?或是说原句想表达美国人的平均什么会增长?是平均年龄,平均出生率,还是平均什么?这像信息可能会大大影响到结论的.
The average of the United States population will increase between 1987 and 2000. 这个题目我也是看了一个精华讨论贴,看了以后感觉不对,贴出来询问下,这句话我没有输错,我查了所有关于这个题目的帖子,都有这句话(不好意思,我没有原题,也是看帖看出问题来的)。和楼上想的一样,如果有这句话,这很明确,就是指美国的人均年龄都在增长,那么c选项肯定就是对的。而且让人觉得这个题很弱智,然后这个题是OG的,根据多个相关帖的回馈,这个题目OG的答案就是选C。但是我没有想到我对A选项的理解错误在哪里了
在帖子:”[原创]从OG-174看出去” 里头有一个回复是这样的 庄子大哥,你抄的题目错了,是The average AGE of the United States population will increase between 1987 and 2000.难怪我刚开始死活没看明白,原来少了age。呵呵,帮你指出来,同时谢谢教诲:)