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GWD-18-Q10 一道阅读must be true争议题目新解

发表于 2010-1-26 15:20:01 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

The term “episodic memory” was introduced by Tulving to refer to what he considered a uniquely human capacity—the ability to recollect specific past events, to travel back into the past in one’s own mind—as distinct from the capacity simply to use information acquired through past experiences.  Subsequently, Clayton et al. developed criteria to test for episodic memory in animals.  According to these criteria, episodic memories are not of individual bits of information; they involve multiple components of a single event “bound” together.  Clayton sought to examine evidence of scrub jays’ accurate memory of “what,” “where,” and “when” information and their binding of this information.  In the wild, these birds store food for retrieval later during periods of food scarcity.  Clayton’s experiment required jays to remember the type, location, and freshness of stored food based on a unique learning event.  Crickets were stored in one location and peanuts in another.  Jays prefer crickets, but crickets degrade more quickly.  Clayton’s birds switched their preference from crickets to peanuts once the food had been stored for a certain length of time, showing that they retain information about the what, the where, and the when.  Such experiments cannot, however, reveal whether the birds were reexperiencing the past when retrieving the information.  Clayton acknowledged this by using the term “episodic-like” memory.

In order for Clayton’s experiment to show that scrub jays have episodic-like memory, which of the following must be true in the experiment?

A.Some of the jays retrieved stored peanuts on the first occasion they were allowed to retrieve food.???B.All the crickets were retrieved before any of the peanuts were.??C.The peanuts were stored further away than the crickets.???D.When a jay attempted to retrieve a cricket or a peanut, the jay was prevented from eating it.??E.Throughout the experiment the jays were fed at levels typical of a time of scarcity.????争议集中在ABE

想来想去觉得还是比较同意A首先我觉得这并非是一道常规的“must be true”(根据原文内容推理)类题目,而是一道隐藏的“Support”类题目,“must be true”只是虚晃一下,看看ETS有多可耻首先C的实验并未证明Jay有episodic memory,因为episodic memory有两个criteria1)multiple components of a single even2) “bound” together".

而C的实验只证明了第一个条件(文章最后说showing that they retain information about the what, the where, and the when(multiple componenets).  Such experiments cannot, however, reveal whether the birds were reexperiencing the past when retrieving the information.)Clayton acknowledged this(this 指reexperiencing the past,而实验并未证明Jay能够reexperience,所以也不能证明Jay有episodic memory) by using the term “episodic-like” memory.

Support当然就是要求实验还能够证明第二个条件,2) “bound” together".

原文的实验为什么没能证明Jay能够把这些信息bond together呢?原文的实验已经证明了Jay能够回忆其when where and what,但是就是不能联系到一起来做综合的判断,也就是说想到了where,然后笨笨的飞到那个地方(where)找出东西,这才知道是什么(what),再仔细看看如果是crickets,才知道它是过期了的,然后再去试另外一个地方,,,,重复几次知道终于找到了没有过期的peanuts

但是如果Jay能够把这些信息bound together,也就是说能够reexperience,那么就不用这么费事的一个一个试了,因为这么多信息一联系起来就立刻能做出正确的判断,直接去储存peanuts的地方找peanuts,也就是A所说的

B明显还是笨方法,只是能够回忆起零散的信息,一个一个试的,所以不能证明有episodic memory
E或许具有些迷惑性,为了保证和wild一样条件,但是对于证明是否有episodic memoy不是必须的吧(另外,food scarity是一个很泛泛的概念,怎么保证一样,不可能啊,有的鸟饿的要死,有的鸟只是一顿没吃,都是food scarity啊,)


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发表于 2010-10-6 07:54:38 | 只看该作者

对A取非: NONE of the jays retrieved stored peanuts on the first occasion they were allowed to retrieve food.
就算第一次没有jay去retrieve花生,所有的jay都retrieve虫子,只要当the food had been stored for a certain length of time的时候有本来retrieve虫子的jay转为retrieve花生,就说明jay能够记住虫子的储存时间,判断储存久了就已经erode不能吃了。也就是说对A取非不能削弱结论。

我觉得Clayton’s birds switched their preference from crickets to peanuts once the food had been stored for a certain length of time暗示了retrieve行为不止发生一次,如果只retrieve一次的话,A是说得通的,因为实验就是要通过jay会弃虫投花生证明jay记得store行为发生的时间和地点,而如果没有jay去retrieve peanuts(A取非),就无法说明jay能记得时间造成的虫子过期不好吃问题。(这哪位NN可以看下Clayton的论文,实验到底是怎么做的,google上好像有)

E是必不可少的,其一,做实验要控制其他变量,尽可能保证和jay所处的环境尽量在野生环境一样,即保证jay的行为尽量natural,而不是因为实验和in the wild有些条件(如喂食)的不同导致jay的反应是attribute to some variables introduced by the experiment;其二,E在原文定位是说In the wild, these birds store food for retrieval later during periods of food scarcity. 即jay的store-retrieve行为是在food scarcity的情况下才发生,那对E取非,如果jay喂饱饱,可能就无法按实验设计进行藏储食物然后retrieve了。


From New York Times:
Dr. Clayton began to test western scrub jays to see if they met any of the criteria for episodic memory. The jays can hide several thousand pieces of food each year and remember the location of each one. Dr. Clayton wondered if scrub jays simply remembered locations, or if they remembered the experience of hiding the food.
She ran an experiment using two kinds of food: moth larvae and peanuts. Scrub jays prefer larvae to peanuts while the larvae are still fresh. When the larvae are dead for a few hours, the jays prefer peanuts. Dr. Clayton gave the birds a chance to hide both kinds of food and then put them in another cage. She later returned the birds to their caches, in some cases after four hours and in other cases after five days.
The time the scrub jays spent away from their caches had a big effect on the type of food they looked for. The birds that waited four hours tended to dig up larvae, and the birds that had to wait for five days passed the larvae by and dug up peanuts instead. (To make sure they were not just picking up the smell of rotten larvae and avoiding those spots, Dr. Clayton dumped out the caches as soon as the birds had made them, and filled all of them with fresh sand.)
发表于 2010-1-31 10:12:02 | 只看该作者
当时选的D,“.When a jay attempted to retrieve a cricket or a peanut, the jay was prevented from eating it” 理由是如果jay吃了crickets后发现是坏的,然后才转向peanuts,那么就没法证明它们是靠episodic memory做出的预先判断了。不过后来想想,这个可以是个加强或者前提,但未必是个must be,因为这帮jay确实可能压根就没尝直接就去选了。从这个角度来讲,ABC都存在同样的问题,这些都不是必然要求的。

原文中C为了做试验方便,直接把东西存好了给jay看,然后让jay去选。由于整个实验有一个条件是野外的jay会为“缺少食物的时候”储备粮食,因此可以认为jay之后取出crickets或peanut的选择是在“缺少食物”的条件下进行的。原文中也提到,jay随着时间的推移而偏向选peanuts,可见这段时间都应该是time of scarcity(否则前面的测试没意义了)。所以,选E

 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-31 11:43:37 | 只看该作者

我觉得问题的重点还是集中在前半句上,为了证明Jay具有episodic-like memory

In order for Clayton’s experiment to show that scrub jays have episodic-like memory, which of the following must be true in the experiment?

E的要求是极为严格的,即使E或许会减少其他因素的影响,但对证明是否有episodic-like memory没有直接的贡献,也就是CR中常说的,E和题目要求论证的对象存在着巨大的GAP,不是必然的


所以觉得还是A,因为A处于逻辑链条中紧扣episodic-like memory的一环
 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-31 11:56:29 | 只看该作者
PS:原文明确提到了episodic-like memory的两个必要条件:
multiple components of a single event

2)bond together

原文实验已经证明了第一项,原文也强调该实验没能证明第二项,所以如果满足第二项,那就确定无疑是episodic-like memory了

另外E选项如果对应原文的这句话的话:In the wild, these birds store food for retrieval later during periods of food scarcity

其实实验只要求保证Jays会去寻找食物就可以了,喂的食量不必要非相同(比如让他们比在野外缺少食物的时候更饥饿,哈哈,人类真残忍),Throughout the experiment the jays were fed at levels typical of a time of scarcity.而且E是不能由原文直接推到出的,是在原文基础上主观强加了额外的信息,应该属于过度推理


发表于 2010-8-2 20:15:59 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-8-4 10:33:19 | 只看该作者
1)题目中明确说了what must be true to show jay has "episodic-LIKE memory". 楼主说的BOUND TOGETHER是EPISODIC MEMORY的条件。文章结尾处已经说了“就是因为不能证明BOUND TOGETHER(REEXPERIENCE)所以才把它叫做episodic-like memory,所以楼主这个bound together的条件是无关的.
2)即使没有上面这第一点,假设episodic-like memory = episodic memory,A也不对。因为证明jay has episodic-like memory的其中一条证据就是虽然jay prefers cricket,after it knows through memory that crickets are now rancid, it will start to choose less-desirable peanuts.开始吃花生的时间点和CRICKET变质的时间点一致才可以证明有episodic memory。如果一开始一些jay就已经选择花生的话,整个论证就不成立了。

发表于 2010-8-11 11:32:04 | 只看该作者
因为觉得A还是围绕着episodic memory来说的
发表于 2010-8-28 18:49:15 | 只看该作者
还是不懂啊, 这个选项我怎么觉得是无关呢?
发表于 2010-9-25 18:12:40 | 只看该作者


ASome有问题 实验应全部成功才可以说明问题,有些鸟成功,有些不成功,那就不可以证明实验了
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