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【揽瓜阁6.0】Day8 2021.03.15【人文科学-健康、历史】

发表于 2021-3-14 22:31:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
  Day8 2021.03.15

Look before you eat from the healthy snacks aisle
(Financial Times - 855字 长精读)

In Mean Girls, the cult high school comedy written by Tina Fey, the villain Regina George is fooled into eating Swedish nutrition bars to lose weight because they “just burn up all your carbs”. She takes some time to realise that her supposedly healthy snack is having the opposite effect.

The film was ahead of its time in 2004, for appetites are now insatiable for snacks that do you good. Supermarkets are filled with protein and fruit bars, rice cakes and gluten-free tortilla chips, many made by small brands. “Guilt-free and delicious,” promises one fruit bar. “Ingredients you can see and pronounce,” says another from Kind Snacks, the “healthy snacking leader” in which Mars has a stake.

Mondelez, the confectionery and snack group spun off from Kraft Foods, which owns Cadbury chocolate and Oreo cookies, is a convert to the trend. It said this week that it intends to create and acquire more healthy snack brands, reinvesting some of the $10bn investment it currently holds in coffee companies. Mondelez bought Perfect Snacks, a US maker of refrigerated protein bars, last year.

It is a profitable time for a second helping. The Covid pandemic has been good to Mondelez and PepsiCo, another of the world’s biggest snack groups. As people went into lockdown, they reached for the biscuit tin and the cookie jar; Kantar, the research group, found that snacking “occasions” (also known as not waiting for the next meal) rose the longer it lasted.

But are we all Regina George now, believing that we can graze healthily, when really it’s just over-eating? A lot rests on the answer, since snacking has become such an integral part of modern eating. Rushing to work with a cereal bar instead of eating breakfast, or taking a mid-afternoon break with a biscuit: many lives are now built around snacks as much as meals.

Americans and the British are leading snackers but the trend towards eating several small meals instead of three big ones is global, if adapted to local tastes. Dried fish and squid strips are on offer in Japanese convenience stores, nearby the peanuts and crisps. Mondelez reports a rise of 18 per cent in “snacking occasions globally” between 2015 and 2017.

It is a generational change, as well as one of lifestyle. Millennials are keen on snacks — seven out of 10 said they preferred multiple small meals in one survey — as are teenagers. But they are also cynical about corporations, weary of old brands and choosy about ingredients.

Small brands, many founded by millennials, spotted this faster than companies such as Kraft. “Snacking Without Compromise” is the slogan of Texas-based Amplify Brands, which makes SkinnyPop popcorn and Pirate’s Booty rice and corn puffs, and was acquired by Hershey in 2017. Consumers are “used to deciding between what we really want and what is good for us. At Amplify, we don’t believe it needs to be that way,” it promises.

Amplify knows its millennial snackers. In a study in 2017, it identified the qualities they crave. Most believe that the fewer ingredients in a snack, the better, and recoil at trans fats or added sugar. They like labels such as “gluten-free”, “allergen-free” and “vegan” and want responsibly sourced food. They are also willing to pay higher prices for guilt-free pleasure.

Hunger for healthy snacks has produced a cornucopia of unusual treats to pop in the mouth. At my local Sainsbury’s supermarket in east London, the cereal bars, crackers and puffs take up as much space as the biscuits, and put the soda and sweet drinks aisle to shame. Baked corn snacks, crispbread, beef biltong and oatcakes jostle for attention with crispy seaweed.

They all look healthier than the Oreos opposite, but they warrant close examination. The Nakd Cocoa Delight fruit and nut bar that I ate for research contains dates, cashews, raisins and cocoa with “a hint of natural flavouring” and “no added sugar or syrups”. It was delicious, but it also turned out to have 15.9 grammes — about two heaped teaspoons — of natural sugars.

The calories soon mount up from snacking, even of the healthier kind: almost a quarter of Americans’ daily energy intake now comes from snacks. The fact that they are often eaten alone also reduces the social pressure to stop before finishing off the baked puff bag. A treat can become a habit and what Mondelez calls “permissible indulgence” may turn permissive.

Snacking need not be pernicious — some studies have found that there are metabolic advantages to nibbling regularly through the day, rather than overindulging out of hunger at meal times. One Italian study last year concluded that the “optimal pattern” was three meals and two snacks a day (it was funded by the food group Danone, but written by academics).

But nor is it coincidence that a global increase in obesity has accompanied the rise of snacking. “Snack Mindfully,” is Mondelez’s response, to be placed on all its labelling by 2025 (“Chew thoroughly. Finish one bite before starting the next”). When choosing a “healthy snack”, it also pays to look before you eat. That would have spared Regina George a lot of angst.

Source: The Economist

The conquest of the Aztec empire
( WSY -366 字 短精读)

Source: WSY

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发表于 2021-3-15 01:31:28 | 只看该作者
Language Club 6.0 Day8



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发表于 2021-3-15 06:59:20 | 只看该作者
Day 8, March 15, 2021


生词:cult 时髦的;helping (食物)一份;Mondelez 亿滋国际;reach for 伸手去拿;integral 完整的,整体的;crave 渴望;jostle for 挤掉;indulgence 嗜好,放纵;pernicious 有害的;metabolic 新陈代谢的;obesity 肥大。
1.        文化作品里经常出现零食的内容,在这之前已经有能量棒,水果棒什么的出现了,号称健康美味;
2.        M公司也加入了这场游戏,现在正是零食赚钱的时候,世界最大的零食集团发现因为疫情宅在家里的人更能吃零食;
3.        但零食真的越吃越健康吗?我们有时甚至把零食当正餐,零食的地位正变得跟正餐一样重要。美国人和英国人吃零食最多,但这个趋势是全球的,M公司报告2015-2017年全球零食增长了18%,这是一个代际的变化,也是生活方式的变化;
4.        千禧一代很喜欢零食,但他们不喜欢大牌子,小公司更受欢迎,比如A公司,与传统不同他们不在美味和健康间做取舍,A公司对客户群体非常了解:大多数人觉得零食的原料越少越好,不喜欢转基因脂肪和糖,喜欢“不含xxx”这种标签,同时他们也愿意为此多花点钱;
5.        对健康零食的喜爱改变了零售商,在一些超市健康零食侵占了传统零食的位置,碳酸饮料被扔到角落。这些健康零食看起来很健康,但经过测试,虽然写了不加糖,但其实含有15.9克糖/;卡路里也上来了,现在美国人有1/4的能量来源是零食,从开始的先吃一口垫一下变成了习惯;
6.        零食并不是完全有害,已经有研究证明经常嚼东西对新陈代谢有好处,另一项研究指出最好的饮食方式是三餐两顿零食。不过,所谓健康零食也不是那么健康,吃之前最好先看一眼。
阅读时长 8分钟


生词:Aztec 阿兹特克;topple 颠覆,推翻;exploit 利用,充分利用;envoy 使者;inevitability 必然性;thwart 挫败;supremacy 霸权;pent-up 被压抑的; resentment 愤恨;diplomacy 外交手段。
1.        西班牙殖民者只有几百人,却推翻了最强盛时期有2100万人的阿兹特克王国,原因有几点;
2.        第一个原因是西班牙人利用了阿兹特克王国的敌人,根据记录有一场战斗有20万美洲原住民参战对抗阿兹特克王国;第二,西班牙人的装备实在太好了,都是现代武器,比如加农炮迅速击垮了阿兹特克王朝的城墙;
3.        还有阿兹特克王国的内部原因,他们可以派出使者确保其他城邦不会帮助西班牙人,比如向他们描绘西班牙人的恐怖和必将来临的背叛;另外,阿兹特克人应该充分利用战场,没什么必要打传统战争,因为这正中西班牙人的下怀。阿兹特克人应该放他们入城,打巷战,这样西班牙人的现代武器就发挥不了作用。事实却是西班牙人用船坚利炮颠覆了阿兹特克王朝。
阅读时长 4分钟
发表于 2021-3-15 10:45:22 | 只看该作者
① 用一部电影的桥段来引出目前现状,即市面上有大量“健康零食”
② 之前就已经有公司从不健康的甜品零食公司向“健康零食”发展:Mondelez
③ 新冠促进了这些甜品公司的发展,且目前出现了“把零食当饭吃的趋势”
④ 目前食品行业趋势:小公司相比于老牌公司更抓住了市场的机会,推出“健康零食”迎合消费者对零食的需求+论据:Amplify的slogan
⑤ “健康零食”的兴起,传统不健康零食的衰落
⑥ 【负】“健康零食”其实不是真的健康,天然糖分和卡路里也很高
⑦ 【妥协】为零食正名:只要不是暴饮暴食把零食当饭吃,零食还是有好处的,推荐每天吃正常三餐和两次零食。
⑧ 【负】又转回负态度:零食的消耗上升和肥胖率挂钩

Aisle超市货架的过道(healthy snack aisle健康零食区) cult受欢迎的 be fooled into上当、受骗  carbs(carbohydrate)碳水化合物 confectionery甜食 spin off from脱离 crave渴求 a cornucopia of丰富的 A jostle for attention with B  A竞争掉B  permissive放任的 pernicious毁坏的
they are also cynical about corporations, weary of old brands and choosy about ingredients.消费者对公司、品牌以及成分的挑剔(be cynical about/ be weary of/ be choosy about挑剔)
Hunger for healthy snacks has produced a cornucopia of unusual treats to pop in the mouth. 对健康零食的强烈需求催生了大量目前流行的食物


Envoy 使节、代表 only to没想到会……
Despite the Spanish advantages, the Aztecs probably could have succeeded in defending their capital city of Tenochtitlan had they leveraged their incredible population base to increase their army’s size and ensured that no rogue cities would ally with Cortes.对过去的事情虚拟假设:(if) had done, could have done如果A好好利用他们的人口和安抚周边,就可以成功守卫自己的首都辣
No reason existed for the Aztecs to consent to a conventional battle which heavily favored the Spanish. A没有理由同意一个对S有利的传统战役
发表于 2021-3-15 11:00:35 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2021-3-15 11:20:03 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2021-3-15 12:18:37 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2021-3-15 13:45:16 | 只看该作者
insatiable:ADJ If someone has an insatiable desire for something, they want as much of it as they can possibly get. 无法满足的; 贪得无厌的
confectionery:sweets/candy, chocolate, etc. 甜食
amplify 放大扩大
英  [pəˈnɪʃəs]very harmful
英  [ˌmetəˈbɒlɪk] 美  [ˌmetəˈbɑːlɪk]
adj. 变化的;新陈代谢的
英  [ˈɒptɪməl] 美  [ˈɑːptɪməl]adj. 最佳的;最理想
英  [æŋst] 美  [æŋst,ɑːŋst] 焦虑;担心

文段1 用坏女孩的一幕来引出下文,各位认为健康的零食就是健康的吗?
文段2 引出主题: 现在人选择零食是功能性优于口味
文段3,4 进一步扩展,各大食品品牌因为顾客的选择,也投入大成本去经营健康食品
文段5,转折 但是这个现象是不是和坏女孩的那一幕一样 我们认为是健康实际还是贪吃呢,展开描述
文段6  讲述大背景零食已成为主流饮食
文段7  进一步阐述,零食在新生代中备受欢迎,但是新生代会对老品牌和成分挑剔
文段8,9  进一步阐述,新生代的零食品牌应运而生兼顾口味和健康
文段10,11 转折 新生代零食看上去确实是和传统零食不同,但是仔细研究会发现他们实际也是不健康的,而且因为一次性吃完的原因,一个小treat会变成一个吃零食的习惯
文段12 转折 但是零食也有一日多餐的好处,是可以实行的
文段13 转折但是我们必须小心零食的上升也伴随这肥胖率的上升,所以专家呼吁吃健康零食,并且看清楚零食的成分


animosity [ ,æni'mɔsəti ]
n.a feeling of ill will arousing active hostility
英  [ˈenvɔɪ] 美  [ˈenvɔɪ]
n. 使者;全权公使
英  [kənˈsent] 美  [kənˈsent]
* n. 准许,同意;赞同,同意;正式批准文件,批文;(古)一致,和谐
* v. 同意,准许;(古)赞成(意见、看法等)
pent up

* 抑制;幽禁

文章大意: 讨论为什么Aztec 帝国会在一次以多敌寡的战役中失败
文段2:解释说明有几个因素导致Cortes军队的胜利 1 是士气 二是武器
文段3:转折,尽管cortes有胜利的优势,Aztec也有抵御的能力只需要1 扩大A人数的优势2是说服邻邦不要结盟
文段4:进一步加强,另外Aztec也是本土打仗,Aztec根本可以不接受对西班牙有力的对决要求转而请Cortes军队进城以百档一这样就可以削弱他们武器的优势。但是最后因为西班牙的武器,Azetc的士气,和Aztec的不民主, 和这场非常规战役导致了战争的失败。
发表于 2021-3-15 14:25:56 | 只看该作者
【Summary】Snacking is trendy now. It changes people’s lives.
【Main ideas】
-Healthy snacks are trendy now.
-Mondelez, a snack group, intends to expand its healthy snack branches.
-The pandemic is a profitable time for snack companies since people frequently eat snack in lockdown.
-  Snacking has become an integral part of modern eating. It is convenient to snack when we’re rushing to work.
-Snacking is also a lifestyle: nowadays people demand several small meals and nitpick about brands and ingredients. (Example: Amplify) This demand changes the way how companies and supermarkets sell.
-Calories could mount up from healthy snacks
-Some studies have found that snacking has metabolic advantages. The “optimal pattern” includes two snacks per day.
-People should be mindful when they snack
confectionery 糕点糖果 糖果店
spun off ->Spin off
cynical 愤世嫉俗的;冷嘲的
weary 疲倦的;厌烦的
jostle 竞争,争夺;推挤
permissive(像permit) 许可的;自由的;宽容的
【Reading: 8min Notes: 38min】

【Summary】The passage analyzes how Cortes defeated the Aztec empire
【Main ideas】
-Cortes, with a small group of foreign fighters, defeated the Aztec empire that was strong and wealthy.
-Factors led the Cortes’ success: 1) Cortes exploited animosity toward the Aztecs and got help from the natives. 2) Cortes’ group had superior military equipment.
-From the perspective of the Aztec: they could defeat Cortes if they increase their army’s size and ensure no other cities ally with Cortes by telling neighboring cities about the horrors of Spanish conquest and inevitability of Spanish betrayal.
-The Aztec should take advantages from fighting in their territory.
-They should not take a conventional battle, and should allow Cortes into the city to weaken the power of Cortes’s weapons
Conquest 征服,战胜
Exploited 利用
Animosity 憎恶,仇恨,敌意
Thwarted  挫败的
【Reading: 6min  Notes:  25min   】
发表于 2021-3-15 15:03:38 | 只看该作者
Look before you eat from the healthy snack aisle

Main Idea
This article discussed the rising trend of consuming snacks and the profitable market behind them. It also informs the readers to be “snack mindfully”, since the so-called healthy snacks may not be healthy as you want them to be.

Paragraph Summary
P1-P2: Background - the rising popularity of healthy snacks

P3-P4: Introduction of Company M. Covid pandemic has brought tremendous revenues to Company M and P because of the rising snacking habits.

P5-P6: Contemporary lifestyles have cultivated snacking habits around the world.

P7-P9: The millennials generation is keen on snacks. Brands founded by millennials identified their snackers’ needs and created products around the needs.

P10-P12: Healthy snacks are more popular than ever but they may contain high sugar or calories that are not what you want. Examine the snacks and be aware of your intake.

P13: The metabolic advantages to nibbling regularly throughout the day.

P14: The global increase in obesity has accompanied the rise of snacking.
Conclusion: Be “snack mindfully”

Snacking need not be pernicious — some studies have found that there are metabolic advantages to nibbling regularly through the day, rather than overindulging out of hunger at mealtimes.

insatiable - v. (especially of a desire or need) too great to be satisfied 永不满足的
Confectionery - n. sweets or chocolate;a place where sweets or chocolate are made or sold
Rest on the answer - v. reply on 取决于
Cynical - adj. cynical about sth 愤世嫉俗的
Weary - adj. feeling or showing tiredness, especially as a result of excessive exertion or lack of sleep. 精疲力尽的
Cornucopia - n. the horn of plenty, was a symbol of abundance and nourishment, commonly a large horn-shaped container overflowing with produce, flowers, or nuts. 聚宝盆
Mount up - v. to increase over a period of time; to accumulate.
Permissible - adj. permitted
Pernicious - adj. having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way. 有害的
Angst - n. Concern 焦虑

阅读时间:4:48 mins
总结时间:30 mins
总时间: 35 mins

The conquest of the Aztec empire

Main Idea
How Herman Cortes lead the Spanish explorers to conquer the Aztec empire


Background + Question
C’s success -several factors - first & next
Despite.., A could have succeed
In addition, A should have exploited … & However,

P1: Background story of the conqeust of the Aztec empire by HC. The latest question: how HC manages to topple the A empire?

P2: Discussed the two factors that led to HC’s success with an example.

P3: Despite the Spanish advantages, what are things that the Aztecs could have done to win this battle.
Despite - 与以上段落观点不同

P4: Continue to talk about things the Aztecs should have done to succeed in this battle. Despite everything that the A could have done, the Spanish still won this difficult battle.
In addition - 与以上段落同一个观点
However - 转折,A可以做那么多事情去赢取这个战役,但是HC还是赢了

Next, the Spanish possessed superior military equipment in the form of European coons, guns, and crossbows, leading to effective ans efficient disposal of Aztec defense.

conquest  - n. the act of conquering a country, area, or situation 征服
Topple - v.  to (cause to) lose balance and fall down 翻到
exploit - v. utilize, to use something in a way that helps you 利用
animosity  - n. strong dislike, opposition, or anger
envoy- n. 使者
inevitability - n. Th 必然性
Consent to sth - v. give permission to sth
thwart - v. to stop something from happening or someone from doing something 阻拦
supremacy- n. the leading or controlling position 霸权
Pent-up - adj. Pent-up feelings are not allowed to be expressed or released.(感情)被壓抑的,被抑制的
Resentment - n. to feel angry because you have been forced to accept someone or something that you do not like 怨恨

阅读时间:3:15 mins + 笔记
总结时间:30 mins
总时间: 35 mins
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