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- 1970-1-1
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來, 我們一步一步來看。 首先, 我們馬上看題幹要問什麼, 好, 要支持原文邏輯。 既然要支持原文邏輯, 我們馬上要有三個想法
1. 找必要假設
2. 找其他例子擁有類似的邏輯關係
3. 刪除所有不相關的答案。
好, 原文邏輯看過一遍之後, 要馬上找到核心。
A. Ground cocoa beans can be stored for long periods before they spoil.- Weaken
喔~~有沒有可能有存貨? 既然有存貨又不會壞掉, 那價格絕對不會“在最近的將來”上升
B. Several European and North American manufacturers that use cocoa have recently improved their processing capacity.- Irrelevant, the processing capacity was not a bottleneck and thus improvement in processing capacity will not help.
處理巧克力豆的速度變快。 重點來了, 你有巧克力豆可以處理嗎? 沒有。 你處理速度變快了跟價錢有關係嗎?沒有。 有沒有關係呢? 沒有。
C. It takes new cocoa trees five or six years before they start bearing fruit.- Correct, this addresses the issue from supply side. What it means that people cannot increase the production of Cocoa in short notice and thus supply WILL NOT increase
啊原文不就有講到主要產區, 巴西跟西非因為天氣關係所以產量縮減嗎?然後如果要增加產量, 勢必要種樹, 可是種新樹又要等, 所以沒辦法立即的幫忙到現在產量, 那既然可預期的產量縮減, 而需求又上升, 價格不就自動上昇?
D. Governments in Europe and North America are likely to change current restrictions on cocoa imports. - Irrelevant, we have no idea how strict the current restrictions are. It may be that current restrictions are already very little. Also, we are told that demand and supply factors are driving up the prices.
改變到底是變好還是變不好, 題目沒說, 所以我們不要自己下定論
E. Historically, cocoa production has varied widely from year to year. - Irrelevant
所以呢? 有可能今年不好明年好, 也有可能今年好明年不好 ( 不必要啊)
Answer C