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发表于 2018-6-22 15:02:40 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
  •        1.Not all employment selection mechanisms that have a “disparate effect,” that is, that screens out a percentage of minorities or women      disproportionate to their presence in the relevant labor market, are unlawful.
(A) that is, that screens out a percentage of minorities or women disproportionate to
(B) which means, that screens out a percentage of minorities or women disproportionate with
(C) which means, that screen out a percentage of minorities or women disproportionate with
(D) that is, that screen out a percentage of minorities or women disproportionate to
(E) that is, that screens out a percentage of minorities or women disproportionate with
想请问一下that is是修饰disparate effect吗,which means不可以修饰吗?那后面的that screen out 是修饰mechanisms?如何判断的?
2.No less an authority than Walter Cronkite has reported that half of all Americans never read a book.
(A) No less an authority than
(B) Nonetheless an authority
(C) Nevertheless authoritarian
(D) Not less an authority than
(E) An authority not less than
3.New techniques in thermal-scanning photography, a process that records radiation from surface areas, makes it possible to study the effects of calefaction, or warming, of a river in greater detail than ever before.
(A) makes it possible to study the effects of calefaction, or warming, of a river in greater detail than ever before
(B) make it possible to study, in greater detail, the effects of calefaction, or warming, of a river than ever before
(C) have made it possible to study in greater detail than ever before the effects of calefaction, or warming, of a river
(D) make possible the study of the effects of calefaction, or warming, of a river in greater detail than it ever was before
(E) has made it more possible than ever before to study in greater detail the effects of calefaction, or warming, of a river
想请教下这里为什么要用have done的时态?还有怎么分析下这个句子?


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发表于 2018-6-23 02:22:48 | 只看该作者
说一下我自己的理解哇,不一定很对,仅仅是一个小参考哦~第一题肯定是不能用which的,因为在GMAT里,which专门指代前一个单词(99%的情况),如果你选which,那就是effect means that screen out blahblahblah,显然是没有道理的。整体来看,这句句子的结构是这样的:Not all mechanisms are unlawful。中间的that have…effect是修饰mechanism,这个很明显,后面一个that screen out…其实是一个补充修饰,对象还是mechanisms,至于两者中间的that is就类似于一个连接词~
 楼主| 发表于 2018-6-23 20:17:41 | 只看该作者
10287 发表于 2018-6-23 02:22
说一下我自己的理解哇,不一定很对,仅仅是一个小参考哦~第一题肯定是不能用which的,因为在GMAT里,which ...

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