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一道逻辑题求解 from Feifei Logic

发表于 2009-11-16 05:09:31 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

10. In order to pressure thegovernment of Country S to become less repressive, some legislators in CountryR want to ban all exports from R to S. Companies in R that manufacturetelecommunication equipment such as telephones and fax machines have arguedthat exports of their products should be exempted from the ban, on the groundthat it is impossible for a country to remain repressive when telecommunicationequipment is widely available to the population of that country.

Which one of the following is anassumption on which the argument given by the manufacturers depends?

(A) The government of S hasrecently increased the amount of telecommunication equipment it allows to beimported into the country.

(B) The telecommunication equipmentthat would be imported into S if the exemption were to be granted would not beavailable solely to top development officials in S.

(C) A majority of the members ofR’s legislature do not favor exempting telecommunication equipment from the banon exports to Country S.

(D) Of all exports that could besent to Country S, telecommunication equipment would be the most effective inhelping citizens of S oppose that country’s repressive government.

(E) Without pressure from CountryR, the government of S would be able to continue repressing its citizensindefinitely.
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发表于 2009-11-18 01:11:23 | 只看该作者
答案是C吧?题目的结论是当一个国家的人民大范围的使用通讯设备,那么这个国家不可能repressive。这里的前提是,这些设备出口到S国,必须是老百姓都能买到,如果只是在高管手里,那么这个结论就站不住脚了~至于D选项,说通讯设备最能反对repressive,这个是不是most effective无所谓啊~也就是取反后(not the most effective),对结论没有影响的!
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