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发表于 2018-2-4 14:20:48 来自手机 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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发表于 2018-2-6 20:17:19 | 只看该作者
楼主楼主 有人发了很多逻辑的狗!     
发表于 2018-2-7 13:33:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2018-2-7 21:17:56 | 只看该作者
Banafan 发表于 2018-2-7 13:33

发表于 2018-2-9 01:54:53 | 只看该作者
虽然不知道是不是因为要过年了,不过截止到2月8号的考试回忆,我一个一个的已经总结了28道CR题了。。。不是全部都有答案,也有一些可能是错误的, 不过非常感谢大家的分享呀。

发表于 2018-2-9 02:36:29 | 只看该作者
Angelawenxin 发表于 2018-2-9 01:54
虽然不知道是不是因为要过年了,不过截止到2月8号的考试回忆,我一个一个的已经总结了28道CR题了。。。不是 ...

求分享 逻辑君不知道去哪儿了
发表于 2018-2-9 03:35:33 | 只看该作者
CHUCKLAM 发表于 2018-2-9 02:36
求分享 逻辑君不知道去哪儿了

那个CR 的jj我粗略的Copy paste了一遍,连着能找得到的原文。我传不上文件,不知道为什么,实在是没时间等了。我就这样复制黏贴给你。麻烦你帮忙复制黏贴到word文件上,看看你能不能传可以么?
发表于 2018-2-9 03:37:25 | 只看该作者
v1.greek 的一种写字(??)方法是从XXX地方学来的 有从左往右和从右往左两种 但发现XXX地方从8世纪开始只有从右往左写并且持续了2个世纪 问assumption好像.       
Although the earliest surviving Greek inscriptions written in an alphabet date from the eighth century B.C., the fact that the text of these Greek inscriptions sometimes runs from right to left and sometimes from left to right indicates that the Greeks adopted alphabetic writing at least two centuries before these inscriptions were produced. After all, the Greeks learned alphabetic writing from the Phoenicians, and presumably, along with the alphabet, they also adopted the then-current Phoenician practice with respect to the direction of text. And although Phoenician writing was originally inconsistent in direction, by the eighth century B.C. Phoenician was consistently written from right to left and had been for about two centuries.
In the argument given, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?
(A) The first and the second each describe evidence that has been used to challenge the position that the argument seeks to establish.
(B) The first is evidence that forms the basis for an objection to the position that the argument seeks to establish; the second is that position.
(C) The first is evidence that forms the basis for an objection to the position that the argument seeks to establish; the second is a consideration that is introduced to counter the force of that evidence.
(D) The first and the second each provide evidence in support of the position that the argument seeks to establish.
(E) The first provides evidence in support of the position that the argument seeks to establish; the second is that position.

2. 瓶装水和自来水










  tap water原来是免费的,但受了污染,于是政府决定建立一个处理水的plant,但是处理出的tap water要收费吧,但tap water收费后价格比bottle water低。但是tap water在输送过来经过的pipe时又会受到污染。。。后面不记得了,大概是人们还是会买bottle water,问假设还是evaluate?

  我选的好像是bottle water经过的pipe不受污染??有点残,记不得答案的描述了


  改善水质的问题.某城市由于tap water被污染了.所以居民要去买bottled water.政府为了解决这问题.然后用了一个什么仪器的吧.以后买的tap water价格就会比bottled water的少.说这样以后,居民就会花少点钱在water上面啦.

  A.卖bottled water的有能力在稳住profit的前提下降低bottled water的价格.

  C.居民用bottled water的水量不会比他们用tap water是在其它方面用的多.


  tap water不好,很多人都花高价买bottle water.先在政府要建设water treatment工程,这样刻意使tap water变好,工程费用向用者征收,但平均只受bottle water的一半。所以预计在工程完了后,人们在water上的cost会降低。问削弱

  我选的是bottle water商可能会降价

*8. Germany's Petroleum
V1 解释:德国的石油十年快被开采完了,又不准备开发新能源。随着世界出口 量的增加,十年内石油要紧缺。但是专家预测德国不会没有石油用。为什么
V2 石油 10 年内要用完的这题我来补充选项吧这个比较实惠一点 一个是说这个国家的石油 production 收入是可以用来 import 它所需要的东西 一个是说这个国家还没有 developed refined oil 啥啥啥并且不久将来也不打算这 么做
LZ 选啥自己都不记得了....
P: Germany will run out of petroleum soon
A: Increase in population, usage without new development
C: Scholars doubt they will run out of petroleum
R: Possibly import? Change of gasoline to electric or economical preferred vehicles.
10. Dialogue between two people about museums
有个 A 说应该把所有有名艺术家的作品拆散了放到全世界博物馆,这样就算某 个博物馆出漏子,还有很多艺术精品留下来。
B 说,这不行,因为博物馆都有不同的 type,有"固有核心"的博物馆才能体现 文化价值。你这么放会让文化"死了"的。
P: Place the works of an artist and place them across different museums Argument: Disagree, will not reflect the true art's value
!!39. Political Media/Ads
政治广告变得很短,因为大家都不喜欢看长的广告.去年有一个人偏偏就做了一个 半小时的政治广告,结果发现很多都调到这个频道在看. 所以证明长的政治广告 还是受大家欢迎的. weaken
我选的是 E, 必须要证明这些人是不是几分钟后就调频了.
PREP1-093-削弱题型(GWD-21-Q38 different type) (24269-!-item-!-188;#058&000870)
Because it was long thought that few people would watch lengthy televised political messages, most televised political advertisements, like commercial advertisements, took the form of short messages. Last year, however, one candidate produced a half- hour-long advertisement. At the beginning of the half-hour slot a substantial portion of the viewing public had tuned in to that station. Clearly, then, many more people are interested in lengthy televised political messages than was previously thought.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
A. The candidate who produced the half-hour-long advertisement did not win election at the polls.
B. The half-hour-long advertisement was widely publicized before it was broadcast. C. The half-hour-long advertisement was aired during a time slot normally taken by one of the mostpopular prime-time shows.
D. Most short political advertisements are aired during a wide range of programs in order to reach abroad spectrum of viewers.
E. In general a regular-length television program that features debate about current political issuesdepends for its appeal on the personal qualities of the program's moderator.
答案:C 题干分析:题目讲到,一般人们都觉得没什么人会看很长的政治性广告的嘛, 所以这些广告就采用了短小的信 息。但是有一年一个候选人就播放了一段半小时的政治广告(看到这就乐了, 这题目出的多怨念啊。)结果发现,
在这半小时刚开始的时候,很多人还调台跳过去了诶。于是就说原来大家对这 么长的政治广告还挺有兴趣的嘛。 问削弱(一看题就知道问削弱,出题人很怨念。。。)
选项分析:A 那个候选人没有赢得选举。。。这是个无关选项(笑。。。出题 人真怨念)
B 在播出之前,这段广告已经广为人知了。这个还是和人们有没有兴趣无关, 排除
C 这个广告占用了一个很好看的节目平时播出的时间段。这个很容易明白是他 因削弱,因为大家都是看看到时间了就换台来看了嘛,打开一看,诶,怎么是 这个人在做广告。。。(从这里还发现,可能这就是为什么出题人这么怨 念。。)
D 很多政治广告都是安排在一系列节目之间,这个是无关选项。
E 通常长电视节目收视率取决于主持人。不关竞选者的事情。我们并不知道题 干中的长政治广告的主持人是好 还是不好。如果它的主持人很吸引观众,那么改选项有削弱作用,如果不吸引 观众,那么反而是加强了。排除。
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
A.The candidate's ratings improved significantly as a result of the half-hour-long political advertisement.
B. Political advertisements have become increasingly influential in determining voters' decisions at the polls.
C. Many people would appreciate the opportunity to become better acquainted with political candidates' views on current political issues.
D. Most people who are interested in political issues watch television regularly.
E. Most of the viewers who tuned in to the candidate's half-hour-long advertisement last year did not change channels after the first few minutes.
**16. Retirement and replacement (求考古) 貌似见过 GWD
一个公司一批人 department head 要退休了,年轻一辈儿中符合要求顶替这些 head 空缺的只有一半。但是公司既不打算在外面招人,又不打算削减 department 的数量,还不打算让一个 department head 负责两个 department。所 以来年有一些 department 没有 head,since_____________.
P: Some department heads are retiring, and the younger ones can only replace about half
C: Some department will not have a department head, they will not reduce the number of departments
A significant number of Qualitex Corporation's department heads are due to retire
this year. The number of employees other than current department heads who could take on the position of department head is equal to only about half of the expected vacancies. Oualitex is not going to hire department heads from outside the company or have current department heads take over more than one department, so some departments will be without department heads next year unless Qualitex ______.
A. promotes some current department heads to higher-level managerial positions B. raises the salary for department heads
C. reduces the number of new employees it hires next year
D. reduces the average number of employees per department
E. reduces the number of its departments
55. Fruit fly
还有就是果树上有苍蝇发现有某某 ant 苍蝇就会少农民伯伯决定引进 ant 来治 苍蝇好像是问加强
当时 LZ 时间不是很多了
选了一个说其他果树上 ant 多苍蝇也少(这个回忆不算靠谱大家自己看着办)
70. Ice Age
说地球表面在 ice age 经历了温度变化,物种有所变化,有灭绝啥的。但是在海 底因为温度没有变化,所以物种不会变化,但是最近一个发现表明海底物种也
有变化,所以可以得出结论海底温度也在变化。(超级鬼绕这道题) 问这个结论错在哪里? LZ 最后 narrow down 到两个选项:一个是它把充分当 必要;另一个是他忽略的其他有可能的原因(选了这个)
(解释)我怎么觉得是前一个答案呢? 温度变化导致物种变化<是文中陈述的事实>,温度变化就是物种变化的充分条 件;说物种变化所以温度一定变化,很显然是把温度变化当成了必要条件,但 是原文从第二句就错了,温度没有变化物种不一定不会变化,且物种变化不一 定需要温度变化造成,显然温度变化不是必要条件,所以第一个答案符合
84. Elevator limitation so employees stay fit
电梯,说要为员工和客户 keep fit,激励他们走楼梯,升降机就只停 5 和 8 层 了,但是货梯为了方便残疾人还是层层停的,这样的措施有效,问 assumption
答案:The fifth and eighth floor are not majority of workers and visitors to go, but 另外一個電梯, for the use of disabled and XXX, stops every floor.
Evidence: 为激励员工和客户 keep fit,激励他们走楼梯,电梯只停 5 楼和 8 楼
Assumption! 假设型--否定假设一定削弱 考古
V1 from Rayzero
有个公司为了帮助客户以及员工锻炼身体保持 fit。他们准备采取一个新的措 施,5-8 楼的电梯除了残障人士意外别人不能使用。(也就是强迫别人走楼梯) 问 assumption 是什么。我选的是 "公司这么做不会导致客户不来公司。" 这道 题貌似也是那里见到过的。
V2 from nkzhanglei 700+ 公司让员工和客户锻炼身体,选的不会使客户不来公司而打电话
V3 from turbulence 730
升降机,说要为员工和客户 keep fit,激励他们走楼梯,升降机就只停 5 和 8 层 了,但是货梯为了方便残疾人还是层层停的,这样的措施有效,问 assumption 1. 不会造成客户以后都打电话沟通,不来了
2. 货梯禁止普通人使用的规定不会被打破
3. 大部分的员工都不在 5,8 楼工作 我选了 3
V4 from dshimuro
我也選了大部分的员工都不在 5,8 楼工作, 但是我看到的選項更加的讓我確認 這是答案: 應該是 D, The fifth and eighth floor are not majority of workers and VISITORs go (這有包括了 visitor), but 另外一個電梯, for the use of disabled and XXX, stops every floor.
原本的題目選的不會使客戶不來公司是跟題目無關的. 題目的 conclusion 是 to make employee and visitor use stair more to keep them fit. 選項應該要 cover employees, visitor, and elevator.
CR 有一道题
有一题材料是OG上的原题,题目不知道有没有变。。关于希腊字母的 从左到右写啊从右到左写啊 B.C.8 B.C.10。。。
还有一道逻辑是讲两个真的犯罪率的,说是M town每百人还是千人遭到violent crime的可能性比parkdale 大,问削弱,我选的是两个地方人口基数不一样。
The violent crime rate (number of violent crimes per 1,000 residents) in Meadowbrook is 60 percent higher now than it was four years ago. The corresponding increase for Parkdale is only 10 percent. These figures support the conclusion that residents of Meadowbrook are more likely to become victims of violent crime than are residents of Parkdale.

The argument above is flawed because it fails to take into account

A. changes in the population density of both Parkdale and Meadowbrook over the past four years
B. how the rate of population growth in Meadowbrook over the past four years compares to the corresponding rate for Parkdale
C. the ratio of violent to nonviolent crimes committed during the past four years in Meadowbrook and Parkdale
D. the violent crime rates in Meadowbrook and Parkdale four years ago   (correct)
E. how Meadowbrook's expenditures for crime prevention over the past four years compare to Parkdale's expenditures
8.        员工健身医疗成本




考古: (不知是不是构筑说的还是只是类似题)

说一个公司想给他的员工们办健身和diet会员卡,先是介绍了这个公司有一群员工太胖了,另外一群员工in shape,就是身材很好。太胖的那些员工很容易生病啊,生病了就要花很多钱给他们治。于是公司决定给那些胖的员工们办健身program强迫他们去减肥。我记得好像是问assumption或者加强。
选项有 1. 那些身材好的员工健身时更容易摔倒,摔倒了也要花好多钱(我没选这个)
2. 给员工们报的健身项目和另一个训练很像。。。。(没选)
3. 强迫员工们去比他们自愿去效果差。。。

Personnel officer:  The exorbitant cost of our health-insurance benefits reflects the high dollar amount of medical expenses incurred by our employees.  Employees who are out of shape, as a group, have higher doctor bills and longer hospital stays than do their colleagues who are fit.  Therefore, since we must reduce our health-insurance costs, we should offer a rigorous fitness program of jogging and weight lifting to all employees, and require employees who are out of shape to participate.
The conclusion reached by the personnel officer depends on which of the following assumptions?
    A.A person who is fit would receive a routine physical checkup by a doctor less regularly than would a person who is out of shape.
    B.The medical expenses incurred by employees who are required to participate in the fitness program would be less than those incurred by employees who are not required to participate.
    C.The strenuous activities required of out-of-shape employees by the program would not by themselves generate medical expenses greater than any reduction achieved by the program.
    D.The fitness program would serve more employees who are out of shape than it would employees who are fit.
    E.The employees who participate in the fitness program would be away from work because of illness less than would the employees who do not participate.

狗主回忆与本题有一个出入,就是狗主说这个健身项目是给胖员工的,而本题是说给all employees的。Ron在解答加强题版本的时候说,B选项之所以正确,跟all employees有很大关系,因为"The program will be offered to all employees, not just to out-of-shape employees. Employees deemed "fit" won't have to participate in the program, but, according to choice B, a further diminution of health-care costs will ensue if they do participate."

8.        葡萄汁抗癌

说是grapejuice的事 说是可以抗癌 然后好像每年都有被评选是抗癌的饮品之类的 问削弱



澳大利亚:我记得答案里有 A:在grapejuice里含的对人体好的elements其实在别的水果里都有
                          B:一些癌症患者在抗癌期间有喝grapejuice 但在癌症发展期间没有

1)乐器都有7个音调什么的 然后发现了一个骨笛 上面只有4个孔 能发出第三个到第七个的音 BF(作者假设:这个笛子一定是断了 原来一定有能发出第一个到第七个音调的孔) BF(结论:不太记得了?)
答案:我选的是说第一个BF是作者的未经证实opinion 用来支撑他的结论 第二个BF是他的结论
Most of Western music since the Renaissance has been based on a seven-note scale known as the diatonic scale, but when did the scale originate? A fragment of a bone flute excavated at a Neanderthal campsite has four holes, which are spaced in exactly the right way for playing the third through sixth notes of a diatonic scale. The entire flute must surely have had more holes, and the flute was made from a bone that was long enough for these additional holes to have allowed a complete diatonic scale to be played. Therefore, the Neanderthals who made the flute probably used a diatonic musical scale.

In the argument given, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?

    A.The first introduces evidence to support the main conclusion of the argument; the second is the main conclusion stated in the argument.
    B.The first introduces evidence to support the main conclusion of the argument; the second presents a position to which the argument is opposed.
    C.The first describes a discovery as undermining the position against which the argument as a whole is directed; the second states the main conclusion of the argument.
    D.The first introduces the phenomenon that the argument as a whole seeks to explain; the second presents a position to which the argument is opposed.
    E.The first introduces the phenomenon that the argument as a whole seeks to explain; the second gives a reason to rule out one possible explanation.
说说 CR,我刚才看了黑狗兄发的高度重合库,但是我的CR好像一篇都没中。(买了ESR我的 CR 百分位是70%+,给大家做个参考)
Although the earliest surviving Greek inscriptions written in an alphabet date from the eighth century B.C., a strong case can be made that the Greeks actually adopted alphabetic writing at least two centuries earlier. Significantly, the text of these earliest surviving Greek inscriptions sometimes runs from right to left and sometimes from left to right. Now, the Greeks learned alphabetic writing from the Phoenicians, and in the process they would surely have adopted whatever convention the Phoenicians were then using with respect to the direction of writing. Originally, Phoenician writing ran in either direction, but by the eighth century B.C. it had been consistently written from right to left for about two centuries.  (考场中问得出结论的assumption是什么)
看了CR那个库 但是我好像一道都没有遇到啊
17 根据挖掘发现某个地方的出现bronze是1000BC左右 但是根据另外两个条件说出现bronze是在1500BC左右 问weaken
还有一道记忆有点混乱 不知道是IR还是CR
因为之前CBD洪水 把政府大厦冲坏了 现在要重新建一个政府大厦 arguer觉得不应该再在政府大厦不应该再在
CBD 大概意思是因为之后还会发生洪水 好像还有个原因 所以应该要建到CBD之外去 记得是weaken
2、这个因为有生词我看不懂不会做,理解得很乱,放点关键词看有没有旧题,说birds的e…这个单词真的不知道,说它飞过什么地方的时候要氧气,然后又jager turtle的e…又什么buried egg的地方微生物会消耗氧气之类的,不记得了,反正这题关键字就氧气,有jager turtle,有egg,有bird,有微生物

CR: 先放一个印象特别深刻的.背景描述我不记得是不是完全一模一样了,反正说的就是这么个事,大家先熟悉这个逻辑链,考试的时候如果遇到可以省下很多阅读时间。但是题型变了,具体是啥狗主也不太记得。
Because visual inspection cannot reliably distinguish certain skin discolorations from skin cancers, dermatologists at clinics have needed to perform tests of skin tissue taken from patients. At Westville Hospital, dermatological diagnostic costs were reduced by the purchase of a new imaging machine that diagnoses skin cancer in such cases as reliably as the tissue tests do. Consequently, even though the machine is expensive, a dermatological clinic in Westville is considering buying one to reduce diagnostic costs. Which of the following would it be most useful for the clinic to establish in order to make its decision?
A. Whether the visits of patients who require diagnosis of skin discolorations tend to be shorter in duration at the clinic than at the
B. Whether the principles on which the machine operates have been known to science for a long time
C. Whether the machine at the clinic would get significantly less heavy use than the machine at the hospital does
D. Whether in certain cases of skin discoloration, visual inspection is sufficient to make a diagnosis of skin cancer
E. Whether hospitals in other parts of the country have purchased such imaging machines
蚊子在死水中产卵。鱼吃蚊子卵。但鱼想活下去必须要有氧气。因此 只要放入鱼和植物,就能消灭蚊子了。问假设。我选的是植物不会给蚊子卵提供遮蔽。
一个地方郊区一直没有修通往城市中心的地铁,因为啥原因忘了好像是人口不够多修了也不赚钱?后来这个地区人口多了发展了,但政府认为还是没有修地铁的必要,因为郊区很多人都有汽车了,而且好像到地铁站比较麻烦还是啥。 问削弱。我选的是 城市里停车费越来越贵了。


26 逻辑考到了小孩和lead 但是变体 问的加强



一个说什么G地发现罗马人用的银盘子 但是貌似他们用P盘子的 结论是啥忘记了 又好像是blank题目 问为啥用银盘子不用P盘子


Rabbit_Carrot: 我选的是 P盘子比银盘子更容易被融化和reuse


A 当时的一起没办法从银币的重量来分析银的含量
B 有一小段时间,罗马帝国生产银含量很高的硬币
C 后罗马时期正值经济萧条,且银矿已经被挖掘得差不多了
D 说有些硬币有很高含量的银和铜聚集在表面,但铜的含量会随着时间分解,银不会。 (正确答案)
E 忘了,但肯定无关

2.        题目问:此结论的assumption? 答案:这种货币的银的成分不会因为时间而自然流失


发表于 2018-2-9 03:38:22 | 只看该作者
发表于 2018-2-9 04:58:47 | 只看该作者
Angelawenxin 发表于 2018-2-9 03:38

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